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The Cowboy Soldier's Sons

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Soldier. Cowboy. Father. Husband? Hired to work the Callahan brothers’ New Mexico spread, Shaman Phillips doesn’t know what to do about the stunning blonde he finds on his porch…except haul her into his arms. Turns out Tempest Thornbury wants to share more than just the returning soldier’s out-of-this-world kisses. She wants to have Shaman’s baby! Tempest came home to turn her not-so-hot past into a better future.The sexy, broody military man’s bringing that dream one step closer to reality—she’s got twin boys on the way. At Shaman’s insistence, she agrees to marry him…and remain his lawful wife for one year after their sons are born.But once he’s officially a father, Shaman can’t let Tempest head back to Hollywood. It’s time for this lonesome cowboy to join the ranks of those Callahans cowboys—and open a new chapter in all their lives!
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