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Taunts, riddles and secrets

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What, in essence, is information?

Information is a binding link between the passive, "dissolved" in infinity, and the active (consciousness), constituting the basis of a "torn" projection of infinity.

How information penetrates into consciousness of living beings?

Information arises in consciousness thanks to form-building abilities of single consciousness and – means which are available for the carrier of individual consciousness – the sense organs and the processing centers.

On what basis is produced recognition of things by consciousness?

The identification is performed automatically thanks to the inextricable link of each individual consciousness, as the part of the hologram, and single consciousness in a set of own particles, in which there are appropriate programs containing known and necessary samples, similar to groups of consciousnesses on their level of development as well as each individual consciousness out of these groups.

Where does each living being turn out in the course of this process?

The living being in this case is situated as though inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness, like a personage of a computer game, but with that difference, that the living being "produces" self the "game". In other words, the current irreversible present time, its "now" is manifested for each living being. This "now," in turn, exists in the frameworks of the external time, formed by single consciousness.

What is each thing initially?

The moving and changing things in beingness initially "are extracted" by the living being by the means which are available for it from infinity in the form of the motionless information copies updated and united every moment by consciousness of each living being.

Why the current time is irreversible (asymmetrically)?

So far as the current time is the information process, in so far as asymmetry of the "selection" by consciousness of information from "environment", or receiving by consciousness of information without loss of substance and/or energy by a source of information is explained by unilateral scanning surroundings by consciousness via own carrier, in the course of which consciousness as if looks through the objects of scanning without their change thanks to only to read operation and copying of those data about them, which consciousness is capable to decipher.

What explains the fact that every phenomenon has a cause (causality of beingness)?

Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection is carried out consistently on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore changes of copies of things in each impulse are insignificant and tied to the previous forms. As a result, in each individual consciousness the high-frequency update is reflected not by the chaotic, but the ordered processes of change of beingness, surrounding it, with compliance of the principle of causality.

Where does each living being get?

Each living being, being in the stream of the current time which is objectively perceived by it, nevertheless, remains always in same "point" of the present ("now"), which is renewed every moment, imperceptible for it.

What is the main characteristic of all living things?

These are sensations, without which there is no food not only for reflections, but also there is no life.

How is the changing picture of the world formed?

The world picture for any consciousness is formed not by sensations and not by thinking, though they are means, but this picture in general is a product of processing of arriving information in the person, similar to what occurs in the computer.

What is the essence of beingness?

Beingness which is presented to us as such reliable, real, vast, corresponding certain laws, containing macro– and microcosm, elementary particles and radiations, galaxies and the living beings, in the basis has no more than information, more precisely, – the high-frequency holographic formations bearing information. They are equal to zero integrally each position of updating owing to manifestation of each wave-like formation jointly with the same formation in antiphase. Such balance of a holographic projection corresponds to timeless infinity, which is nothingness, becoming by everything only through own projection in time.

What is the essence of Creations?

The dual system of Creation is steady in the functioning and manifestation, which excludes non-existence due to interaction between the infinite and the finite. This system not only has no propulsor, but it formally is nothingness, making zero in total in any position. Therefore, it is nothing to fall apart it need not begin and end.

What is the role of opposites of the dual system of Creation?

Creation, being everything and nothingness, comprises contrasts and denies itself, inasmuch in the person of the active constantly strives for novelty, destroying previous in itself and manifesting in this liberty of consciousness (the active). But everything, that passed, doesn't disappear completely, and it is kept in memory of consciousness (the active).

What is the main difference between the person and other living beings?

The human consciousness is capable to separate itself from reality and to interact with it already on this new basis – a basis of own self-consciousness, purposefully using memory, cognitive abilities, speech, various kinds of communication, imagination, experimental data, and all this – against the background of emotion, but not by means of only the software or instinctive and reflex actions

What is the person?

The person – the most perfect, the only and finished representative of Creation in general because he in the holographic basis combines the simplest frequency spectrum of things, the complex frequency spectrum the living, capable to sense and reproduce self in beingness, and the most difficult spectrum of the living beings, who is conscious of themselves as separate from the surrounding, i.e. understanding in a varying degree what they are themselves, and what is the environment, and seeking to expand this understanding.

Hundred millions years of emergence and disappearance of world civilizations.

Over the last two centuries many items and written evidence has been accumulated in various museums, foundations and private collections. It is impossible to identify them from the point of view of belonging to this or that period of our civilization. The age of separate artifacts which rather precisely can be determined by a place of their bedding in the earth's layer of crust, reaches hundred millions years. Besides, some megalithic structures have preserved. They appeared, on a number of measuring estimates, 12 thousand and more years ago. The account of these years goes on millions and tens of millions years. No one knows who built high-tech tunnels that also have preserved.

At the same time the beginning of our civilization relates to the period of the Sumerian state, which dates back to the fourth millennium BC.

Thus, life time of our civilization makes about 6 millennia.

