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Civilizations development and species origin technologies

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The fact of the availability of a great number of the greatest scientists and thinkers of the human history’s different periods who speculated about the role of the Supreme Intelligence is an obvious incentive to analyze the most important issues of the life’s creation and functioning on Earth, the rationality and its planned creation not on the basis of the spontaneous development principle and, of course, not on the basis of religious beliefs.


The evolutionary theory gave a huge impetus to the development of science, made it possible to accumulate huge factual material about the various species on Earth occurrence’s sequence within the process of their improvement. Therefore, all scientifi dogmas are viewed only from the standpoint of the evolutionary theory, despite its contradictory arguments and improvability. Being the only scientifi explanation of the origin of life, it argues that after millions of years since Earth had been formed, life occurred on it due to the pure chance, the development of which was performed in a natural way − from unicellular organisms to millions of various plants and animals that currently exist.

L. S. Berg (Берг Лев Семенович) expressed the need for evolutionary views’ reconsideration long time ago expressed in such scientific papers as «Nomogenesis or Evolution based on Regularities», «Works on the Theory of Evolution» and «Theory of Evolution». He compiled the vast factual material accumulated by the early twentieth century which testified the organisms’ natural variability within the evolutionary process and the organisms’ inherent initial practicability. In his opinion, as the result of the embryonic potentially available signs’ development and improvement the new, more complex forms are formed with time. The conclusion of the performative nature of evolution was the logical one. He provided the detailed and substantiated arguments in favour of the fact that, although it contradicts Daewin’s concept, evolution is not an accidental process but the naturally determined one in which chaotic mutations and natural selection have their own focus. In his opinion, the essence can be illustrated by a simple analogy: although the development of the individual organism is influenced by many random factors, there are no doubts that the inner information that is contained in the genes is the main and determining factor. The entire history of the body is the implementation of the program, which determines what will grow, for example, from the given seed, a birch or a pine. The whole biosphere’s evolution, according to Berg, is the «unfolding of a Law or multidimensional program, which contains numerous methods for its implementation. Therefore, Berg called his concept the nomogenesis (from the Greek. nomos – «law»), contrasting it to the Darwinian concept of tychogenesis, i.e. development that is based on chance. Berg did not discuss the question of the source of this law. In his opinion, a number of General biological phenomena suggest that the process of evolution cannot be described even in the qualitative aspect within the framework of Darwin’s diagram.

The principles of nomogenesis were briefly summarized in form of the table and contrasted with the Darwinism’s postulates as follows. If in Darwinism all organisms developed from one or few primary forms, in nomogenesis organisms developed from many thousands of primary forms; if in Darwinism the further development proceeded divergently, in nomogenesis it was predominantly convergent (partially divergent); while evolution in Darwinism is based on random variations that separate individuals undergo by means of slow, hardly noticeable continuous changes, in nomogenesis it is based on leaps and paroxysms, mutationally capturing the vast masses of individuals on a vast territory; if in Darwinism there are many hereditary variations and they go in all directions, in nomogenesis hereditary variations are limited in number and they go in certain directions; if in Darwinism the struggle for existence and natural selection serves the factor of progress, in nomogenesis the struggle for existence and natural selection are not factors of progress, but preserve the norm; if in Darwinism, species are connected with each other by transitions due to their origin by divergence, in nomogenesis species are sharply separated from each other due to their mutational origin; if in Darwinism the evolutionary process means entirely the new traits’ formation, in nomogenesis evolution is to a large extent the deployment of existing inclinations; if in Darwinism, the extinction of organisms occurs due to the external causes (the struggle for the existence and survival of the fittest), in nomogenesis, extinction is a consequence of both internal (autonomous) causes and external (choronomic).

A. Lima-de-Faria, a famous biologist, also wrote in the book «Evolution without Selection: Form and Function by Autoevolution» (1991) that biological evolution is determined by the three forms preceding it: elementary particles, chemical elements and minerals. In all these processes, natural selection, or something similar to it, if any, was then a secondary factor. According to him, «… each new level occurs as a typical innovation not because it creates something fundamentally new, but because it is a continuation of only few already limited combinations of previous levels».

The evolutionary approach dominates in modern science, and anyone who doubts its reliability risks being marked as an ignoramus. However, by the beginning of the third millennium, enough scientific facts contradicting the «random processes» theories in the development of life on Earth have been accumulated. It is becoming increasingly apparent that a complex and finely balanced set of physicochemical processes in protein organisms cannot be explained by chance. The increase of the biological complexity knowledge has created a kind of dead end in the modern theory of the origin of life. The search for truth is complicated by the fact that the creationism is the only alternative to Darwinism in the society’s opinion, which insists on a literal understanding of the picture of the world’s origin described in the Biblical text. Therefore, the educational level of a modern man contradicts the mythical views on the creation of the world and he has no other choice but to follow the dogmatic principles of the evolutionary theory, which would not have been so widespread if it had not refuted the ideas of the divine creation of life on Earth. It exists only because there is no sufficiently developed alternative.

