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Unstoppable: Love With The Proper Stranger / Letters To Kelly

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Jonathan Mills was different from all of the men she’d ever known. Including Trevor. Maybe especially Trevor.

“I’m really sorry about this,” he murmured as they reached the stairs that led to her deck.

“Can you make it up here?” Mariah asked.

But he’d already started to lower himself down so that he was sitting on the third step. He shook his head. “Can you do me a favor?”

“I can try.”

“Call my assistant at the resort. His name’s Daniel Tonaka. Room 756. Will you ask him to come and please pick me up?”

“Of course.”

Mariah took the steps up two at a time, leaving Princess sitting and worriedly watching her master.

It didn’t take long to make the phone call. She woke Daniel Tonaka up, but he snapped instantly awake. She gave him directions, and he told her he was on his way. Mariah had to wonder. Did this happen often?

She poured a plastic tumbler of iced tea as she spoke on the phone, then carried it back to the deck. “It shouldn’t take him much more than ten minutes to get over here from the resort....”

Jonathan Mills was no longer sitting on the stairs. He wasn’t on the deck, and she would have seen him if he’d come into the house…

Down in the sandy yard, Princess barked sharply. Mariah went halfway down the stairs and then she saw Jonathan.

He was crumpled in the sand, out cold.

At first she thought he was dead, he was lying there so completely motionless. She set the glass of iced tea down on the stairs but knocked it over in her haste to get down to him as quickly as possible.

She found the pulse in his neck beating slowly and steadily and she breathed a sigh of relief. His skin was warm and the stubble from his chin felt rough against her fingers. When was the last time she’d touched a man’s face? Surely not an entire five years, back before Trevor finally left? Still, she honestly couldn’t remember.

“John,” she said softly, trying to rouse him but not wanting to shout in his ear.

He groaned and stirred, but didn’t open his eyes.

Mariah could feel the early morning sun already beating down on her head and her back. “John,” she said again, louder this time, touching his shoulder. “Come on, wake up. We’ve got to get you out of the sun.”

He was a large man, but Mariah was no lightweight herself, and she was able to hoist him up by taking hold under both arms. As she dragged him toward the shade, he roused slightly, trying to help her. He opened his eyes, but quickly shut them, wincing against the brightness of the sun.

“God, what happened?”

“I think you fainted,” she told him.

There was a bit of shade at the side of the house, and he sank to the ground.

“Can you sit up?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Still dizzy.”

He lay on his back, right there on the sandy ground. His eyes were closed, and he had one arm thrown across them as if for added protection from the brightness. There were bits of gravel and sand stuck to the side of his face, and Mariah gently brushed them off.

“John, I’m going to go get some cold towels,” she told him. “Don’t try to stand up, all right?”

“Yeah,” he managed to say.

Mariah dashed back up the stairs and into the house. She grabbed two hand towels from the linen closet, stopping only to dampen one with cool water in the kitchen sink.

Jonathan hadn’t moved when she reached him, but he did open his eyes again at the sound of her footsteps. “I’m really sorry about this,” he said. His eyes were so blue.

Mariah sat down next to him, lifting him slightly so that his head was off the hardness of the ground and resting instead in her lap. She pressed the cool towel against his forehead and he closed his eyes. “I really hope whatever this is, it’s not contagious.”

Another flash of blue as he looked up at her. “It’s not. I’m…not contagious, I promise. I haven’t been sleeping that well and… I’m really sorry about this,” he said again.

Someday their children would marvel at the story of the way they’d met....

Where had that thought come from? It had simply popped into Mariah’s mind. Their children? What was that about? Still, she had to admit, this made one heck of a good story. They meet on the beach, and he turns green and passes out. It certainly was different, at any rate.

“I don’t know what happened,” he admitted. “I was sitting on the steps, and I was positive I was going to get sick to my stomach, so I stood up and…” He laughed, but it was painful-sounding, embarrassed. “I don’t think I’ve ever fainted before.”

He seemed to want to sit up, so Mariah helped him. She could tell with just one touch that he was a mass of tension, a giant bundle of stress. She could feel it in his body, in his shoulders and neck, even see it in the tightened muscles in his face. Gently, she massaged his shoulders and back, wishing she had the power to teach this man in one minute all that she’d learned in the past two months, all the relaxation techniques and stress-reduction exercises that had helped her.

“God, that feels good,” he breathed.

“There’s a licensed masseur at the resort,” Mariah told him. “You should definitely schedule some time with him. You’re really tense.”

He was starting to relax, the tightness in his shoulders melting down to a more tolerable level. He sighed and she saw that his eyes were closed as he sat slumped forward, forehead resting in his hands.

“Don’t fall asleep yet,” Mariah leaned closer to whisper. “I think your friend just pulled up in front of the house.”

Her lips were millimeters away from the softness of his ear, and on a whim, she closed the final gap, brushing her lips gently against him in the softest of kisses.

His eyes opened again, and he turned to stare at her, as if she’d taken a bite out of him instead.

Mariah felt her cheeks heat with a blush. Obviously, she’d finally lost her mind. It was the only explanation she could come up with, the only reason she had for kissing this stranger who’d fainted in her yard.

But his eyes seemed to soften as he saw her blush, and with that softness came an almost haunting vulnerability.

That vulnerability was something she instinctively knew that he usually kept hidden. He kept a lot hidden, she knew that, too. There was quite a bit about this man that she recognized, that seemed familiar.

“Wow, John, are you okay?”

Daniel Tonaka was a man of slightly shorter than average height. But he was stronger than his lean build suggested. He leaned over and easily helped Jonathan to his feet.

Daniel looked at Mariah. “What happened?”

“I don’t know.” She shook her head, gracefully rising and helping Daniel support John as they headed toward his car. “He walked out here from the resort, along the beach. We were talking, and then suddenly, wham-o. He started to sweat and then he passed out.”

“I just need some breakfast,” John insisted as they helped him into the passenger seat. “I’m all right.”

“Yeah, man, you look about as all right as roadkill.”
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