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A Callahan Outlaw's Twins

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Sloan looked up at Jonas. “Can you call my brother Galen? We might as well let the doctor take a look at this.” He smiled. “He’s actually a pretty good medicine man.”

There was a good deal of blood running down her leg. Kendall glanced at Fiona. “May I borrow a towel, please? I don’t want to bleed on the sofa.”

“You poor thing!” Fiona exclaimed, running to fetch one as Jonas went to yell for Galen.

“Jonas is a doctor. He can figure out if anything is wrong.” Kendall looked closely at her leg, and felt a little faint seeing her own blood. There was so much. She’d thought perhaps it was a scratch, but now realized the tear was long and angry.

“Jonas is a cardiac guy,” Sloan said. “Galen is an internist. And a spirit healer, by the way.”

Kendall sniffed. “There is nothing wrong with my spirit. Just my pride. I must have scraped myself when I jumped in the jeep.”

Jonas came back with Galen, and Fiona handed him a thick fluffy towel and some antiseptic. Galen smiled reassuringly at Kendall before bending to examine her leg.

“Sloan,” Galen said, peering at the wound.

Sloan looked at Kendall, who frowned back at him with some suspicion. “I don’t think so,” he said to Galen.

Galen looked at Kendall’s leg again. “Do it.”

Sloan squatted, placed his palms on either side of the wound.

“What’s he doing?” Kendall demanded, glancing at Jonas, who shrugged.

“Energy transfer,” Galen said helpfully, as if she’d know what that meant. “A little touch therapy in this case. It won’t take long.”

She wasn’t sure she liked having Sloan’s slightly rough palms on her calf and knee. His big hands surrounded the injury without touching it. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.

“It’s really not that big a deal,” Kendall said. “A bandage ought to do the trick. Maybe a little iodine or something.” She looked at Fiona helplessly, suddenly afraid. For whatever reason, the two brothers acted as if her injury was so serious. “Could have been a wolf, I guess,” she said slowly, knowing very well that something huge had hit the jeep. Something that had meant to harm her.

A little of the shock began to wear off as Sloan cupped her ankle, sliding his hands back up her calf, his eyes still closed. “Whatever it was, it was big, though I’m not trying to exaggerate.” Sloan’s palms warmed her, and she could have sworn she felt pulses of electricity emitting from him into her skin. Even deeper, into her muscles.

His eyes opened, and she found herself gazing into them. “What is it?” she asked.

“Not a thing,” Sloan said. “Everything is fine. A little rest will make you feel a lot better. Rest. You will wake up soon, and all will be well.” He slowly moved his hand in a circular motion in front of her face, and that was the last thing Kendall remembered.

* * *

“I KNOW IT’S A HUMAN attack, but what else can you discern?” Galen asked as Sloan carefully eased Kendall’s head back onto a pillow so she could sleep comfortably. He estimated that between the shock and the blood loss, the hypnosis might keep her out for an hour—hopefully long enough to get her to the hospital.

“This is a knife injury.” Sloan pointed to specific areas of Kendall’s leg. “As Galen said, this wasn’t done by an animal or even by Kendall scraping herself on something on the jeep. You can sense the dark power radiating here and here,” he said, pointing for Jonas’s and Fiona’s benefit. “My guess is that they were planning to take her hostage.”

It bothered him to say that. Kendall was a free spirit. And delicate. Maybe too delicate to survive on this ranch now.

“How can you tell all that just from looking at her leg?” Jonas demanded.

Sloan shrugged. “It’s in between what she said and what she didn’t say happened. What she remembers and what her subconscious recalls. Put your hands here,” he told Jonas, “and you can feel more. Notice the smooth cut in the skin, which indicates a sharp edge of some kind. Very likely a knife. But here, where her skin is torn, you’ll note a slashing and tearing effect. Jagged. As you probably know, that has the markings of a military weapon. Something a commando might carry.”

Jonas looked at him. “And the rest of the oogie-


Sloan smiled. “Close your eyes. See what you see.”

Though he appeared doubtful, Jonas placed his hands where Sloan had, and closed his eyes.

He opened them after a moment, shaking his head. “I don’t see anything. I feel warmth in her skin, like infection might be threatening.”

Sloan nodded. “That, too. You’ll need to ascertain when she had her last tetanus shot. Galen can handle the stitch-up and bandaging.”

He stood, not wanting any part of stitching up Kendall. A woman like her who wore figure-hugging suits and sky-high, parrot-colored heels probably wouldn’t be pleased with the cosmetic results, though Galen was very good with a needle.

Galen wrapped Kendall’s leg efficiently. “I don’t want to do it,” he said. “She’s not going to thank whoever does the surgery.”

Sloan nodded. “Wise decision.” He looked at Jonas. “You should take her to your local hospital, but be prepared to answer questions, based on the severity of the injury.”

Jonas nodded. “I can take her.”

“Oh, my,” Fiona said. “I don’t think anyone knew that the danger was this close. Poor Kendall!”

Sloan looked at the sleeping woman and her now-bandaged leg. Blood would soak through fast enough. Kendall would likely be annoyed when she awakened; it didn’t take someone skilled in touch therapy to sense the general impatience and suffer-no-fools sentiment in her personality. And she was brave as hell for going through what had happened without panicking.

“I’ll come with you,” Sloan told his cousin. “Just in case.”

“Just in case what?” Jonas said. “This is Kendall. She’s gentle as a summer day.”

Sloan smiled. “You want to be the only one around when she wakes up at a hospital with stitches in her pretty leg?”

Jonas looked a bit unhappy. “I guess not.”

“Neither would I.” Sloan picked Kendall up gently, placing her against his chest and carrying her outside. He settled her carefully in the seat of the sedan Jonas had brought around. They got in and shut the doors.

“So you’re really riding along to make sure nothing else happens to her,” Jonas said. “You’re certain of your kidnapping theory, aren’t you?”

He was surprised his cousin had picked up more than he said. “I think she’s an easy target.”

“You don’t know Kendall very well.”

This was true. “Her size, her general innocence, lends your employee a vulnerable air.”

Jonas sped onto the main road. “She’s not very vulnerable.”

But she wasn’t prepared for whatever was determined to get to the Callahans, either. “She’s vulnerable,” Sloan said, “and she’s not as sweet as you’re painting her. I didn’t see you raising your hand to stitch her up.”

Jonas smiled. “True.”

“So don’t try to sell me on your employee,” Sloan said, “because I’m not buying.”

“Just checking,” Jonas said.
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