Darwinism is the only branch of modern biology, where hypotheses are accepted by the scientifi community as suffi t ones. It is impossible to provide direct evidences to confi m the facts which took place long time ago. Therefore, the existing ideas about the origin of life on Earth are the hypothetical assumptions based on the facts of past events, which can be interpreted in different ways. The task of scientists is to choose the most logical ones corresponding the fundamental biological and philosophical laws of the development of matter. The theory of evolution is one of the options to explain the origin of species on Earth, but it is impossible to deny the possibility of other theories development that can be more convincing and more justifi d, and also able to explain many obscure phenomena observed on the planet.

It is diffi ult to disagree with the words by Fred Hoyle: «Instead of agreeing with the infi tely small probability of the occurrence of life under the influence of the nature blind forces, it is probably better to assume that life occurred as a result of a deliberate, meaningful action».

Chapter 2



The order of protein life and its increasing complexity contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that disorder (entropy) can only increase in a closed system. This is especially evident in the developing organisms, when the amount of information increases dramatically during morphogenesis. The evolutionary theory’s opponents believe that evolution and the Second Law of Thermodynamics cannot be correct at the same time, and the occurrence of the living (ordered) from the inanimate (disordered) is impossible in general.

However, according to the evolutionary theory’s supporters, developing systems are always open and exchange energy and substance with the environment, due to which the local ordering and self-organization processes take place. The Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger introduced the negative entropy concept, which living beings should receive from the environment in order to compensate the entropy’s growth, leading them to the thermodynamic equilibrium and, consequently, to death. He stated that an organism can «stay alive only by means of constant negative entropy’s extraction from the environment, which is itself something very positive… Negative entropy is what feeds the organism. Or, in order to express it in a less paradoxical way, what is essential in metabolism is the fact that the body manages to free itself from all that entropy that it has to produce while it is alive».

Later, Leon Nicolas Brillouin, the American physicist, introduced the term negentropy in his paper «Scientific Uncertainty and Information» (1964): «information itself is a negative contribution to entropy». Negentropy is opposed to entropy and expresses the material objects ordering.

E. Schrödinger in one of the last chapters of his book «What is Life? Physical Aspects of the Living Cell» pointed out the existence of two different mechanisms for the ordering phenomena: the statistical one that creates «order from disorder» and the new mechanism introduced by him, which creates «order from order». He stated: «We have the right to assume that the living matter obeys a new type of the physical law. Or should we call it nonphysical one, if not to say the super physical law?» At the same time, E. Schrödinger does not explain how order occurs in living systems. He states that if the «order from order» mechanism operates in the living substance, and the order is drawn from the environmental order, then the inanimate substance owes the order occurrence to the «order from disorder» principle.

However, the question arises: what is the origin of order in the environment? The fact of an open system and available external energy existence does not generate the order in the given system. Where does the specifi information that does not only deter entropy, but contributes to the strictly determined specifi order and complexity in the course of historical development come from, if, according to the increasing entropy law, simplifi ation and degradation should take place? Not just abstract information should prevent it, and specifi complex one, which may not occur spontaneously. Protein life is not degrading, but is getting more refi ed and complicated, which is impossible without the new specifi information that someone should create. It is logical to assume that the entropy overcoming in living organisms is performed by using information created by the intelligence.

Such an interdisciplinary scientific trend as synergetic, which studies natural phenomena and processes on the basis of the self-organization principles of systems consisting of subsystems, and new qualities self-generation, can provide a certain idea of the material intelligence’s occurrence. This process, despite its spontaneity, has a certain focus: there is an increase in various elementary and primitive forms and structures to complex and more advanced ones.

The following main empirical generalizations are at the basis of synergetic:

1. The Universe is a single self-developing system.

2. In the course of the Universe’s development, random factors are present, processes occur in terms of a definite uncertainty level. They are characteristic for all the levels of the world’s organization.

3. There is heredity in the Universe, the present and future depend on the past, but are not determined by it.

4. The world is dominated by laws, which are the selection principles. They distinguish a certain set of admissible states from possible virtual ones.

5. Selection allows the existence of bifurcation states in which it is impossible to predict the way of further development since the new channel is largely determined by factors out-of-control at the bifurcation point.

