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Just Breathe

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Sarah Moon tackles life's issues with a sharp wit in her syndicated comic strip, Just Breathe.With both Sarah and her cartoon heroine undergoing fertility treatments, her fiction often reflects her reality. However, she hadn't scripted her husband's infidelity. In the wake of her shattered marriage, Sarah flees to the coastal town in California where she grew up. There, she revisits her troubling past: an emotionally distant father, the loss of her mother and an unexpected connection with Will Bonner, the high school heartthrob skewered mercilessly in her comics. But he's been through some changes himself.And just as her heart is about to reawaken, Sarah makes a most startling discovery.She's pregnant. With her ex's twins.The winds of change have led Sarah to this surprising new beginning. All she can do is just close her eyes… and breathe.
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