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It Takes Three

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“Did you tell him you knew this because you’d recently used one yourself?”

Thea shook her head. “He was in a state of shock and didn’t ask how I could read it.”

“And if he had?”

“I’d have told him it’s none of his business. My pregnancy has barely gotten off the ground. In my experience, it’s bad luck bordering on a jinx to talk about it until I’ve successfully completed the first trimester.”


The tone of that one word said she was crazy and superstitious.

“Connie, don’t you go judgmental on me. You know better than anyone why I feel this way. In vitro fertilization is personal and private. I’ve done it twice and twice I thought I was pregnant. The first time, I told everyone. Strangers on the street, people on the phone, it didn’t matter. And then I lost the baby. I had to go back to everyone I’d told and relive the pain of losing a child over and over. But once wasn’t enough. I did it again because apparently I’m incapable of learning from my mistake. Third time’s the charm. I won’t do it again. Especially because I’ve got all my eggs in one basket. So to speak. I have no more eggs, at least none that are fertilized.”

“I’m aware of that. And, by the way, that was quite a speech.”

“It’s from the heart, Con. If I lose this baby, too, it will be like losing my husband all over again.” She took a deep breath to relieve the sudden pressure in her chest. “I promised David I would make sure part of him went on.”

“And you’ve done that,” Connie said, sympathy lacing the words.

“Not yet. Not until this child is born. To do that, I will not breathe a word to anyone—”

“What am I? Chopped liver?”

“You’re my best friend. I had to tell you. Besides, you’d have known. Sort of a best friend ESP.” She shrugged. “But I will not discuss this baby with anyone else until the first trimester is under my belt.”

“So to speak.”

“Yes.” Thea reluctantly gave in to a smile.

“Not even your family?”

“Especially not them. Mom and Dad can’t be emotionally involved until the risky first three months are done. They were crushed the other two times and I don’t want them hurt again. Or my brother and sister, either.”

“You don’t need to protect everyone, Thea.”

“Not everyone. Just my family, including this life inside me. Con, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want children. Even when I was a little girl, I was drawn to babies. When I see a pregnant woman, or someone with kids in a stroller, the yearning to have one is so powerful, it’s almost a pain inside me. Does that sound crazy?”

“Yes.” Connie tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear. “But I understand. If I’d never had a couple of little misery-makers, I know I’d feel as if something was missing from my life.”

Connie’s choice of words belied the fact that she was a devoted wife and mother. She’d been Thea’s rock through everything: when Thea and David were trying unsuccessfully to conceive; the subsequent exams that indirectly led to discovering his cancer; freezing sperm so they could have children following his chemotherapy; remission; the two IVF attempts that were unsuccessful and so incredibly heartbreaking; David’s relapse and death. Now this one last try.

“I will do anything,” Thea said, “to insure the success of this pregnancy.”

“And I’ll help in any way I can.” Connie made a gesture, as if she were zipping her lips.


Connie grinned. “So tell me about Scott Matthews.”

“He’s got baggage, big-time.”

“Who doesn’t?”

“You, for one.” Thea toyed with the diamond-studded heart on a delicate chain around her neck. “He’s raised his two girls on his own—a father for the first time at twenty. It was an enormous responsibility and he was understandably upset to learn his daughter used a pregnancy test. And concerned she’ll repeat his history.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of information.”

“I guess he felt comfortable talking to me. That happens sometimes with a complete stranger.”

“And how would you know that? Sharing information isn’t something you do,” Connie pointed out.

“And you know why. When David was sick, I found out the hard way that sharing details can be a huge mistake.” One she didn’t plan to repeat. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.

“Still,” Connie said, “there’s something different about you since I last saw you.”

“Probably the pregnancy glow,” she said wryly. “Although I think that’s an old wives’ tale. I haven’t got the energy to glow.”

“Don’t be so sure. There’s a sparkle in your eyes. Could it be because of Scott Matthews?”

“I think someone’s been whacked with the whimsical stick,” Thea said. “I’m the same as usual. Besides, Scott joked about wanting to be alone when his daughter goes to college. But I think many a truth is spoken in jest.”

Thea could tell him, alone wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be. She wouldn’t share that with her friend and give her any ideas. But the truth was, as a caterer, she cooked for many people, but no one special. There was no one waiting for her at home, no one to take care of, no one to talk about her day with.

“No one’s whacked me with anything,” Connie said. “I just know you. What does Scott Matthews look like?”

“Oh, come on—”

“Humor me.”

Thea let out a big sigh. “He’s tall. Dark hair. Blue eyes.”

“Not bad. What does he do for a living?”

“Kendra told me he’s a building contractor,” Thea answered. “And if his house is any indication, he does all right financially.”

“So you had this communication thing going on, yet you’re blowing him off?”

“He was annoyed that I met with his daughter behind his back. For Whom the Bell Toils didn’t get the job. I have no reason to see him again. That doesn’t constitute blowing him off. There’s nothing to blow off.”

She heard the ding-dong from the reception area indicating someone had come in the front door. “Anyone here?” The voice was decidedly masculine.

“I’ll get it,” Connie said, untying her apron.

“No. I’ll go. Saved by the bell.” Thea stood and grinned at her friend. “Now I know how Kendra felt when her father started in on her.”

Thea walked through the door and was surprised to see the father in question standing there. Her stomach did a funny little shimmy. She knew it was too early for that movement to be about the baby. So it had to be all about Scott Matthews. She hadn’t expected to be attracted to a man again. She’d thought that part of her had died with her husband.

She smiled at Scott. “Hello again.”
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