Decoding of the number 7.25. Reverse it – 527, flip 2 in 5 – 557, put 1 in front and get 1557 – year of battle.
Quatrain 2.79 Will subjugate proud people
La barbe crespe & noire par engin,
Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:
Vn grand Chyren ostera du longin,
Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.
The beard curly and black of weapons
Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will exempt from far away
All of captives under the banner of Selin.
The first line is probably about Philip II, king of Spain. He had a black and curly beard. Of course, many rulers had beards at that time. Line 3 is clearly about Henry II (Chyren-Henryc), who fought with Philip for the possession of Italy.
Cruel and proud people perhaps are the Moriski, whom the Spanish king converted to Christianity and subjugated to himself. It is also possible that these are Italians. Under the peace treaty in Kato Cambresi 1559, almost all of Italy, with few exceptions, came under the rule of Philippe II.
3-4 lines are obout the liberation of all the French from Spanish captivity in 1559 by Henry II, after the conclusion of the peace. Numerous French nobles were captured by the Spaniards at the Battle of Saint-Quentin in 1557 and were there for almost 2 years.
Possible decoding of number 2.79. If 2 to consider as 2000, 9 to flip in 6, then 2000-76=1924. 1924+1=1925. Turn 2 over in 5, the numbers to rearrange and get 1559 – year of the liberation of captives.
Quatrain 1.35 Henry II
Le Lyon ieune, le vieux surmontera,
En champ bellique par singuliere duelle,
Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera,
Deux classes vne, pour mourir mort cruelle.
The young lion will overcome the older one
In a field of combat in single fight:
He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage;
Two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death.
Henry II (1519-1559) – was a king of France starting 1547 from the Angouleme line of Valois. This quatrain is the most famous prophecy by Nostradamus, that came true during his lifetime. It brought him fame and favor of the Queen. Henry's widow made him a court astrologer and physician. Nostradamus warned the king of the danger of knightly contests. But Henry did not attach importance to it, and the prediction came true.
Lines 1, 2: in honor of the wedding of the daughter Elizabeth and the Spanish king, Henry arranged a three-day knight tournament. On the second day of the holiday, he decided to take part personally. He had a duel with the Earl of Montgomery, who was 11 years younger. The spear of the Earl broke down on the helmet of the enemy. The splinters of the spear pierced through the helmet into the forehead and eye. After several painful days, Henry II died on July 10, 1559 from blood infection.
This quatrain is marked * as deciphered by the prophet's contemporaries.
Linkage with other quatrains: 6.63, 10.55, 4.47, 1.52, 10.95.
Decoding of the number 1.35. If 1 to consider as 1000, 1000-35=965, 6-1=5; then by swapping the numbers we get 559 – the year of tournament.
Quatrain 3.55* The death of Henry II
En l'an qu'vn ?il en France regnera,
La court sera en vn bien fascheux trouble:
Le grand de Bloys son amy tuera,
Le regne mis en mal & doute double.
In the year that one eye will reign in France,
The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:
The great one of Blois will kill his friend,
The realm placed in harm and double doubt.
The 1 line: In 1559 Henry II king of France accidentally lost his eye at the knight's contest.
The 3 line: The wound was fatal, and a few days later he died. His adversary, the guard officer Earl de Montgomery was born in Lorges, not far from Blois. There was no hostility in the contest. It was a part of the entertainment wedding program. Montgomery became the instrument of Fate. The king asked to not punish him. Later, the earl took an active part in religious wars on the side of Protestant. After being captured, he was executed by the the order of Catherine de Medici. So the Queen avenged her beloved husband.
Lines 2, 4: Weak and painful Francis II, became the new king. In fact Catherine de Medici ruled the country. With her husband alive she was removed from reign. The unrest began in France, the Huguenots revolted in the south.
Linkage with other quatrains: 1.35.
Decoding of the number 3.55. If last 5 flip in 2 and consider as 2000 then 2000-35=1965, 6-1=5, 9 is put at end we get 1559 – the year tournament.
Quatrain 6.63* Catherine de Medici
La dame seulle au regne demeurеe,
L'vnic estaint premier au lict d'honneur
Sept ans sera de douleur explorеe,
Plus longue vie au regne par grand heur.
The lady left alone in the realm
By the unique one extinguished first on the bed of honor:
Seven years will she be weeping in grief,