Judging from the synergetic principles, it is possible to develop an idea of the intelligence’s occurrence within the various material forms of matter’s self-development. The universal matter’s property is «reflection», manifested by the object of influence in the form of a response. Reflection is a philosophical category denoting the universal matter’s property, stating the fact that under certain conditions of interaction one material system reproduces certain aspects of another system interacting with it in its specific form. In this case, the reflection is either the new properties acquisition, or the certain reactions’ development, or the restructuring of the object that is being affected. A function occurs as the result of the multiple consolidations. A consolidated response to a frequently repeated influence is the reflection function.

The principle of reflection is characteristic for the matter at all levels of its organization and is the cornerstone of the materialist theory of cognition. Spontaneous development of the surrounding world occurs until the moment when material objects acquire the ability to think starting from the primitive responses to external stimuli formation to the information storage devices, the improvement of which can lead to the occurrence of intelligence, analytical abilities and adequate interaction with the environment. Then development takes on the features of awareness and controllability. Moreover, in addition to the passive adaptation to the changing external conditions, the former intelligence will consciously initiate further development of the surrounding world by planning and creating new materials and technologies in accordance with its needs.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider two stages in the spontaneous and self-organizing processes of the matter’s development – spontaneous (synergistic one) and managed by the developed intelligence’s one. Each of them has its fundamental features. On the initial stage there is a spontaneous complication of the physic-chemical structures until the initial intelligence’s occurrence capable of accumulating and analyzing information about the environment. On the second stage, the development of the material world is not a spontaneous one, but with the intelligent structures that carry out the activity aimed at their own life support. In this case, the environment changes already involuntarily. At this stage of development it is not the fortuity of the new material forms occurrence which will be observed but the design and expediency.

The possibility to use the information accumulated is the main factor of development. The intelligence carriers can be of different material nature. People used to associate thinking with the protein carriers of information inherent to all living beings on Earth. People have created artificially other information storage media on the basis of which the design of robots with artificial intelligence is carried on. Taking into consideration the fact that plasma represents the most part of the Universe matter’s main phase state according to modern concepts (the weight of about 99,9 %) it is logical to assume that the development of thinking matter took place and was improved on the basis of this form of the material world. It is established that the information transfer is an energetic process based on both the active substances and the receptive structures’ physic-chemical restructuring. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the way of the information transmission and perception on the plasma level.


The intellect occurred seeks to avoid the influence of the chaotic synergetic processes and manage its development. At the same time, the intelligence of an individual is not able to carry this process out. Such opportunities are being realized when thinking objects create associations that ultimately form a civilization that functions on the basis of material world development’s certain laws.

Civilization is the highest form of the thinking matter’s development. Its formation is the inevitable result of the thinking matter’s development. This is the highest form of its existence. At the same time, the intelligence-bearers’ capabilities and needs undergo changes ranging from the use of their own labor and the slavish exploitation of other people’s labor in various forms (through violence or material incentives) to the development of self-reproducing structures that can satisfy all the needs of a highly developed intelligence in energy and information provision. Therefore, the Universe’s global processes must be considered not on the basis of individual ideas, but from the point of view of a civilizational intelligence.

Thus, the development of civilizations, regardless of their physic-chemical properties, is accompanied by the certain laws’ implementation which can be formulated as follows:

1. The matter’s self-organization occurs as a result of the ability to think and influence the surrounding world (environment).

After this, the development goes according to civilizations development laws.

2. The development of any civilization requires a growing energy provision, the main and best source of which is the Sun’s renewable energy.

3. A highly developed civilization must develop a system of self-replicating structures that can store and process the solar energy at a certain stage of development in order to use the Sun energy, as well as for the development of new living spaces. Various types of such structures will be developed and improved. They will be adapted to the conditions of the environment under exploration and programmed to provide a constant energy supply.

In a human society, the possibility of the highly developed civilization’s parallel existence is not considered and the results of its activity are not analyzed, while this can be observed in the diversity of species of protein organisms on Earth. This may be a thinking form that is absolutely unusual for us. «The intelligence that we will discover one day may be so different from our ideas that we don’t want to call it Intelligence,» Stanislav Elm wrote in his book «The Sum of Technologies».

Chapter 3



The existence of an infinite number of different cosmic civilizations was allowed by many thinkers throughout the history of humanity. According to the principle of Copernicus, the laws of nature are universal and function the same way everywhere in the Universe, which means that there is a possibility that, in addition to the Sun and Earth, there are other planets in the Universe with identical conditions where life could have occurred.