Existing scientific approach believes that our civilization is sole and that it has arisen as a result of the emergence about 200 thousand years ago on Earth of the first person due to the evolution of primates. According to the biological theory of evolution the primates themselves have emerged as a result of the evolution of live cell. This orderly theory, however, is based, as researchers admit, on a riddle of emergence of a genome on Earth which, owing to the most complex structure, could not self-assembled for any imaginable time. Lack of evidence about the cause of sudden onset of consciousness in one of the branches of primates is the second riddle for evolutionists. Researchers cannot still find a transition link from ape to human and explain why, for example, chimpanzees remained by monkeys and did not pass into the person for millions flowed past years.

It turns out that the evolutionary theory is only a convenient hypothesis which tries to explain emergence of live organisms at first, and then beings possessing consciousness on a planet in the simplified way.

It is necessary to recognize nevertheless that within the traditional research approach based on repeatability of results of experiments, it is hardly possible to explain these riddles.

But science is not able to give up "itself" and so far as this approach dominates as far as it can transform without the slightest grounds the hypotheses into theories, ignore the facts which contradict to this approach. It is one of the main reasons according to which the great philosopher Schopenhauer is sceptically concerned to science, considering it is close to the attempts to systematize things, and in the first place by value in the life of the mankind he put the inventiveness.

We will note in turn that a current technological level, comfort level, more shortly, everything in what we live and what we use – from a wheel and the house up to the vacuum cleaner and the rocket – thought up inventors who were not suffering by a lack of imagination and often had a vague idea about the laws of physics and chemistry.

And only then, scientists have looked for explanation by all invented, for example, why the wheel can roll, why fire burns.

But we will not belittle very strongly science: it too made the considerable contribution to development of civilization. However the most paradoxical is that it involuntarily has led this progress to the final point, having created informational collapse in functioning of the complex system of a civilization and, thereby, science actually killed civilization. Our civilization will disintegrate soon and just practically completely will disappear, like civilizations, which were on Earth up to it.

The fact that these civilizations have existed, whatever spoke, is obvious. And the level of technological development of these civilizations, according to finds given below, was often above by our civilization.

The Bible, Plato, myths and legends of many peoples of the world have kept the memory of the "antediluvian civilization" to be existed comparatively recently. It was lost approximately at a boundary of the tenth millennium BC. And it not millions years and therefore from it, in addition legends, remained not in time yet to disappear some hi-tech constructions the most known of which are pyramids and tunnels. Pyramids have preserved on land and under water. Numerous underground tunnels have also preserved. Erection of similar constructions presents even today considerable or even insuperable difficulties, but scientists, against all evidence, still describe in textbooks as thousands of slaves "dragged" stone blocks in hundreds tons and "hewed" them with the nano-precision in the third millennium B.C. in Egypt.

Below we will give the most apparent evidences about the finds, which cannot be attributed to our civilization, and in which it is difficult to recognize as fakes, but we will refuse from precise dating. This refusal is caused, in particular, by that the existence of the Carboniferous Period (290 – 360 million years ago) is disproved by the abiogenous hypothesis of formation of the coal, described in the monograph "Unknown Hydrogenium" (S. Digonsky and V. Teng), that means loss of this period out of geochronology. Hypothesis about Earth expansion, made in 1889 by Roberto Matovani (1889. R. Matovani "Les fractures de l'еcorce terrestre et la thеorie de Laplace", Bull. Soc. Sc. Et Arts Rеunion: 41-53) casts doubt on the existence of the Earth for 4.5 billion years and the emergence of flora and fauna similar to the modern as well as creating other conditions approaching to modern, in particular, gravity, climate, etc., about billion years ago. According to the hypothesis of expansion of Earth it could occur only about 250 million years ago. Both hypotheses are disputable, however they casts doubt, respectively, and the settled theory of biogenic origin of coal and the theory of plate tectonics.

Absolute accuracy of dating is not important for us within this work even more so that the error of applied techniques of dating is enough large. The very fact of the appearance and disappearance of earlier civilizations on Earth at different times and impossibility of an explanation of their emergence in line with the biological theory of evolution is important for us.

In particular, the fact of the existence of "antediluvian" civilization which vanished about the tenth millennium BC, which cannot be refuted, only demonstrates coexistence, apparently, tens of thousands of years of this from nowhere highly technologically advanced civilization together with Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals but this fact does not indicate that the ancestors of the people "antediluvian" civilization were terrestrial primates.

Nevertheless, we will provide still some evidence on existence on Earth of earlier civilizations, including millions years ago, referring dating of various types of deposits bearing in mind the artifacts found in them. In addition, we will present materials on a number of artificial constructions found on Earth whose age in tens, hundreds, thousands times exceeds one thousand years.

As one of the consequences of the presented materials we may note demonstration by these materials of people which are similar of modern people. Technologies of early civilizations were enough close to the modern, bearing in mind items found. And all these events took place a lot of millions of years ago! At that scientists are evaded from explanations of the found artifacts, many facts and finds were hidden or ignored.


It is possible to give the civilizations which have constructed pyramids during various temporary periods as an example of technological civilizations.
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