She was told that then they were beeing taught English.
You were told that they were beeing preparing for the test for several hours.
They were told that Marta had already been written almost everything to.
He was told that I had been taught German at school.
She was told we had usually been taught from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You were told that I had been prepared for exams before I entered the
They were told that at school I had been taught English for several years until I entered the university.
Ключ к тесту 6
He was told that Mark would be sent for the next day.
They were informed that he had been told to work in that office all the morning. She was told that the work would be done until it was completed properly.
You were told that the next day Mark would be offered to work in that office all the morning until he did everything properly.
She was told that Monica was offered to work as an economist.
You were told that she was currently working on on the financial report.
They were informed that the work on the project had been underway for several hours.
He was told that many data had already been verified.
She was told that we had lived in the USA.
They said that we had been waited for there for one hour.
You were told that we had been living there for some time before we moved to Spain.
Ключ к тесту 7
I wouldn’t be sure that Mark will come here tomorrow.
I would be sure that you will be working in this office all morning.
We would be sure that you will have worked until you do everything properly.
They wouldn’t be sure that tomorrow Mark will have been working in this office all the tomorrow until he does everything properly.
If I didn’t know it for sure, I would never say that Monica works as an economist.
If I did not know the real situation, I would assume that she is now working on a financial report.
If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that she had been working on it for several hours.
If we asked her, how is the work going, she would assure us that she has already verified many data.
If we did not know their history, we would probably say that they have lived in the United States.
If we had other information, we wouldn’t say that they were living there for a year.
If we were asked, we would say that we had been living there for some time before we moved to Spain.
Упражнение 1 (1142 слова)
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Йогуртовые сны
Даня (Danya) сидел (sit*/ sat) на (on) …подоконнике (windowsill) и смотрел (look) на (at) …звёзды (star..).
Час уже был поздний (it be*already late / was, were), и давно пора было спать (high time to sleep), но (but) он не хотел (want).
Так (it) повторялось (happen) практический (practically) каждый (every) день (day). Мама (Mom) и папа (Dad) были (be*/ was, were) очень обеспокоены (be*preoccupied) этим (with this issue).
Они (they) обращались (consult) к (-) …самым лучшим (best) врачам (doctor..) в …городе (city), к (-) …светилам медицины (men of medicine).
Те (they) прописывали (prescribe) разные (various) пилюли (pill..) и микстуры (potion..) (to) …мальчику (boy), только (but it) они мало помогали (not work).
Как раз (just) в это время (at that time) Данина бабушка (grandmother) приехала в гости (come* to visit them / came).
Однажды поздним вечером (one late evening), когда (when) Даня вместо того, чтобы (instead of) лечь спать (going to bed), наблюдал (watch) за (-) …звёздами (star..), она (she) тихо (quietly) вошла (enter) в (-) …комнату (room), села (sit* down / sat) в (in) …кресло (armchair) и спросила (ask):
– Тебе нравятся (like) …звёзды?
– Да (yes), бабуля (granny), очень нравятся (I really love them), мне кажется (it seem.. to me), (there be* / am, is, are) столько (so) всяких (many) тайн (secret..) и загадок (mistery..) в …ночном (night) небе (sky).
Я люблю смотреть по ночам (at night) в небо и мечтать (dream).
– О (-) чём же (and what) ты обычно (usually) мечтаешь (about)?
– Даже не знаю (I not even know), как это объяснить (how to explain), просто (just) сижу и мечтаю не о чём (about nothing).
А на душе так приятно от этого (and my soul be* so pleased by it).
– Так ведь (but), наверное (it be* probably), не совсем интересно (not very interesting) мечтать не о чём. – засомневалась она.
– Ну (well) я (I), видимо (apparently), не так выразился (not mean it).
Вот (-), например (for example), смотрю (I look) на (at) какую-нибудь (a) звезду и думаю (think), какая (what) она (it) будет (be), если (if) приблизиться (you approach) к (-) ней (it).