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Kitty’s War

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1917. Kitty Maitland has found a safe and welcoming home at Dark River Farm, Devon, and is finally beginning on a path to recovery after her terrible ordeal in Flanders … until the arrival of two very different visitors threatens to rip her new little family apart.One, a charming rogue, proves both a temptation and a mystery – Kitty is still trying to push her hopeless love for Scottish army captain Archie Buchanan out of her mind, and this stranger might be just what she needs. But she soon discovers he’s not a stranger to everyone.The other newcomer, a young woman with a past linked to the farm, sows seeds of discontent and mistrust. Between the two of them, and the choices Kitty herself has to make, Dark River becomes a place of fear, suspicion and danger. Can it ever return to the haven it once was?Don't miss this sequel to Evie’s ChoicePerfect for fans of Nadine Dorries, Dilly Court and Annie Murray.Previously published as Daughter of Dark River Farm.
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