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Pupil of magicians of a rainbow

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– When I was alive, my name was Siuris Stongblaind or Siuris Lightning. In my lifetime, I was a second-level magician in Guild of Rainbow Magicians. Our Guild fights against powers of darkness in the person of demons, orks, the trolls, dark elves and other representatives of races worshipping the dark gods living in this world. On Centroniya at us is, and light gods as opposed to dark. And our award was created for fight against the evil in all its manifestations. I had a purpose to find and take away in these mountains a dangerous artifact from shamans of orks which is a part of the whole uniform artifact of dark god Gloom, to thereby prevent inducement of a bowl of scales towards powers of darkness. Having got to smartly arranged trap, I got beaten then I cannot far depart in the form of a ghost from the artifact supporting my existence in such look for already about two hundred years. Time to be presented to you came. – the ghost grinned.

Having presented and having told Siuris the story of hit to this world and «hospitality» at goblins, I stopped the story on capture, apparently, orks.

– Lyutoglaz you speak? It means all this time imperceptibly collected souls from other worlds, increasing the power. Goblins wanted to deceive to make you serve them; in fact, you would become their slave until my death

Days and a trained magician can have a very long life. I see on your aura that you do not lie. It is long-awaited good luck I will help you Vladimir Marked and together we can get out of these caves with my artifact.

– I agree what needs to be done?

– Do you see this ring on a forefinger of my right hand? – Ghost took the non-existent Latin sleeve off his right hand and showed off a thick gold ring with a large diamond on his index finger. It is a projection of my artifact which teleports us in the closest citadel of my award. All problem is that only living magicians can use an artifact. When I got to a trap, could not use it because cunning shamans of orks provided this option and agitated the astral field so that it became impossible to move. Before death, I hid a ring in an astral spatial pocket, which is supported at the expense of an artifact, as well as I am after the initiation of the beginning, you spontaneously produce mana – the resource necessary to create spells. Let’s hope that you will have enough mana that with my help to call an artifact from an astral. After that, you should dress a ring on a forefinger of the right hand and to saturate a teleportation spell which projection I will create before you at the right time.

– How will I call an artifact? And How I will saturate this projection?

– You will understand intuitively, and now you should recover. You and so for the first time stayed long in an astral, just wish to return to the body.

I wanted to come back and here I was pulled towards my lying body, fascinating as if a rush of air.

– Get up the asshole, for you came – the sharp rough voice was distributed, and I felt a strong kick on edges. After that, with pain in the area of the sternum, he was stuffed and chained with blood.

Having opened eyes, I saw two dirty orks facing me. Big big fellows, with dirty faces of greenish shade with fangs peeling from under the lower lip, were very similar to a computer game. They were dressed in an armor of rough quality, one had on a belt a bludgeon, and at another behind a belt a sword in the sheath which rusted from an old age and the wooden board behind the back fitted by a skin of an unclear animal.

– A block look do not kill him if it does not live up to the necessary moment, then the leader learns who will be guilty of it – hissed the voice full of rage belonging to the appeared shaman of orks judging by a staff in his hands.

– Gartran, but he’s just a pathetic man, a piece of meat, why are you so sad about him?

– Not your mind business, the Block, you and should not think, put it on legs and conduct for me – the sharp order hail of the shaman which orks – soldiers did not dare to disobey was distributed.

Some time we went along monotonous corridors did not appear before the massive door upholstered with iron with a bolt from this party and a big keyhole yet. Before a door couple of orks on each side in an armor stood sentinel and at weapon, it is better quality, than at escorts.

In my head, all thoughts were about Siuris and his artifact. Where it? Where am I conduct?

– Vladimir – quietly rustled a familiar voice in my head – the shaman can notice me, wait so far you will remain alone.

I was rough brought inside the room opened by the guards and put on a chair in the center of the hall.

The small room to the right of the center occupied a wide table with two benches opposite to each other. On the center a chair on which I was put and the fire which now brightly burned and roasted carcass of the unknown animal on a spit reminding a pig only was difficult at the left is larger. Over a fire the opening in a ceiling where smoke left was punched. And on corners of the room wall torches burned.

A pangolin of snakes out the door opposite the one we walked through. A blue shade scaly skin as if a diving suit enveloped a tail, hands and the head, as at a lizard, not hidden under the cast-away hood.

