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Marrying Daisy Bellamy

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Finally he pulled back, but only far enough away to say, “I love you, too, Daze. I always have. I’m sorry I didn’t say it first.”

She felt dizzy, as if she were still flying. “I’m not sorry.” She sank against his chest, feeling exhausted, as if she’d run a mile. It was one of those flawless days on Willow Lake, the water perfectly still down to its mysterious depths, and the wind so quiet, she could hear both their hearts beating. Being here with him made her feel safe and protected, as if no harm could ever come to her.

They kissed some more, their mouths lazing and lingering like wordless promises. Daisy was filled with a soaring sense of liberation at having spoken her truth—and the stunning joy of knowing he returned her love. She wished the moment could last forever, but slowly, inevitably, he pulled back. Placing a tender kiss on her forehead, he whispered, “What time are you supposed to pick up Charlie?”

Charlie. Her beloved reality. “Logan’s flexible,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

“I’m not ready to share you yet,” he said, “not even with my favorite rug rat.”

Her thoughts flickered to the conversation she was supposed to be having with him. “Then I’m all yours for a while longer.”

“Good.” He took an insulated green bag out of the cargo bay. “I brought lunch.”


He laughed. “I know, right? Romance at its finest.”

“Did you, like, look this up online, under ‘how to organize the perfect date?’”

“What, you don’t think I could’ve thought of this on my own?”

“The plane, yes. But a picnic?”

“Okay. I had help with that.”


“I kind of became a favorite of the dining hall ladies. They like guys who eat a lot.”

“Then they must be totally in love with you. I’ve seen you eat, Julian. It’s … epic.”

He set the bag in a skiff that was moored to the dock. Then he took her hand and helped her in.

“I assume you have permission to use the boat.”

“Ma’am, I’m an officer in the United States Air Force. Stealing is no longer an option.”

“You planned this.”

“Yeah. Didn’t want to leave anything to chance today.”

There was a feeling she always had around him, something she’d never found with any other person. It was a sense of complete and utter joy, mingled with freedom. There were many people she loved in her life, but no one she loved like this. A part of her wanted to explain it to him, to share that, but not now. One day, maybe.

The trouble with her and Julian was that “one day” for them was hard to pin down. Impossible, really. That was the conversation they needed to have. She didn’t want to say it and spoil this perfect day.

She shook off the thought and settled in the bow of the boat, facing backward. She didn’t know where they were headed. Didn’t really care. Bracing her arms behind her, she tipped back her head and shut her eyes to enjoy the soft warmth of the sun on her face.

“I feel like Cleopatra.”

“Yeah? That worries me. Romance didn’t really work out for her,” Julian pointed out.

“Did you say romance? Is that what you’re doing—romancing me?” Daisy sat up straight and watched him row. She was mesmerized by the powerful build of his shoulders, the easy extension of his muscles, reaching back and forth as he propelled the boat through the water.

“I’d like to think we’ve evolved since the days of Cleopatra. And I’d definitely like to think I don’t have her quirks.”


“Okay, her personality flaws.”

“You don’t have any flaws, Daisy.”


“Except maybe bad timing.”

She fell silent. Here was an opening, then. “Um, about that. My timing. Our timing. Julian, I meant what I said earlier. I love you. I always have, but I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“Scared we’ll never get a chance to be together.”

His rhythmic strokes didn’t falter. “Never is a long time.”

“Just trying to be realistic.”

“Were you being realistic when you said you loved me?”

“I was being completely honest. I can’t help myself. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re going far away—”

“That’s temporary.”

“How temporary?”

“I can’t say.”

“I can. When you’re done in Colombia, they’ll send you someplace else.”

“Active duty doesn’t have to mean continual deployment. Air force families move from posting to posting. The system works. It just takes some planning.”

“That’s easy to say, but I have to think about Charlie.” She hugged her knees to her chest. “My little boy is my whole world.”

“I understand that. I know how hard it’s been for you, raising him alone.”

“Do you?”

“My friend Sayers once told me air force training is a tea party compared to being a single mom. She was raised by a single mom.”

“It’s hard, but … in a different way.” She wondered if the direction of the conversation had ruined this magical day. Julian was clearly in a romantic mood, and bringing up the topic of her son by another man might put a damper on things. But they should be able to talk about Charlie and not feel like the entire day was ruined.
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