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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Its capitulation to the French, 677.

Restored to the English, 678.

Madrid, capture of, by the English army in 1705, ii. 166, 167.

Mahommed Reza Khan, candidate for minister of Bengal, iii. 129 (#x4_x_4_i91).

Appointed by Clive, 131 (#x4_x_4_i95).

Removed by order of the Court of Directors, 132 (#x5_x_5_i1).

Acquitted, 135 (#x5_x_5_i5).

Mahon, Lord, review of his History of the War of the Succession in Spain, ii. 128-186.

His qualities as an historian, 128-130.

His explanation of the financial condition of Spain, 136, 137.

His opinions on the Partition Treaty, 141-143.

His representations of Cardinal Portocarrero, 154.

His opinion of the peace at the conclusion of the War of the Spanish Succession, 177.

His censure of Harley, 178.

His view of the resemblance of the Tories of 1832 to the Whigs of the Revolution, 178-181.

Mahrattas, danger to India from, iii. 164 (#x5_x_5_i53).

Malaga, naval battle near, in 1704, ii. 159.

Malcolm, Sir John, review of his Life of Lord Clive, ii. 670-762.

Value of his work, 671.

His partiality for Clive, 708.

His defence of Clive's conduct towards Omichund, 717.

Malthus, Thomas, his law of population attacked by Sadler, i. 610, 659.

Use of arithmetical terms objected to, 616.

His opinion as regards the United States, 636.

Mandragola, The, i. 163. Its plot, 165.

Mansfield, Murray, Lord, his character and talents, ii. 258.

His rejection of the overtures of Newcastle, 267.

His elevation, 267.

Maria Theresa, her accession, iii. 257 (#x8_x_8_i24).

Rallies Hungary to her assistance, 265 (#x8_x_8_i40).

Cedes Silesia and wins Frederic, 266 (#x8_x_8_i42), 267 (#x8_x_8_i44).

Again attacked by Frederic, 268 (#x8_x_8_i45), 269 (#x8_x_8_i47).

Enmity toward him, 293 (#x9_x_9_i17).

Combines Europe against him, 294 (#x9_x_9_i18).

Makes peace with him, 328 (#x10_x_10_i12).

Marlborough, Duke of, converted to Whiggism, ii. 176.

Marsh, Bishop, opposes Calvinistic doctrine, ii. 653.

Martin, Mr., an illustrator, unfortunate in his choice of subjects, i. 744.

Mary, Queen, her persecutions more excusable than Elizabeth's, i. 292.

Fanaticism of, ii. 90.

Massinger, Philip, his fondness for the Catholic Church, ii. 88.

Mathematics, Plato's estimate of, and Bacon's, ii. 458.

Mawbey, Sir Joseph, accuracy of his anecdote of Johnson, i. 698.

Medicine, Plato's estimate of, and Bacon's, ii. 461-463.

Meer Cossim, his talents, deposition, and revenge, ii. 733, 734.

Meer Jaffier, his conspiracy, ii. 710.

His conduct during the battle of Plassey, 715.

His pecuniary transactions with Clive, 720, 721.

His proceedings on being threatened by the Great Mogul, 724, 725.

His fears of the English and intrigues with the Dutch, 726.
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