After having discovered his origin.
Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,
Of a great Roman with sign of Medusine.
The 1-2 lines are associated with quatrain 1.95 with the french word trouve – a foundling, who became king Louis XIV. Here says that he was the son of a priest, but not of a king. If 9 to flip into 6 in the number, then 684 or 683 may be the year when the secret of paternity was revealed. Louis XIV's theory of the divine right of kings given to them at birth fell apart like a house of cards. In 1683 the prime minister Colbert and the first wife of the king, Maria Theresa died. Maybe one of them revealed a secret?
In 1684, by order of the king, the port of Genoa was heavily bombarded by the french fleet. In 1689 the Palatinate was devastated for the second time (first – in 1674). On this territory, villages and cities, even churches, were burned, the population was completely destroyed.
The last 2 lines could not be decrypted. Sign of Medusa-Gargon was on the banners of the 2nd Roman triumvirate: Augustus, Anthony, Lipid.
Quatrain 9.38 Suppression of Huguenots
L'entree de Blaye par Rochelle & l'Anglois,
Passera outre le grand Aemathien,
Non loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois,
Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien.
The entry at Blaye for La Rochelle and the English,
The great Macedonian will pass beyond:
Not far from Agen will wait the Gaul,
Narbonne help beguiled through conversation.
The city of Bly is located on the banks of the Gironde which has access to the Bay of Biscay. In 1689 a fortress was built to protect against Protestant supported by the British. La Rochelle was a port on the shore of the Bay of Biscay and a stronghold of Huguenots. In 1628 this fortress was taken by the army of Louis XIII despite the support of the Huguenots by 80 British ships. In 1685 Louis XIV abolished the Nantes edict, which gave Protestant freedom of religion. This led to a mass migration of Huguenots. In 1689 the Huguenots who fled from France formed the city of Nouvelle Rochelle (New Rochelle) in the North America.
In 1702 an uprising of peasant protestant broke out in the south of France. It was headed by Jean Cavalier. In 1704 he entered into negotiations with Marshal Villars. Having believed in the promises, he betrayed his movement and took the king’s side. This is predicted in the last line. All the cities listed in the quatrain are in the south of France, where the Protestant movement lasted the longest.
Probable decoding of number 9.38. If 8 to consider as 8000, 8000-39=7961, 7+1=8, then replace these numbers we get 1689 – the year when fortress was built.
Quatrain 5.97 The captive will suffocate
Le nay difforme par horreur suffoque,
Dans la cite du grand Roy habitable:
L'edit seuere des captifs reuoque,
Gresle & tonnerre Coudom inestimable.
The one born deformed suffocated in horror,
In the city where of the great King habitable:
The severe edict of the captives revoked,
Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.
The great king is Louis XIV, who lived in Paris. The Bastille Prison is in the same city. There, the twin brother of the king died in 1703. He spent 34 years in prisons. To hide the resemblance, a mask covered his face always. There is a version that he suffocated. The king personally controlled this prisoner, paid a lot of money for his maintenance and secrecy. The masked man was kept in strict isolation and secrecy. He had only one jailer Saint-Mar always. They had moves together from one prison to another. After the death of a masked man, all his belongings were burned.
Decoding of the number 5.97. If 5 to flip into 2, to rearrange the numbers – 729, 729+1=730, rearrange 30 – 03, 1 to put in front, then we get 1703 – year of the twin's death.
Quatrain 8.5 Death of Louis XIV
Apparoistra temple luisant orne,
La lampe & cierge a Borne & Bretueil,
Pour la Lucerne le canton destorne,
Quand on verra le grand Coq au cercueil.
There will appear a shining ornate temple,
the lamp and the candle at Borne and Breteuil.
For the canton of Lucerne turned aside,
when one will see the great cock in his shroud.
Presumably, the first line is about the magnificent palace of Versailles, built by the initiative of Louis XIV.
Borne is a small town in the Netherlands, Breteuil is a town in Normandy, Lucerne is a large city in Switzerland, Canton is an administrative district of France.
The 4th line is about the death of the great king of France Louis XIV.
Linkage with other quatrains: 4.93.
Probable decoding of number 8.5. 80-5=75, if 1 tk put between 75, then we get 715 – year of death.
Quatrain 3.15 The realm will change
C?ur, vigueur, gloire, le regne changera,
De tous points, contre ayant son aduersaire:
Lors France enfance par mort subiugera,
Le grand regent sera lors plus cдрузьями.
The realm will change in heart, vigor and glory,
In all points having its adversary opposed: