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The Last Good Knight Part V: The Last Good Night

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“It is,” Lance said.

“Then there is some hope. I know the judge you had—Hawkins? Hate that self-righteous bastard. He sides with the mothers in 95 percent of his cases no matter what the circumstances. I can suggest a good attorney, and we’ll get your case moved to another judge. We’ll have to petition the court for a new hearing based on new circumstances—”

“What new circumstances?” Lance asked. “Nothing’s really changed.”

“Considering your fitness as a parent was called into question, you’ll probably need a psychiatric evaluation, a thorough one. Once the psych eval clears you of being an unfit parent, then you’ll have plenty of ammunition in your fight.”

“I can do that, definitely. You think it’ll work?”

The judge nodded. “Yes. Once we get you in a new courtroom, which I can handle, and your attorney presents your psych eval and any other new evidence...should at least get you joint custody.”

“That’s all I want. I don’t want to take Maya from her mom.”

“That attitude is the right one to have. This battle is for your daughter, not against your ex-wife. A bad attitude can doom a case. But speaking of dooming a case...”

Judge B. turned his gaze from Lance and onto Nora.

“What?” Nora asked. “What did I do this time?”

“You exist,” Judge B. said.

“That’s not my fault,” Nora said. “I didn’t ask to be born. Which is good because my mother probably would have said no.”

The judge gave a tired, nervous laugh.

“My dear...I could not be more grateful that you exist,” he said. “But am I correct in assuming this young man is slightly more than just a bodyguard?”

“We did have sex today. A lot of it,” she admitted without shame.

“That’s going to be an issue.” The judge looked from Nora to Lance. Nora felt her stomach starting to tighten with fear.

“How much of an issue?” Lance reached out and took Nora’s hand. The touch comforted her, but her stomach remained taut with worry.

“A big one. This beautiful young lady lives and works on the outskirts of legality. She assaults people for money and is paid in cash, probably under the table.”

“I take the Fifth.” Nora’s stomach knot twisted tighter.

“Does he know the rest?” the judge asked her and Nora winced.

“No. Not yet.”

“There’s a rest?” Lance looked at her with a gaze that said “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” “You mean more than you being a professional Dominatrix?”

“Sort of,” she said.

“More than sort of.” The judge walked over to his bookcase and ran his hands along the spines. He pulled out a rather battered-looked paperback novel. Nora held her breath. “Here you go, son. Ever read the books by this lovely lady?”

Lance stared at the cover. “The Runaway by...Nora Sutherlin. Nora, you write books?”

“I am exercising my right to remain silent.”

“Guilty on all charges. And I might throw the book at you.” Judge B. tossed her book at her. “Even if no one in the courtroom knew about Miss Nora’s moonlighting as a Dominatrix, it’s public record that she’s an erotica writer.”

“I had no idea you were famous,” Lance said, looking both impressed and concerned.

“I’m a writer. I’m the opposite of famous.”

“Infamous,” the judge supplied. “Shall I tell him what the book’s about or will you?”

“I write my own copy all the time. I’ll do it. It’s loosely based on the story of Daphne and Apollo, except in this case Daphne is a sixteen-year-old girl who lives in a group home and is being pursued by the handsome older off-duty cop who accidentally killed her violent twin brother while restraining him during a fight. It’s actually a sweet love story. You know, apart from all the statutory rape.”

Lance buried his face in his hands.

“In a child custody case, everything is evidence including the works of fiction written by the father’s new girlfriend.”

“You’re not helping my case here, Judge B.” Nora pointed her finger at him. He raised his hands in surrender.

“You wanted the truth and my help. I’m simply telling it like it is.” The judge sighed heavily. “Of course, it does get worse.”

“Worse?” Lance’s eyes widened in horror. “What’s worse?”

“The lovely Miss Nora works for Kingsley Edge who I assume you also work for, yes?”

“Yes,” Lance said, his lips tightening into a thin line of worry.

“Kingsley Edge is the last person in this city you want to be involved with when fighting for custody of a child. No matter his virtues as an individual, his enterprise is slightly... What’s the word I’m looking for?”

“Illegal,” Nora said, swallowing a hard knot in the throat.

“More than that,” the judge continued, “it’s dangerous. With that much money involved, that many important people who have a lot to lose are involved...let’s just say it’s not going reflect well on you to be on his payroll.”

“So I quit the job?” Lance asked. Nora could hear the disappointment in his words, the reluctance.

“You’ll have to if you want your daughter back. You’re no longer in the Navy?”

“No. Medical discharge. Honorable discharge,” he said.

“Were you awarded any medals?”

“Maybe,” he said and left it at that.

“That’s good. I can make sure we get you a new judge, a judge who has a military background. As a veteran, a wounded and decorated veteran, you should have a very good chance for equal custody. Have you considered rejoining the Navy?”

“Not really an option. I was offered a job in defense contracting from a company that works with the Navy in Rhode Island.”

“With SPECWAR?” Nora asked.

Lance narrowed his eyes at her. “How do you know about that?”
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