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A Callahan Christmas Miracle

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He couldn’t tell her everything. That was Running Bear’s job. Those two had been thick as thieves forever. “He’s got some plan working. But he said you needed better bait to get the rest of us married off. The ranch land plan isn’t going to work. I might remind you I don’t see myself as exactly marriage bound. Nor does Jace. Ashlyn is a wild card. I wouldn’t put too much of your pin money on that horse.”

He’d paraphrased Running Bear’s words, but it would indeed take more than land to get him to the altar.

Unless Rose was available. Maybe I’d consider it then.

“That was my best lure!” Fiona exclaimed. “How do I come up with a better prize than a ranch, I ask you?” His tiny aunt looked ruffled and annoyed. “Running Bear has some nerve, changing horses midstream.” She sat down in a huff on the stool next to Galen’s.

“No one really understands the workings of the chief’s mind, do they?” He took another bite of pie, giving a sigh of appreciation. “Your apple pie is the best, Aunt Fiona.”

She made an impatient noise. “Don’t butter me up, nephew. You do realize the fly in your grandfather’s horse pucky ointment?”

“There’s usually a lot of flies involved in what either of you do. I keep a flyswatter handy.”

“Your siblings will resent you, dare I say even want to string you up, if you buy the ranch land and put them out of the raffle.” Fiona’s face wore a studious, concerned frown. “You’re a strong man, but not strong enough to be scorned and ostracized by the family you raised.”

His aunt spoke the unvarnished truth. “What can I do?”

“I don’t know. Your grandfather is leaving me holding the proverbial bag, too. What am I going to tell your siblings? I set all of you up for marriage and families, and now you get nada?” Fiona looked as if she might cry. “I think there’s some law against bait-and-switch tactics like the ones your grandfather is proposing. Where is he, anyway? I want to give him a piece of my mind. No more chocolate chip cookies for him!”

Galen shrugged. “I guess I’ll head to the bank and start working up funding. First I’ll need to talk to Storm and make certain he understands I’m not going to pay a king’s ransom for land he just bought and never worked. Not to mention that the only livable dwelling just burned to the ground.”

“Oh, that termite pile should have been razed a long time ago,” Fiona said, sounding crankier than he’d ever heard her. “The land itself is the only thing of value there.”

Land with a maze of tunnels dug by dangerous smugglers running under it. “It’s not just me my sibs are going to be annoyed with. They love their families, but they’re going to think you planned this all along.”

She gasped. “I did no such thing! Running Bear is off his rocker! I can’t be responsible for your grandfather’s deviations. I’m just the handler around here. And most of the time it’s like herding feral cats, I can tell you.” She went off, highly annoyed. Galen grinned and finished his pie.

Rose came in and took Fiona’s chair. “Howdy, stranger.”

He looked at her, his whole being suddenly filled with happiness for some stupid reason. Why this woman affected him this way he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Yes, she was cute, adorable, even. Had a sparky personality, and was brave as a tiger. Had sexy curves he’d love to get to know. But that wasn’t enough to get his engine revving in overdrive every time he saw her, was it?

Who am I kidding? It’s more than enough. I’m about to break into a cold sweat just looking at her.

“Fiona made apple pie. Want a slice?”

She shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m going riding with Somer in a bit.”

He hesitated. “Somer?”

“Yes. Why?” Rose gave him a curious look. “Something wrong with that?”

“No. Nothing at all. Just weren’t aware the two of you were on such friendly terms.”

She smiled. “We’re the two new girls. Gives us a bond.”

“Oh. I see.”

“Yes. But then again, I’m on friendly terms with everyone.”

He could believe that. Even he tended toward more-than-monosyllabic when Rose was around. “You girls just checking out the scenery?”

“I did that last night with you.” She winked at him, and his stomach gave a little twist. Which was dumb, because women didn’t usually make him nervous.

This one did.

“Anyway,” Rose said, “we’re doing a little training.”


“You know, horse training. Get them a little more acclimated to Rancho Diablo.”

He stared at Rose, wishing he could kiss her. He couldn’t, of course. She was a ranch employee.

He’d been in her bed last night, and he’d liked it—even if not a darn thing had happened.

“Somer knows a lot about horses. Apparently, she and Sawyer grew up near each other, and both of them—”

“What?” Galen asked, tearing his concentration away from Rose’s lips with supreme effort. “What do you mean, Somer and Sawyer grew up near each other?”

“They’re cousins,” Rose said. “Didn’t you know?”

An uneasy feeling came over him. “They can’t be. That would have had to be disclosed on the ranch application.” Now that he thought about it, he recalled that Fiona had been in charge of reviewing the applications and making appointments for interviews.

Rose smiled at him. “I don’t like spilling beans. I better get a slice of pie before my mouth gets me in trouble.”

He’d like to get her mouth in trouble. Galen shook his head and carried his dish to the sink. “Feel free to spill anytime. I’m on my way into town to do some bank paperwork. And about last night...” he said, turning to face her.

“I know. Not a word. I wouldn’t tell a soul.” She smiled, and he grinned back, unable to help responding to the mischief in her eyes.

“No, what I was going to say is that we probably shouldn’t have sent you down in that cave. It was a terrible idea. I shouldn’t have let Jace talk me into it.”

“Oh, so he’s the adventurous brother. I’ll keep that in mind.” She bit into her pie. “You have no idea how lucky you are that your aunt Fiona bakes and cooks. Home cooking is a luxury.”

“Well, she’s annoyed right now, so if we get dinner, it’ll be a miracle.”

“Annoyed?” Rose raised a brow. “Did you make her mad?”

“Somewhat. I guess so.” He sighed. “Because of what we found, I’m going to buy Storm’s land.”

“All on your own?”

He nodded, glad to have someone to tell about it.

“You’re going to be the black sheep in your family,” Rose said, laughing. “Jace told me that if Sawyer hadn’t disappeared, he might have talked her into a fake marriage just so he could get his ticket in to win the ranch.”

“That would be cheating.”

Rose put her plate down, poured them each a glass of tea. “Not cheating. Maximizing his chances.”
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