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Critical and Historical Essays. Volume 3

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Tories of 1830 and Whigs of Queen Anne's time compared, 178, 179.

Description of them during the sixty years following the Revolution, 186.

Of Walpole's time, 238, 243.

Mistaken reliance of James II. upon, 340.

Their principles and conduct after the Revolution, 354.

Contempt into which they had fallen (1754), 698.

Clive unseated by their vote, 699.

Compared with the Whigs, iii. 592 (#x18_x_18_i57).

How regarded under the early Georges, 594 (#x18_x_18_i61).

Admitted to some positions under the Pitt-Newcastle coalition, 602 (#x18_x_18_i78).

Torture, the application of, by Bacon, in Peacham's case, ii. 404-408.

Its use forbidden by Elizabeth, 407.

Mr. Jardine's work on the use of it, 408.

Toulouse, Count of, compelled by Peterborough to raise the siege of Barcelona, ii. 165, 166.

Towns, concentration in, important in mediæval Italy, i. 144.

Townshend, Lord, his quarrel with Walpole and retirement from public life, ii. 240.

Tragedy, how much it has lost from a false notion of what is due to its dignity, ii. 514.

Treason, High, law passed at the Revolution respecting trials for, ii. 351.

Triple Alliance, circumstances which led to it, ii. 527-531.

Its speedy conclusion and importance, 533-537.

Dr. Lingard's remarks on it, 533, 534.

Its abandonment by the English government, 540.

Reverence for it in Parliament, 546.

Tudor sovereigns, their government popular though despotic, ii. 76.

Dependent on the public favor, 80.

Parallel between the Tudors and the Cæsars not applicable, 81.

Corruption not necessary to them, 209.

Turgot, M., ii. 121.

United Provinces, Temple's account of, a masterpiece, ii. 541.

United States, its growth in population considered, i. 636.

Utilitarians, their admiration for James Mill, i. 381.

Of little consequence, 422.

Their great principle, 449.

Their unfounded professions, 460.

Their argument for universal suffrage, 486.

Utility, the key of the Baconian doctrine, ii. 445.

Utrecht, Treaty of, exasperation of parties on account of, ii. 181.

Dangers that were to be apprehended from, 182.

State of Europe at the time, 182.

Defence of, 184-186.

Vane, Sir Harry, ii. 33.

Vansittart, Mr., his governorship of India, iii. 121 (#x4_x_4_i78).

Vendôme, Louis, Duke of, takes the command of the Bourbon forces in Spain (1710), ii. 173, 174.

Verres, extensive bribery at the trial of, ii. 431.

Vicar of Wakefield, Goldsmith's, error in regard to its date of publication, i. 698.

Vices, effect of public sanction on, i. 162.

Vigo, capture of the Spanish galleons at, in 1702, ii. 157.

Villani, John, his account of Florence in the fourteenth century, i. 148.

Villa-Viciosa, battle of (1710), ii. 175.

Virgil, idolized by Dante, i. 20.
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