Developing the Copernicus’ (Mikoyan Copernic) heliocentric theory, Giordano Bruno stated in his book «On the Infinity of the Universe and the Worlds» (1584) that the omnipotence of God allows Him to create not one world, but an infinite number of them. Bruno quoted Epicurus, Lucretius, and also wrote about the infinite Universe in other works published beyond the reach of the Inquisition in Protestant countries. He believed that, despite the highest temperature, stars can be inhabited by plants and animals, which develop due to the cooling effect of neighboring celestial bodies (just like living creatures on Earth develop due to the heat of the Sun). All stars are the living and thinking beings. A fluid similar to blood circulates in their internal channels. Such an approach to the Universe’s nature was called the «Copernicus – Bruno principle». For the church fathers, multiple world’s concept was an attribute of pagan beliefs. After the publication of the Bruno’s Inquisition case, it became known that his biggest «heresy» was the idea of multiple inhabited worlds in the Universe. However, some authorities of the Catholic Church also expressed similar ideas. For example, Thomas Aquinas, the theology founder, wrote that the world in which we live is not the only possible one. Hercules Cyrano de Bergerac, Fontanel, Bernard le Bevier de Fontanelle, Christiaan Huygens, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Pierre-Simon de Laplace, and William Herschel dedicated their works to this issue, though they were the speculative ones. Camille Nicolas Flammarion wrote in his works «La plurality des Mendes Habits» (Numerous inhabited worlds, 1862), «Les Mendes imaginaries et les modes reels» (Imaginary worlds and real worlds, 1865), «Les Etoiles et les curiosities du ceil» («Starry Sky and Its Miracles») (1881) and others that there is a dynamic principle in space, invisible and intangible, dispersed throughout the Universe, independent of the visible and weighty matter and influencing it. And the intelligence superior to our one is in this dynamic element.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky expressed similar ideas in his works «Cause of the Cosmos», «Will of the Universe», «Unknown Intelligent forces», «Monism of the Universe», «Scientific Ethics». In a philosophical note «Planets Inhabited by the Living Beings,» he wrote the following: «In the known Universe, one can count a million billion suns. Therefore, we have the same number of planets similar to Earth. It is inconceivable to deny the life’s availability on them. If it has occurred on Earth, why can’t occur it under the same conditions on planets similar to Earth? Their number may be less than the number of suns, but still they should be. It is possible to deny life on 50, 70, 90% of these planets, but it is absolutely impossible to deny live of all of them».

Winston Churchill, a famous politician, wrote an essay entitled «Are We Alone in the Universe?» in which, on the grounds of the «Copernicus principle», he stated that the Universe is too vast for the life on Earth to be unique. He determined that reproduction is the necessary condition for life, and the presence of water, appropriate temperature and gravity to form the atmosphere stand for significant factors. Based on these assumptions, Churchil believed that, speaking of the Solar system, the life could have occurred only on Mars and Venus in addition to Earth.

Hugh Everett, an American physicist, put forward a theory of parallel worlds in the mid of the XX century. His article on Physics titled «Formulation of quantum mechanics through «related states» was published in the journal «Reviews of Modern Physics» (1957, v. 29, № 3, p. 454-462). The author’s multi-world interpretation (The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics) suggested the «parallel universes» existence, in each of which the same laws of nature function and which are characterized by the same world constants, but which are in different states.

Hugh Everett suggested that the Copernicus’s Universe is only one of the universes, and it is the physical multitude that is the basis of the Universe. In his opinion, the «perceived reality» is a multitude of classical realizations of physical worlds, built on the basis of rationally conscious worlds that reflect the interaction of the Observer with a single quantum reality.

According to the H. Everett’s concept, the Object and the Observer’s quantum-mechanical interaction leads to the formation of a set of different worlds, and the number of branches equals to the number of physically possible outcomes of this interaction. And all these worlds are real. Hugh Everett called the multidimensional interpretation of quantum mechanics the «state relativity». In his opinion, this theory perfectly explained the mysteries of quantum mechanics, which caused fierce debate among scientists at that time.

Hugh Everett’s theory is sometimes mistaken for the parallel worlds’ theory. However, it does not imply the real existence of other worlds, but only one really existing world, which is described by a single wave function, which, while measuring a quantum event, must be divided into an observer (conducting a measurement) and an object, each being described by its own wave function. On the contrary, the Copenhagen interpretation places the observer in his classical world, which is different from the quantum world of the object observed.

The main reason for rejecting the Everett’s ideas recognition is the assertion that they are «experimentally unprovable». In addition, scientists using this interpretation cannot explain the nature of the boundary between the quantum and classical worlds. This theory explains a number of phenomena only at the micro-level, and it does not agree with the laws of preservation of mass, energy, momentum, etc. at the macro-level of our existence.

Modern Physics, based on a multi-world interpretation of quantum mechanics, superstring theory, multiuniverse theory, implies the multiple worlds’ existence. According to the theoretical physicists estimates adhering to the theory of superstrings, parallel worlds can be from ten raised to one hundredth power to ten raised to five hundredth power. Today the «many-world interpretation» is called the Oxford interpretation of quantum mechanics, which is one of the leading ones along with the Copenhagen one.
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