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The Platinum Collection: A Diamond Deal: The Flaw in His Diamond / The Purest of Diamonds? / In the Brazilian's Debt

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‘Where’s the belt, Eva?’

‘The belt? I left it with my jeans. And if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, I can tell you now that a belt isn’t going to save this situation.’

‘Just get it, will you, and let me be the judge of that?’

Another order? She huffed and narrowed her eyes. But, hey, what harm did it do to go get the belt? At least she could prove him wrong.

He fastened the belt loosely round her waist.

‘Almost there,’ he murmured, slipping the neck of the tee off one shoulder.

She tried not to flinch when his hand brushed her neck, but a shiver ran through her as he brushed her naked flesh.

He stood back to take a look. ‘Just one more tweak—’

She gasped as he released her messy hair, allowing it to cascade in wild abandon around her shoulders.

‘Now look what you’ve done.’ She pulled a face as she tried to scrape her hair back.

‘Bellissima...’ Roman moved her hand away. ‘Now you’re ready.’

She swung away from him in fury. And caught sight of herself in the mirror. Goodness. She looked almost feminine.

‘From temperamental tomboy to pale, Botticelli waif,’ Roman observed with the irony back in his voice. ‘I’ve no doubt you’ll be the toast of the party.’

He’d be toast if he tried anything like that again. ‘I very much doubt it,’ she scoffed. ‘And if you’re trying to suggest that I look anything like Botticelli’s painting of the Birth of Venus—I’m not naked. And I’ve certainly no intention of standing in a shell.’

‘Just make sure you don’t stand on one when you’re down on the beach,’ he said, not the least bit fazed by her heated expression.

More mockery. More...everything. Wicked eyes...Fabulous teeth...Bad, bad sexy mouth.

‘Are you ready, Eva?’

For anything. ‘If you say so,’ she conceded grudgingly, somehow managing to drag her gaze away.

She pointedly ignored Roman’s offer to hook her arm through his and walked past him. ‘Thank you so much for helping me to style my outfit... It’s almost impossible to find a good stylist these days.’

‘Don’t push it, signorina,’ he growled somewhere far too close behind her.

Her spine tingled at his proximity, but if Roman Quisvada happened to be lifting one of his arrogant ebony brows right now, he could stick his courtly airs and graces where the sun didn’t—

‘You look great,’ he said, catching up with her easily, and matching his stroll to her purposeful stalk towards the stairs.

‘Thank you,’ she managed tightly. Her voice was about the only thing that was tight. Unfortunately for her, Roman gave great sensation in places she normally didn’t waste much time thinking about. Would blanking sensation even be possible with this man? To distract herself she fell back a few paces to see what all the fuss was about. Apart from obviously looking amazing, Roman Quisvada exuded confidence and moved with the ease of an athlete. He wore his thick, wavy black hair long, which she liked, especially when it was still damp and wavy from the shower—

‘Keep up, Eva. I don’t want to be late.’

She pulled a face behind his back as he started across the hall, but not before her senses had registered the curve of his sensual mouth as he turned his head to issue this instruction. He was certainly one arrogant piece of work. She had never encountered anyone like Roman Quisvada before—

‘Eva,’ he rapped, swinging the front door wide.

Did he have to stand waiting for her with his thumb tucked inside his belt with his long lean fingers directing her gaze to the main attraction?

‘Shall we?’ he invited mockingly.

Not if I can help it, she thought, having taken in the size of the attraction.

* * *

By the time they reached the beach it was already packed with party guests. Roman was greeted like returning royalty. Which was great for Roman and a whole new experience for Eva—especially the compliments she received from the men. Not for the first time since she landed in Italy, she was glad she spoke the language. It wouldn’t have been half so much fun if she hadn’t understood all their chat.

‘I feel like Cinderella at the ball,’ she admitted, hot-faced after the latest round of attention from a hunting pack of Roman’s male friends.

He didn’t seem too impressed. ‘My friends find you...intriguing.’

‘Because they haven’t seen me before?’ she guessed. ‘Or because they wonder what I’m doing with you?’

‘Neither. You’re attractive and they’re hot-blooded men with a healthy interest in attractive women.’

Attractive? She was attractive? That was news to her. And it was the first time any man had said that about her in her hearing. Stubborn. Argumentative. Competitive. Tempestuous. Or just plain stroppy—these were all labels she was familiar with. Could the ‘attractive’ label account for the black look Roman was giving his friends?


She wanted to smile.

‘Something amusing you?’ he said, turning back to her, frowning deeply.

‘No,’ she said, acting surprised. Seeing his face, she could almost believe Roman was jealous. That probably didn’t sound like much to a normal woman, but it was certainly unique in Eva’s experience. Men shied away from her in Skavanga, unless she was dressed in jeans and giving them a hard time, while here in the Med they flocked around. And, actually, she was quite enjoying it, especially as she knew she was at absolutely no risk at all—not from Roman and not from his friends. At least, not while he was around. Roman had made it quite clear that he was leader of the pack and no one trespassed on his territory.

As Roman chatted to some more guests who eyed her up speculatively, she toyed with the pretty belt and thought of her mother. Utta Skavanga had made no secret of the fact that she despaired of Eva ever developing feminine traits. And the harder she’d tried to instil her femininity in Eva, the more Eva had rebelled. She’d felt a failure compared to her beautiful sisters, and had chosen to become a tomboy instead. The tomboy she still was today.

Correction: the tomboy she had been until today. Trust an Italian to breathe life into that side of her. Roman’s innate flair had brought his friends flocking around.

‘Your friends are nice,’ she said when he turned back to her.

‘Nice?’ he queried, turning to see some of the men were still staring at Eva. ‘They’re unscrupulous villains, every one of them.’

She had to hide a smile seeing Roman glowering. Maybe he did care a little bit—

And now she was being ridiculous. Roman was a hot-blooded Mediterranean man, interested in every woman with breath in her body, because that was his default setting. But it was good to have his interest, if only for one night. It was new and different for her. And not unpleasant. Men generally showed an interest when they wanted her to change a tyre, so they didn’t get their suits dirty, or maybe to operate a heavy-lifting machine down the mine if someone wanted to go home early. Apart from that, her encounters with the opposite sex had been restricted to darts practice, snooker matches, and keeping score ringside at the gym, none of which exactly offered an opportunity to flex her femininity muscle.

‘And you didn’t need to be quite so friendly,’ Roman added, turning to give her all his attention.

‘And why do you care?’ she said, giving him the cold eye.

She waited in vain for some flattery.

‘I don’t care.’
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