[ Dr. Hooper's MS. narrative, published in the Appendix to Lord Dungannon's Life of William.]
220 (return (#x5_x_5_i55))
[ Avaux Negotiations, Aug. 10/20 Sept. 14/24 Sept 28/Oct 8 Dec. 7/17 1682.]
221 (return (#x5_x_5_i56))
[ I cannot deny myself the pleasure of quoting Massillon's unfriendly, yet discriminating and noble, character of William. "Un prince profond dans ses vues; habile a former des ligues et a reunir les esprits; plus heureux a exciter les guerres qu'a combatire; plus a craindre encore dans le secret du cabinet, qu'a la tete des armees; un ennemi que la haine du nom Francais avoit rendu capable d'imaginer de grandes choses et de les executer; un de ces genies qui semblent etre nes pour mouvoir a leur gre les peuples et les souverains; un grand homme, s'il n'avoit jamais voulu etre roi."—Oraison funebre de M. le Dauphin.]
222 (return (#x5_x_5_i58))
[ For example, "Je crois M. Feversham un tres brave et honeste homme. Mais je doute s'il a assez d'experience diriger une si grande affaire qu'il a sur le bras. Dieu lui donne un succes prompt et heureux. Mais je ne suis pas hors d'inquietude." July 7/17 1685. Again, after he had received the news of the battle of Sedgemoor, "Dieu soit loue du bon succes que les troupes du Roy ont eu contre les rebelles. Je ne doute pas que cette affaire ne soit entierement assoupie, et que le regne du Roy sera heureux, Ce que Dieu veuille." July 10/20]
223 (return (#x5_x_5_i59))
[ The treaty will be found in the Recueil des Traites, iv. No. 209.]
224 (return (#x6_x_6_i1))
[ Burnet, i. 762.]
225 (return (#x6_x_6_i1))
[ Temple's Memoirs.]
226 (return (#x6_x_6_i4))
[ See the poems entitled The Converts and The Delusion.]
227 (return (#x6_x_6_i4))
[ The lines are in the Collection of State Poems.]
228 (return (#x6_x_6_i5))
[ Our information about Wycherly is very scanty; but two things are certain, that in his later years he called himself a Papist, and that he received money from James. I have very little doubt that he was a hired convert.]
229 (return (#x6_x_6_i5))
[ See the article on him in the Biographia Britannica.]
230 (return (#x6_x_6_i5))
[ See James Quin's account of Haines in Davies's Miscellanies; Tom Brown's Works; Lives of Sharpers; Dryden's Epilogue to the Secular Masque.]
231 (return (#x6_x_6_i6))
[ This fact, which escaped the minute researches of Malone, appears from the Treasury Letter Book of 1685.]
232 (return (#x6_x_6_i15))
[ Leeuwen, Dec 25/Jan 4 1685/6]
233 (return (#x6_x_6_i16))
[ Barillon,—Jan 31/Feb 10 1686/7. "Je crois que, dans le fond, si on ne pouvoit laisser que la religion Anglicane et la Catholique etablies par les loix, le Roy d'Angleterre en seroit bien plus content."]
234 (return (#x6_x_6_i17))
[ It will be round in Wodrow, Appendix, vol. ii. No. 129.]
235 (return (#x6_x_6_i17))
[ Wodrow, Appendix, vol. ii. No. 128. 129. 132.]
236 (return (#x6_x_6_i18))
[ Barillon Feb 20/March 10 1686/7; Citters, Feb. 16/23; Reresby's Memoirs Bonrepaux, May 25/June 4 1687.]
237 (return (#x6_x_6_i18))
[ Barillon, March 14/24 1687; Lady Russell to Dr. Fitzwilliam, April 1.; Burnet, i. 671. 762. The conversation is somewhat differently related in Clarke's Life of James, ii. 204. But that passage is not part of the King's own memoirs.]
238 (return (#x6_x_6_i20))
[ London Gazette, March 21. 1686/7.]
239 (return (#x6_x_6_i21))
[ Ibid. April 7. 1687.]
240 (return (#x6_x_6_i26))
[ Warrant Book of the Treasury. See particularly the instructions dated March 8, 1687/8 Burnet, i. 715. Reflections on his Majesty's Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland; Letters containing some Reflections on his Majesty's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience; Apology for the Church of England with a relation to the spirit of Persecution for which she is accused, 1687/8. But it is impossible for me to cite all the pamphlets from which I have formed my notion of the state of parties at this time.]
241 (return (#x6_x_6_i27))
[ Letter to a Dissenter.]
242 (return (#x6_x_6_i27))
[ Wodrow, Appendix, vol. ii. Nos. 132. 134.]
243 (return (#x6_x_6_i27))
[ London Gazette, April 21. 1687 Animadversions on a late paper entituled A Letter to a Dissenter, by H C. (Henry Care), 1687.]
244 (return (#x6_x_6_i29))