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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Fortunes made by its servants in Bengal, 733, 734.

Ecclesiastical Commission, the, of Queen Elizabeth's time, ii. 76.

Ecclesiastics, fondness of the old dramatists for the character of, ii. 88.

Education, in England in the 16th century, ii. 373.

Duty of the government in promoting it, 661.

Egerton, brings charge of corruption against Bacon, ii. 425.

Bacon's decision against him, after receiving his present, 440.

Egotism in conversation and literature considered, i. 23, 24.

Elephants, use of, in war in India, ii. 691.

Eliot, Sir John, ii. 18-20.

His Treatise on Government, 21.

A martyr to liberty, 22.

Elizabeth, Queen, her unjustifiable persecution of non-conformists, i. 291.

Her use of the church to increase her power, 303.

Condition of the working classes in her reign, 534.

Her rapid advancement of Cecil, ii. 69, 70.

Character of her government, 76, 77, 80, 90.

A persecutor, though herself indifferent, 89, 90.

Her early notice of Lord Bacon, 372.

Her favor toward Essex, 379.

Factions at the close of her reign, 380, 381, 398.

Her pride and temper, 387, 398.

Her death, 398.

Elphinstone, Lord, ii. 761.

England, under Elizabeth, i. 291.

Reformation in, a political move, 297.

Under Henry VIII., 302.

In 1640, 306.

Under Charles I., 317.

Change of feeling in, after the attempt on the Five Members, 319.

Representative government in, preserved, 327.

Disgraceful condition of, under Charles II., 354.

Decay of statesmanship, 355.

Corruption of the bar, 360.

National feeling displaced by party loyalty, 364.

Fortunate that the Revolution was effected by men of small calibre, 367.

Perfidy of William III.'s statesmen, 368.

Review of constitutional history of, from Henry VII., 371.

Condition of the common people in, at various periods, 534.

Prophecy of its future prosperity, 543.

Her periodic fits of morality, 573.

Theories deduced from her population, 617 et seq.

Fecundity of the nobility, 632.

Disability of Jews in, 646.

Her physical and moral condition in the 15th century, ii. 7.

Never so rich and powerful as since the loss of her American colonies, 135.

Her conduct in reference to the Spanish succession, 152, 153.

Successive steps of her progress, 307-310.

Influence of her Revolution on the human race, 309, 344.

Her situation at the Restoration compared with that of France at the restoration of the Bourbons, 311, 312.
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