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His Enemy's Daughter

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‘Come,’ he directed and he walked away, expecting Gareth to follow. Soren strode a short distance away from the others and stopped, turning to face Gareth.

‘How long have you served as commander of the guard here in Alston?’ he asked.

‘For nigh on ten years,’ Gareth answered.

‘Have you received word or instructions from kith or kin about the forces of William and the war?’

‘Nothing until your message arrived last week, not since before the battles in the south.’

‘All of England is now under William’s control. Those Saxons who yet resist are being run to ground and exterminated like the vermin they are,’ Soren explained, trying to make the man understand that resistance was futile.

‘Even your boy-king has sworn allegiance to William and been shown lenience and respect.’ He watched the man listen to his words, but his eyes did not show acceptance. ‘Make peace with that or you and those who support the rebels will be crushed.’

Gareth neither accepted nor rejected his words, he just narrowed his gaze and then blinked. Soren’s outriders had found traces of rebel camps not far from the edges of his lands and Soren would do everything in his power to wipe them out. No urge within would force him to allow the rebel leader Edmund Haroldson to escape, if sighted or encountered again. Not like his friends had done—allowing softer feelings towards their wives to interfere with their duty to eradicate the enemies of William from the face of the earth. Soren had hardened his heart and would never let a woman stand between him and his duty.

‘Stephen, take him to Father Medwyn’s clerk and have him make a list of all who died due to his foolhardy attempts to keep me from my lands.’

Gareth fought against Stephen’s hold, shaking his head at Soren’s commands.

‘I will not betray my lady,’ he said boldly.

Soren laid him out with one blow.

‘Do not think to naysay my orders,’ he said loud enough for all to hear and so that none could mistake his claim. He shook out his fist, relaxing the hand that had delivered the punch. ‘I am lord here now and answer to no one, save my king. You are but a prisoner whose life and death I hold within my grasp.’ Soren turned and walked away, leaving Gareth to consider his decision. His patience was at an end.

Chapter Seven

Sybilla tried to allow the silence to swallow her, but her mind began to spin out questions now that he had left. Why did he have to ask her to think or to care when she just wanted to be sucked down into the quiet darkness that threatened all around her? Why had she even asked about the dead? Sybilla knew it had been a mistake and that was confirmed only minutes later.

Just when she thought she might finally banish those questions, his voice carried through an open window into her chamber. When those in the yard quieted, as they did now, his deep, strong voice rumbled as though he stood next to her.

He raged and threatened again. There in the yard, he enforced his will on those unable to resist it. Her head pounded with pain and she rubbed her forehead, trying to ease it.

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