I didn’t usually live in the country in summer.
I didn’t often go to my friend.
My granny and I didn’t go to the river several times a week.
Besides, I didn’t learn English three times a week.
Sometimes my granny and I didn’t walk in the forest.
Ключ к упражнению 3
Did you usually live in summer in the country?
Did you often go to your friend?
Did your granny and you often go t the river?
Did you learn English, besides?
Did your granny and you sometimes walk in the forest?
Ключ к упражнению 4
Where do you usually live in summer?
How often do you go to your friend?
Where do your granny and you go several times a week?
Where do you learn English, besides?
Where do your granny and you sometimes walk?
Ключ к упражнению 5
Who usually lived in the country in summer?
Who often went to his friend?
Whose granny went to the river several times a week?
Who learned English three times a week?
Whose granny sometimes walked in the forest?
Ключ к тесту
Maybe, my granny will buy me a gun.
Sometimes my granny and I walk in the forest.
Once upon a time, when I was little, my parents and I went to the shop.
My father will give me a boxing pear.
I often go to my friend.
That time I could only run but I could not brake yet.
Soon I will have my birthday.
I usually live in summer in the country.
I had to be more careful then.
Группа времён Continuous [континиус] (продолженные)
Группа характеризует действия несовершенного вида в будущем, настоящем или прошедшем, произошедшие на континууме (отрезке времени) в будущем, настоящем или прошедшем времени.
Сигнальные слова для Future Continuous и Past Continuous
C – до, на протяжении, в течении, весь вечер, все утро, целый день, так долго, несколько часов.
Сигнальные слова для Present Continuous: сейчас, в данный момент.
Future Continuous Tense (будущее продолженное время) [фьюча континиус тэнс]
Схема сказуемого
Упражнение 1
Переведите на английский язык.
Я (I) [ай] буду лепить (make) [мэйк] снеговика (a snowman) [э сноумэн] целый день (all day long) [ол дэй лонг] зимой (in winter) [ин уинта].
Моя (My) [май] бабушка (granny) [грэни] будет поливать (water) [уотер] цветы (flowers) [флауэрс] завтра (tomorrow) [тумороу] весь (all) [ол]вечер (the evening) [зивнинг].
Моя (My) [май] собака (dog) [дог], которую (whose) [хуз] зовут (name is) [нэйм из]Боня (Bonia), будет играть (play) [плэй]в (-)догонялки (catch up) [кэч ап] весь день (all day long) [ол дэй лонг].