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2.Yogurt (de yogurt) 1.dreams (sue?os)

Danya sat (sentarse) on (en) the windowsill (… alfеizar) looking (mirar) at (-) the stars (… estrella..).

It was already late (ya ser tarde), high time to sleep (la hora de dormir), but (pero) he did not want (querer).

It (eso) happened (suceder) practically (prаcticamente) every day (todos los d?as).

Mom and Dad (mamа y papа) were preoccupied (estar preocupado..) with (por) this (ese) issue (problema).

They consulted (consultar) the best (… mejor..) doctors (mеdico..) in the city (… ciudad),! the men of medicine (los hombres la ciencia mеdica).

They prescribed (recetar) various (vario..) pills (p?ldora..) and potions (pociоn..) to the (al) boy (ni?o), but it didn’t work (eso no funcionar).

Just (justo) at that time (en ese momento) Danya’s grandmother (… abuela de Danya) came (venir) to visit them (a visitarles).

One late evening (una noche), when (cuando) Danya, instead of (en lugar de) going to bed (estarse acostado), was watching (mirar) the stars (… estrella..), she quietly (en silencio) entered (entrar en) the room (… cuarto), sat down (sentarse) in (en) the armchair (… sillоn) and (y) asked (preguntar):

– Do you like (te gustar) the stars (… estrella..)?

– Yes (s?), granny, I really (realmente) love them (los amar), it seems to me (me pareccer) that (que) 2.there are (haber) 3.so (tanto..) many (-) secrets (secreto..) and (y) mysteries (misterio..) 1.in the night sky (en el cielo nocturno).

I like (me gustar) to look (mirar) at (-) the stars at night (por la noche) and dream (so?ar).

– What (?Con quе) do you 2.usually 1.dream (so?ar / o – ue) of (-)?

– I don’t even know (Ni siquiera saber) how (como) to explain this (explicarlo), I just (solo) sit (sentarse / e – ie) and dream about (con) nothing (nada).

And my (mi) soul (alma) is so pleased (estar tan complacida) by it (por eso).

– But (pero) it’s probably (probablemente) not very interesting (no ser muy interesante) to dream about (con) nothing. – she wondered (dudar).

– Well (bueno), I apparently (aparentemente) didn’t mean it (querer decir otra cosa).

For example (por ejemplo), I’m looking (mirar) at (-) a star and (y) think (pensar / e -ie) what (como) it will be like (ser) if (si) you approach it

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