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Claimed by the Desert Sheikh: The Sheikh and the Pregnant Bride / Desert King, Pregnant Mistress / Desert Prince, Expectant Mother

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Maggie said the words, then braced herself for a twinge. She and Jon had never gotten to the pet-sharing stage. But all she felt was pleasure for him.

“Sounds like things are getting serious,” she said. “That’s good. I hope you two are really happy together.”

“Maggie, I …”

“Jon, don’t worry about me. I’m fine. We’re over. We were over a long time before we ended things. I wish we could have seen that. I know we stayed together because of my dad and while I’m sure he appreciated the gesture, we weren’t doing ourselves any favors.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m not hurt. We had a great few years and I’ll always be grateful but we’re growing in different directions.” She knew he liked taking care of people and hoped Elaine enjoyed being taken care of by him.

Unfortunately things were not going to get easier for any of them.

“I want to talk to you about that last time we were together,” she said, hating that she had to bring it up.

“Maggie, don’t. We’re both to blame.”

“Me a little more than you.”

“I didn’t have to come over.”

“I made a pass at you,” she said, wishing it wasn’t true. “I seduced you.”

“I let myself be seduced. I guess we both wanted that one last time. My only regret is if it hurt you. Otherwise I’m glad we were together.”

Maybe he had been, but all that was about to change.

“You’re beating yourself up over nothing,” he continued. “Maggie, you have to let it go.”

“I wish I could,” she said softly. “But it’s not that simple.” She drew in a breath. “I’m pregnant, Jon. After we stopped seeing each other, I went off the pill. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen, so why bother? I just never thought about it.”

She paused to give him a chance to speak but there was only silence on the other end of the phone. She knew him well enough to imagine the shocked look on his face.

She decided to say the little speech she’d prepared while he was trying to figure out what the hell had just gone wrong with his life.

“I know this is totally unexpected,” she said. “Neither of us ever imagined this happening. But it did. I also know that you’re a total good guy and you’ll feel responsible. Jon, you’re not. I’m the one to blame and I’m the one who is going to deal with this.”

Now came the hard part. “I don’t want anything from you. I mean that. You have a life, a great woman and a future. Having a baby with me will only mess that up. I told you about the baby because you have the right to know, but that’s the only reason. I have no expectations. What I’m really hoping is that you’ll walk away and live your life. You don’t have to be involved. We can find a lawyer to write up some papers. You sign away all your rights and I promise to never come after you for money. Considering what has happened between us, it’s really the best decision.”

She paused again and there was still silence. She couldn’t figure out what that meant.

“I know you need time to think about all this. You’ve been blindsided by something really huge. Fortunately we have time.” She sighed. “I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“I know that,” he said at last, his voice low and thick with emotion. “Dammit, Maggie, are you sure?”

She winced. “I took three different pregnancy tests. They all came out positive. I’m sure.”

“I’m not blaming you,” he said. “Either of us could have walked away. I meant what I said before. I wanted that last time with you.”

“Just not the consequences.”

“I didn’t say that.”

He didn’t have to. In his position, she would be angry and confused. What to do? Where to go? What about Elaine?

“You need to think about what I said,” she told him. “About just walking away. I know it won’t be your first instinct, but it’s the right thing to do. I’m perfectly capable of raising a child on my own.”

“You need to come home.”

Uh-oh. Was he going to get all parental on her? “I’m fine. I’m perfectly healthy. If you’re worried about the baby, I can find a doctor here.”

“You need to come home,” he repeated. “Not for the doctor, but so we can get married.”

Chapter Ten

Qadir walked into the usually quiet garage and watched as Maggie threw tools into the large open box on the floor.

“Just so damn stupid,” she muttered. “Does anyone care about my opinion? Noooo. I just want to beat him with a stick.”

She threw more tools as she grumbled, her expression tight with annoyance, her movements jerky. She was on fire and he found himself attracted to her temper.

“Someone has annoyed you,” he said.

She turned and glared at him. “Yes, someone has. A man. You probably don’t want to be here today, what with you being a man and all. I’m angry enough not to be picky about who I yell at.”

He laughed. “You do not frighten me.”

“Because I’m a woman, right? What is it with you men that you think you know better?” She pointed to his crotch. “It’s just excess flesh, you know. It’s not the great repository for all knowledge. Since when did being a man make you an oracle?”

She was all fire and rage. Both her passion and beauty excited him.

“I did not claim to be an oracle,” he told her. “I said I am not afraid of you.”

“You should be.” She picked up a large wrench. “I could do a lot of damage with that.”

“Yes, you could.” He walked over and removed it from her grasp, then set it on the desk. Still holding her hand in his, he rubbed her fingers. “What happened?”

“I talked to Jon.”

Qadir did not respond. Better for Maggie to tell him in her own way.

She drew in a breath. “He’s just so annoying. His stupid superior attitude. Like he has all the answers. I hate that.”

“And him?”

“I don’t hate him, but I want to smack him upside the head. He’s convinced he knows best. Since when does he get to be in charge of my life? Hello, it’s my life. Mine. Not his. But will he accept that? I’ll give you one guess on that question.”

Qadir had not been pleased to know that Maggie would have to tell the other man about the baby, but there was little choice in the matter.
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