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A Mistletoe Kiss With The Boss

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“I had a boyfriend who used me to get to the princess.”

He studied her face again. “Taught you a lesson, huh?”

“And not a fun one.” Actually, the idiot had broken her heart into a million pieces, made her feel like a fool and caused her to decide love wasn’t for her. She would put her whole heart and soul into making Aasera’s dream a reality because that had purpose and meaning. Love? She wasn’t sure it existed, except for a few lucky people like Princess Eva.

“He used me to get to my boss, and when I figured it out, he said he wanted to marry me.” She shook her head. Though it had been years, it still hurt. “It was ridiculous how simple he thought I was. It taught me never, ever mix business with pleasure.”

He said, “Humph. I learned that lesson the hard way too.”

“You did?”

“It’s why Prince Alex hates me and why I also have a very strict policy about not mixing business with pleasure.”

“That should make tonight easier. I don’t want anything from you beyond what we’ve already agreed to.” She laughed lightly. “Except maybe a good time. I haven’t been out in forever.”

He nodded. The stern expression on his face softened. She swore he almost smiled.

“At the end of the evening, I’ll take back the bracelet.”

She said, “Good,” but she got a weird feeling, as if there was some kind of subtext to everything he said, and she didn’t have the code for it.

The inside of the car grew silent again. She wondered what had happened to him that he’d learned the lesson, especially since it involved Prince Alex. Had the prince approached him for a favor? Or used him? She couldn’t picture Prince Alex using anybody. Ever. It didn’t make sense.

She waited a minute, hoping Dean would resume the conversation and explain, but of course he didn’t. Curiosity wouldn’t let her brain rest. And the limo was so quiet. Too quiet.

“So what happened?”

He peered over at her. “Excuse me?”

“What happened? Who used you?”

“I don’t talk about my private life.”

“You might not, but knowing why Prince Alex dislikes you would really help me when I have to explain to the princess that I approached you.”

His gaze swung to hers. She didn’t know if it was surprise or annoyance she heard in his voice when he said, “Princess Eva didn’t send you?”

She shook her head. “It just didn’t seem right that you weren’t on the list of companies to try to woo to our country. Grennady is desperate to bring jobs for young people. And here you were with this great company and nobody was showing you what we had to offer. I was trying to do something good. I didn’t know Prince Alex doesn’t like you. When Princess Eva finds out I approached you, I’m screwed.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t tell her.”

She shook her head. “Not telling her would be a lie of omission. I can’t be dishonest.”

His eyes narrowed as he studied her face. “Which means you knew you’d be telling them eventually. So you probably had an explanation in mind. Why not use that?”

She shrugged. “My endgame was to be able to tell them you’d be visiting in January to consider our country as the new home for your company. And they’d be so happy that they’d be glad I took the risk.”

“I’m not coming to your country.”

“Well, I know that now. And I know that has something to do with your feud with Prince Alex—”

“It’s not a feud. He doesn’t like me.”

“Well, that’s just shocking, considering your sparkling personality and all.”

He laughed. “As if Alex Sancho is better.”

“He adores my princess. He works as hard as any employee in the palace. He’s kind to the staff. So, yeah. He’s a good guy.”

Dean sniffed. “He might be the happiest prince in the world now, but he wasn’t always a good guy.”

“I know that at one time he was sort of a playboy, gambler. I’m guessing the same is true with you. That you weren’t always this dry and stuffy. I’m guessing that whatever happened between you and Alex, it happened when you were young—” she sneaked a peek at him “—and foolish.”

He grimaced. “I was foolish, all right.”

She groaned. “Tell me, so I know how to apologize to the princess and her husband for overstepping.”

“Just say you’re sorry.”



CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_3e39a415-f48b-57dc-833f-920cf414c630)

THE NOTE OF finality in Dean’s voice told Kristen the conversation was over. To seal the deal, his phone rang.

Miffed that he always got his way, she turned her gaze to the window. New York City was a sort of blur as the limo sped down the street, then they stopped at a traffic light. Not only could she see the lights and tinsel, ornaments and pine branches that decorated streetlamps and buildings, but the city itself was huge and modern.

She’d noticed that on her shopping trip that afternoon, but New York City was such a far cry from Grennady that it once again stole her breath. The crazy feeling that she was in over her head tried to sneak in and ruin her confidence, but she wouldn’t let it. She might not be experienced, but she was educated.

And she had a goal to make Aasera’s wish a reality. She would have to be tough enough that one city or one guy’s opinion wouldn’t shake her. She also had to be able to face the princess and her husband on her own, to apologize to Alex for doing something he hadn’t wanted done.

She straightened her shoulders, sat taller in the limo seat. She could not—would not—fail because she let her confidence waver. She could do this.

When Dean finally hung up the phone, she didn’t care what had happened between him and Prince Alex. Taking responsibility for this trip and responsibility for contacting the one person Alex hadn’t wanted to be contacted was another step in her growth as a businessperson. Dean would probably call that lesson three, clean up your own messes.

Rather than endure the oppressive silence or let him think she was brooding because he wouldn’t tell her why Alex hated him, she said, “The city’s already decorated for Christmas.”

“Yes. We seem to start earlier every year.” He paused then said, “Have you never been to New York before?”

She turned from the window to face him. His serious dark eyes caught hers. The now familiar tingle skipped along her skin as they studied each other.

He was so gorgeous that it was hard to believe no woman had snapped him up. Of course his personality did leave a lot to be desired. He might be so handsome that she sometimes lost her breath when their eyes met. But he was a grouch. Her job tonight was to make him seem normal—maybe even likable. She had to remember that task and do it, not lose her breath or wish he was different.

“I haven’t been very many places. Except for university, I’ve been a homebody.”

“Yet you want to start a charity that would technically be global.”
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