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Estaba anocheciendo. Adapted story for translation from English into Spanish and retelling. © Linguistic Reanimator

Год написания книги
The book consists of an exercise to translate a story, adapted according to the methodology © Linguistic Reanimator, from English into Spanish; and of 2 exercises for retelling of non-adapted English and Spanish versions of the same story. Exercise 1 has the key. The story contains 942 English / Spanish words and phrases. By complexity, the book corresponds to levels B1 — B2. It’s recommended for people studying English and Spanish, as well as for native English speakers learning Spanish.
На сайте электронной библиотеки Litportal вы можете скачать книгу Estaba anocheciendo. Adapted story for translation from English into Spanish and retelling. © Linguistic Reanimator в формате fb2, rtf, pdf, txt, epub. У нас можно прочитать отзывы и рецензии о этом произведении.

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