– Gartran, I am glad – with to see – from you. – The pangolin hissed, flicking out tongue at a conversation the doubled language – this is my captive? – showing to a forefinger claw on me.

– So far it is my captive, dear Gadyukers. – The shaman answered unshakably.

– But we agreed with you? Besides it hardly live, more than twenty gold I for it will not give.

– Give to my captive waters and to eat, and take away him back. – Spitefully frowningly Gartran looked at the Block why that internally shrank from fear – less than gold I will not sell it to you for full one hundred, I know that it is necessary to you for your Lyutoglaz, a servant demon.

Here I was taken away, and debaters began to agree about the price for my head.

When I left I heard such a phrase shaman – It was expensive for me to negotiate secretly with the shaman these green-skinned doodles so that they brought him to me, so ninety-five gold and no copper less.

There is Gliston, here he probably did a creature and a ceremony that after an oath as the ram itself would come to these servant demon to sacrifice. And as soon as it did not turn out, so quietly and sent with Swift-footed. With these thoughts I was brought back into my camera, the Block allowed to drink what – that musty water with words – On, the Worm, satisfy thirst finally, ha-ha-ha. After roughly kicked while his workmate did not see. Once again burst out laughing disgustingly and having locked a door with the workmate from the outer side, sat down to play in what – that a game on copper coins. It was heard their exclamations and punches which they distributed each other in a rush of passion or rage from loss.

– Vladimir is time – the ghost’s voice in my head was distributed – look before yourself attentively.

I lay and vainly tried to see attentively something, but nothing was impossible.

– Siuris is impossible to me. – Mentally I said.

– It is impossible to you because you from the world practically without magic also do not trust subconsciously in it. Remember in the childhood you for certain wanted to be the magician that at your desire there were any miracles and even represented them as if in reality. And then you just lost the belief in miracles when matured. Reject physical laws of your world in the head, magic laws prevail here. YOU IN the WORLD of MAGIC!!!

– And here I remembered as in the childhood really dreamed to become the magician as represented that at me here – the fiery sphere concentrated from energy between hands here will take off and understood, how exactly it is necessary to work.

– I see a pattern – for joy I cried, having forgotten about care.

Outside orks that – that was suspected and decided to check the captive, suddenly dies.

– Vladimir saturate a pattern with the mana rather.

I presented how energy from my hands (glory to light gods that they were connected before themselves) follows and fills a pattern. Passed seconds five after a pattern gradually getting brightness as if you tighten up brightness on the screen of the TV, it was filled with necessary amount of magic for creation of a spell.

And here at the same time there were two things: the spell worked and from an astral pocket to me directly in hands the ring with diamond fell and the door was opened by jailers and were stupefied with what was seen.

– Put on a ring quicker – Siuris hurried me

– Grab him, he is a magician, – Glyba’s partner said.

During the last instant I managed to put on a ring and time as if slowed down – I saw how to me two orks – one of them with the brought cudgel rush. The ring was already on a finger, I felt the intoxicating power concluded in this artifact and having seen the pattern shown from a ring as if the hologram from a searchlight intuitively sent this power to this pattern. Instantly filled pattern and flash of the portal absorbed me. The world turned over again, and I lost consciousness again.

Chapter 3. Citadel of the Guild of the Magicians of the Rainbow

– Get up the sleepyhead, I see that you already recovered – Siuris in my head told.

I opened eyes, and saw nothing except the magician’s ghost in outer darkness. Having hardly passed into a sitting position, I felt a dead dead air.

– Where we Sirius? What should I do? And why I see you? I again in an astral?

– We are with you in a secret citadel of Guild, and you see me in reality because my ring on your finger, could also guess. Here it is unclear only why the citadel does not meet us.

– Meets?

– Yes, the citadel had to activate magic lighting and other functions when the magician from the guild appeared in it, because the portal missed us. Somehow, it does not happen.

Here saturate this pattern with a mana; you will create magic light.

I, having saturated with the manna an unpretentious pattern, felt dizziness. Then magic light over my head lit surrounding space. Having almost fainted, I suddenly felt heat wave, which ran on a body. Having felt at the same time that my bruises and grazes disappear, and the health returned to normal.

– This spell of Healing? But how? Cannot you conjure in an illusive appearance? – in perplexity I took an interest at the ghost.
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