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Falling For The Cowgirl

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“You run a ranch for kids. Isn’t that overkill?”

“That’s our job. They want extra stuff, like volunteering for activities that support the citizens of Timber and participating in local events.”

“Are you and your sisters signing up?”

“Guess you hadn’t heard. Lucy’s pregnant.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” AJ said.

“Sure it is. But no rodeo for her. The really exciting news is that she’ll have four kids soon. My sister will be too busy with kids to mess with me.” He smiled.

“And Emma?”

“Her twin babies are almost two. They’re into everything. She’s doing well to maintain her sanity.” He reviewed the ad on the window listing the categories. “We’ll sign you up for barrel racing.”

AJ held up a hand. “Whoa, stop right there. I don’t have a barrel racing horse.”

“Emma does.”

“You can’t volunteer your sister’s horse.”

“Sure I can. Besides, she’ll be thrilled.” He gestured toward the door. “Come on. Let’s sign up.”

AJ moved back two steps. “I don’t have the entry fee on me.”

“Big Heart Ranch will sponsor you.”

Her mind began a frantic scramble for a way out of the situation. There was no way she was going to volunteer to make a fool of herself in public and in front of her new boss, too.

“Look, Travis,” she said, her voice low as she glanced up and down the sidewalk. “I haven’t raced since college.”

“Relax. The grant aside, the rodeo is for charity. The idea is to make a showing for the ranch.”

Travis pulled open the door to the newspaper office. “Hey, there.” He offered a greeting to the young clerk at the reception desk.

Her eyes rounded and she released a small gasp of surprise. “It’s you.”

Travis glanced around, praying she was talking to someone else. “Me?”

“You’re the guy on the cover of Tulsa Now.” The perky brunette reached for the magazine on the corner of her desk.

“You’re new.” He frowned with obvious annoyance.

“Yes. Avery Barnes, aspiring journalist. I’m an intern here for the semester.”

“Travis Maxwell and this is AJ Rowe.”

AJ smiled, but the young woman had eyes only for Travis. AJ could have walked in tarred and feathered and Avery Barnes, aspiring journalist, wouldn’t have noticed.

“Sooner or Cowboy?” Travis asked.

“Neither. University of Tulsa. May I have your autograph?”

“I guess so.” The words rode on a long-suffering sigh.

She handed him a marker and he scrawled his name on the cover of the magazine.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Maxwell,” Avery gushed.

“Now, may I please have a couple of applications to the Timber Rodeo?”

“You’re participating?” Her eyes lit up.

“Yeah. So is my assistant foreman here.”

“There are some really nice sponsor prizes this year,” she said as she collected the paperwork.

“We’re here to support the event. If we win, we’ll donate the funds back to the community.”

“May I quote you?” Avery asked.

“This isn’t an interview.”

“It could be.” Her eyes rounded with hope. “The paper hasn’t gone to press this week yet. This would look great on the front page with your picture.”

“The ranch director could help you out with that. In fact, she could give you a tour of the ranch. That would make for a nice feature article.”

“But you’re the Bachelor of the Year.”

“That’s old news,” Travis said.


“Here’s my card. That’s the ranch number on there. Call and ask for Lucy Maxwell Harris.” He glanced around. “The paperwork for the rodeo?”

“Right here.” She handed him two packets. “Turn everything back in by the end of the week.”

“Will do. Thank you.”

AJ followed him out the door.

“Was it just me or was that girl plain irritating?” he asked AJ.

“She was crushing on you.”

Travis groaned. “I blame Lucy,” he said as he strode toward the truck.

“How is that Lucy’s fault?”
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