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A SEAL's Kiss

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“Right. Like I’m dumb enough to believe that?” He fell into the easy, teasing banter, knowing the faster they reestablished those friendly boundaries, the faster his body would get the message.

“Aww, you sweet talker, you.” Her eyes, a few shades lighter than her swimsuit, danced with glee. But they were shadowed, hinting at worry and stress. Two things he’d never associated with Sage.

“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, glancing behind her at the people slowly making their way toward them.

“Like I said, I didn’t realize you were going to be home so soon,” she told him, frowning a little as she too looked at her posse.

Since he hadn’t realized he was coming home either until that morning when he’d changed his flight from Aruba to San Francisco, he was sure that was true. But that wasn’t what was bothering her.


“I’m sorry, babe,” she said, a hint of something in her husky tone that put his senses on full alert. “I know you wanted to keep it a secret. But I’m so bad at that kind of thing, and when Dad asked, I just had to tell him our news.”

“What news—” Before he could finish his very reasonable question, Sage threw herself into his arms with enough force to catch him by surprise.

Not over the move.

He’d come to expect anything and everything from his mentor’s daughter over the years.

But over the desperation that had her body tight and her hands shaking as they curved over his shoulders. She was in trouble. And not simple trouble, this time. His body tensed, his hands going to her waist as much to comfort as to hold her in place so he could inspect her face.

As soon as he touched her, tiny explosions of need shot through him. Ignoring them, he tried to read her expression and figure out why she was pretending to be happy when she looked so deeply miserable.

Lucky for him his body was good at multitasking.

“What’s going on?” he asked, his words low.

He looked at the small crowd gathered behind her. Before he could ask why everyone was wearing a cheesy grin and staring like he’d just won a Nobel Prize, Sage moved even closer.

Plastered that sweet—oh, God, she felt so sweet—body against his in a way guaranteed to command his full attention.

Then, before he could push her away or even demand an explanation for the crazy public behavior, she planted that full, usually babbling mouth on his.

And Aiden forgot everything.

His demand for information.

His reasonable argument.

Her tongue slid, hot and tempting, over the seam of his lips.

And he straight-up forgot his own name.

* * *


Aiden Masters wasn’t just hot to look at, Sage realized as she sank into the hard expanse of his chest.

He was hot to kiss, too. And tasty.

Her mouth moved over his with as much curiosity as delight.

How much had he learned in the last ten years?

And how much of that learning would he be willing to show her? Despite the way his body had stiffened—and not in a way that a girl hoped for—she still wanted to find out.

Mmmm. She let the sensations sweep over her, breathing in Aiden’s scent, crisp and heady over the smell of chlorine and fresh-mown lawn. Her fingers slid, just a little desperate, over the round hardness of his biceps, and she shivered a little wondering what else he had that might be just as hard.

This was Aiden. They were friends, which meant there were boundaries that should be respected. That she shouldn’t be thinking this kind of thing about him, or doing this kind of thing to him, didn’t matter. This was for show, and sometimes putting on a show meant getting into the role. Besides, her body was desperate for a distraction, her mind more than willing to shut down its freaked-out thoughts while she reveled in a little sensual delight.

Before she could revel too much, or find out what other hard things he had to offer, Aiden pulled away. She almost pouted at the loss of his mouth. The cool sweep of air made her shiver as he put distance between their bodies.

Before she could protest, or do anything else that would most likely embarrass them both, Aiden tilted his head behind her. As if freed from a spell, the murmurs and laughter of her guests hit her with a reminder of why she’d blurred that boundary.

“We should talk,” she said in a low, husky whisper, hoping anyone who heard would take it as sexy talk.

“Ya think?” His words were pure sarcasm, but the indulgent amusement in Aiden’s hazel eyes warmed her like a friendly hug. He might be irritated, and with good reason, but he’d go along.

She had to get him alone to explain, though.

Which wouldn’t be easy, she admitted as they were suddenly surrounded by people.

Nerves, something she’d rarely felt until this last week, gripped tight. Sage took a deep breath, trying to envision soothing energy pouring over her. But between the expression on Aiden’s face and the bodies crowding around, all she got was more nerves.

Didn’t it figure that the one day she’d been unable to handle the company of her own thoughts any longer, Aiden showed up. This meeting—and explanation—would have been so much easier without an audience.

“Hey, I’m gonna steal Aidan away for a while,” she said, turning to face the crowd with her fingers tightly wound around his. To everyone else it probably looked like they were holding hands. But Sage, and probably Aiden, knew it was to keep him from stealing himself away.


“So cute.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Sage rolled her eyes, gripping Aiden tighter when she felt him start to pull away.

“You guys don’t mind, do you?” she asked, her tone making it clear that it didn’t matter if they did or not. “Go ahead and enjoy the pool. We’ll join you later. Maybe.”

With that, and to a roar of laughter and suggestive words, she tucked her arm into Aiden’s and pulled—or yanked, rather—him around the house toward the lanai.

“Wonder who’ll teach who the most? The soldier boy or the party girl?”

She tugged harder on Aiden’s arm when his footsteps slowed, not sure if he were more likely to take offense at being called a soldier instead of a sailor, or the implication that she was a slut.

Probably the slut thing. Aiden had beat a kid up in the fifth grade for calling her stupid. Then there was the time in high school when some guy had thought there was a direct correlation between Sage studying art and her need to see guys naked.

“C’mon,” she murmured. “Just ignore them.”
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