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Navy Seal To The Rescue

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“Me?” He shrugged, the movement making the muscles of his chest and shoulder ripple. “Just a guy on vacation.”

“No. That policeman called you a hotshot. What he’d said about you thinking you can handle things better than the cops, what’d that mean?”

“Civilians sometimes get pissy when dealing with guys with Special Ops training.”

Special Ops training?

“What branch?” she choked out.

“SEALs,” he said, giving her a curious look.

Lila could only shake her head.

No freaking way.

Mr. Tall, Sexy and Gorgeous was a SEAL? A Navy SEAL?

With her luck, he’d served on the same team as her brother. Probably the same squad. He’d have met her father, been honored by one of Adrian the elder’s kiss-ass dinner parties. Even, God help her, golfed at the club.

Tears—as much from fury and frustration as from self-pity—burned her eyes.

The events of the day won, she decided.

She couldn’t take any more.

Her legs were wonky. Too wonky to hold her up any longer. Uncaring that it was the same spot she’d seen a body fall, she dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around her torso, hoping the pressure would hold in the pain.

* * *


She was going to fall apart now?

Right here, on the floor where she thought she’d witnessed a murder?

Striding over to the tiny refrigerator in the corner, Travis shook his head. He’d never understand women. She’d thrown herself at him, all but climbing inside his skin.

Not that he had much problem with that, he decided in retrospect. She’d fit damned nice, and all that hair of hers was a silky temptation.

He yanked open the wobbly door of the stained appliance and grabbed a water. Twisting off the cap, he walked back and held it out, waiting in silence.

Lila shifted so her head was resting against the wall instead of on her drawn-up knees. The movement threw her face into sharp relief, the flickering overhead light angling down, accenting that full mouth, with its slight overbite. The curve of her cheekbones and the deep hollows beneath. She’d closed her eyes so her thick lashes fanned out over those cheeks, giving her a look of vulnerability that tugged at his gut.

Then she pulled in one long, deep breath that made her blouse slide temptingly across her full breasts.

And he got a tug a little south of his gut.

Then she did it again.

And Travis realized that yes, indeed, bum knee or not, he was alive and well.

By her third breath, he had to suck in one of his own.

He wasn’t the kind of guy who liked to see people fall apart—especially women. But it was pure pleasure to watch her pull herself together.

Still, enough was enough.

“You got a grip on yourself yet?”

“What?” When those lashes fluttered open, her eyes were fogged with confusion and pain.

“Just checking. Are you finished with that meltdown?”

“Meltdown?” she snapped, pushing to her feet. She slammed her hands on her hips while her face curved in fury. She had a wicked glare, one he figured would cut a lesser man to the quick. But his ego was made of steel.

So he just grinned.

“Yeah. You were crying and babbling and seeing things. In my book, that reads like a meltdown.”

“I saw a man killed,” she said, each word clipped and precise. “I heard the bullet, the sound of it piercing his flesh. I watched his body fly backward, bleeding and ripped. I heard men cussing before one of them aimed that same gun at me.”

She stepped forward and poked a sharp finger into his chest.

“So if I had a meltdown according to your stupid book, then I figure I’m due.”


Travis couldn’t stop smiling.

Well, what d’ya know, he realized with surprise, downing the water she’d ignored. As the icy liquid poured down his throat, he gave thanks.

Because, oh, yeah. He still had a libido.

“Okay,” he said after debating the merits of keeping her riled up versus being a gentleman. “Anyone who saw that sort of thing would have a right to melt on down.”


“You, in this case.” Not interested in arguing the point, he shrugged. “How much time passed between your supposed escape and mowing into me?”

“I don’t know,” Lila said, sounding a little frantic as she shook her head. “A few minutes, I suppose.”

“Factoring in the five or so minutes it took you to reach me on the beach, then to calm down and make sense—”

“You mean for you to quit bitching about being knocked over and listen to me.”

“And the five minutes it took us to walk to my place. I called the cops, we met them here within ten minutes, give or take,” Travis continued, ignoring her. “Less than a half hour, all told.”

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