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A Daddy For Her Daughter

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Once inside, she took the mask from him and waved to the front room. “Make yourself at home, and I’ll be right back.” She zoomed into the kitchen, only to stop when Jetta went tearing past her to check out the intruder.

Oh, no! Expecting to hear curses at any moment, she headed back the way she came. But when she reached the living room, she found Kaleb on his haunches, stroking long fingers over her cat’s black fur, rubbing one of his cheeks and murmuring in low tones. When she moved forward to pick the animal up, Kaleb again beat her to it, scooping up the young feline and tucking him into the crook of his arm. “I take it this is the cat in question?”

Her cat was not a fan of being sandwiched in someone’s arms, but right now he looked as if he was anything but unhappy. “Yes. His name is Jetta.”

“Jetta. It fits him.” He moved to a corner of the sofa and lowered himself into it, still stroking the cat. More shedding hair for his tux, but the man didn’t seem to mind a bit. Nor did Jetta, who was lapping up the attention. “Do you want any help? With the coffee?”

She was staring again.

“Oh. Um, no. I’ve got it.” She started back for the kitchen before turning toward her visitor. “How do you like it?”

“Hot and sweet.” That crazy tilted smile went off again. “My coffee, that is.”

Yikes. A shiver went through her.

“I understood what you meant.”

How lame could she get? Evidently very, judging from her answers so far. She picked up the pace, practically skidding around the corner into the kitchen, where she leaned against the wall and drew several deep breaths, hand over her heart.

For twenty seconds she remained that way, eyes closed, wondering what it would be like for Kaleb to undress with those strands of her hair still attached to his clothing. Oh, Lord, she’d better get that image out of her head pronto. And she was still in her cat suit. Maybe she had time to run back to her bedroom and change. While she was there, she could call out to him in a seductive voice and ask him to—

“Madeleine? Are you okay?” Fingers touched her hair and her eyelids jerked apart.

Horrified that he’d found her daydreaming about him, she rattled around for a response before she noticed he had her purse in his hands. She’d left it in the entryway.

“I’m fine. Is something wrong?” Funny she should ask that question, because something was wrong. With this whole scene. She hadn’t been affected by a man in years, and this wasn’t the time to start.

“Your phone pinged. I thought it might be something important.”

Taking the purse from him with shaking fingers, she reached in and took her phone.

Chloe wants to run home to get her doll so she can try on the clothes. We’ll swing by and grab it and then head on our way. Hope you’re having fun at the party!

Her sister was coming here. Now. Oh, no! She was bound to get the wrong idea! And worse, Maddy didn’t want Chloe seeing her in their home with a strange man.

Kaleb must have seen something in her face, because he took a step closer. “What is it?”

“My sister is coming over. She’ll be here in about ten minutes.”

His brows went up. “And you’d rather she not find me here.”

“I know it sounds weird and crazy—”

“This whole evening has been an interesting mixture of weird and crazy. But I understand, and I’ll see myself out. Just one question.” Tilted smile came back for another visit. “What exactly does a person wear under a cat costume?”

Maddy laughed. Partly at the audacity of the question and partly at the irony of her answer. Not that he would see her in her black leotard. In another life, this might have ended differently. Parts of her were warming up, and she’d love nothing better than to explore a quick no-strings dalliance with a man who was too handsome for his own good. And for hers.

“They wear a catsuit. What else?”

“What else, indeed.” He twirled a strand of her hair one last time, before leaning in and kissing her cheek. “I’ll see myself out, Madeleine Grimes. But I would like a rain check for that coffee.”

“Okay.” She waited for what seemed like forever before she heard her front door click softly shut. And then she sank to the floor a shaking mass of fear, relief...and disappointment.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_aafce3c1-949e-5755-bf97-c393312077c6)

WHAT WAS HE doing here?

He wasn’t sure. Respiratory Therapy was two floors above where his office was located. Part of his job was in the hospital itself, but he had to be ready to leave for the luxury hotel across the street at a second’s notice. Or one of its sister hotels, which were sprinkled around the city.

The hospital had partnered with the swanky investment group, and, honestly, it suited him perfectly. He’d never liked being trapped in the sterile confines of a hospital. Too many bad memories. When his life had taken a turn for the worse, Kaleb had had to endure the pitying glances of colleagues and nursing staff until the bitter end, when his wife—also a nurse—had had an affair with another doctor. It had been the final tragic straw in a marriage that had been spiraling downhill.

So why was he walking across the floor to see a woman who had caught his attention in the strangest of ways? Maybe because he didn’t quite believe the surreal experience had actually happened. And because the image of the woman lounging around in something akin to a slinky black wet suit had haunted his dreams for the past two nights. And then her mention of a catsuit. He’d had to look up what that was. And while he was pretty sure some of the images hadn’t been what Madeleine meant by the term, he would have loved to have been there when she stripped herself down to it.

He was here to assure himself that the Madeleine he was acquainted with was indeed the cool, aloof woman he’d known before that asthma attack. And to make sure she really was okay. She’d acted shaken the whole time he’d been in her apartment, and if her sister hadn’t been on her way home, he might have insisted she get checked out.

Arriving in front of the door of her office, he hesitated, wondering if he should turn around and head back to the safety of his own corner of the hospital. But he was here now. And if he left now, the nurse he’d asked about her whereabouts was bound to ask Madeleine if he’d found her.

And then she—and the other nurse—would wonder why he’d left without seeing her. Better to just go through with it.

He knocked.

“Yes? Come in.” The soft voice from two nights ago was now infused with a crispness that Kaleb definitely recognized from other chance meetings, where she’d given him a clipped “hello” that had been anything but friendly.

Even then, though, their interactions had intrigued him. She’d been indifferent to his presence, no sign of the half invitations he’d got from a few of the other single women in the hospital. Curiosity had had him trying to break through that reserve whenever he saw her. But he’d never glimpsed the slightest chink in her armor.

Until her asthma attack.

He opened the door and stepped through it. She wasn’t with a patient. Instead she sat at a desk with two simple chairs in front of it. The work surface was surprisingly devoid of any clutter, as was the room itself, giving off an almost austere vibe. Her fingers rested on the keyboard of a laptop, and a framed picture, its back turned to him, sat on the right-hand corner.

If he were smart, he’d toss a quick question about her health and leave. But he didn’t. And the slight widening of her eyes as she looked up told him that he was the last person she’d expected to see that morning.

They were even, then. Because she’d been the last person he’d expected to see beneath that cat costume at the convention.

“Did your sister make it to your place okay the other night?”

Her eyes shifted from his before coming back again. “Oh...um, yes, thank you. I appreciated your help at the hotel.”

“Just doing my job.”

And had he just been doing his job when he’d driven her home and installed himself on her couch with her cat? Hell, no. He’d wanted to be there.

He’d wanted to stay, actually. Which was crazy.

“Of course you were. But I’m still glad you happened to be there.”

Damn. He’d sounded like an ass without meaning to. “I came by to make sure you’re okay. No lasting problems from the asthma attack?”

“None.” She smiled, and a slight warmth infused it. “I’m a pulmonologist. I’ve given myself the all clear to return to work.”
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