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– Shot by a sniper when advancing towards the airfield to the town of the captured aviation unit. I managed to grab a white shirt from my travel bag and all twelve people remained in captivity.

– And I found myself under a cap, and now I don’t know what will happen next?

– But since you are under surveillance, then there is no evidence for your arrest, so lie down on the bottom, and there it will be, it will be. – I answered.

– So it is so, but what about you, are you now also under this same cap? Boris Eduardovich asked restlessly.

Don't worry about me, I'm not going to take any action. One thing is clear to me that our mission failed, and we can not shine.

– There is valuable information in the letter, how to transfer it to Moscow?

– No way, this madness will end soon, I hope, – I answered, – and I have to leave, all the best. -With these words, I got up and went to the Teatralnaya metro station. Moving along Vladimirskaya street, I noticed two guys following me at a distance of about fifteen meters. After walking a little, I took out my smartphone and ordered a taxi, the dispatcher asked for the address, where to send the transport and where to go. I told the driver to drive up to the Vladimirsky Cathedral and call me back, and told me to go to the area of the Petrovka metro station. I walked unhurriedly to the Opera and Ballet Theater and turned into the alley that led to the Cathedral. The taxi driver called, said that he had already arrived, giving the number of the car. I quickened my pace and, not paying attention to the car, pretending to be following by, approached the front door and quickly jumped into the front seat:

– I ordered a taxi, let's go quickly!

The driver managed to press on the gas, and we broke away from the pursuers, who rushed after me as fast as they could. The taxi driver took me to the Petrovka metro station, I asked him to stop here, because I knew that these guys would probably interrogate the driver, trying to find out where he took me. Further, I first burned the letter of Boris Eduardovich, on the shore of Lake Obolonskoye, overgrown with willow bushes. Having got rid of important evidence, fraught with serious troubles for me, I returned home with a light soul. And sitting in the kitchen, I began to analyze the situation with the adventure of persecution. I suddenly realized that I urgently need to throw away my smartphone and buy a new mobile phone, since 12 thousand dollars, out of the remaining amount that the lieutenant colonel handed me, is enough for this. Quickly, I went outside and saw a truck in a traffic jam with goods near the Selpo supermarket, which was located opposite our house. I, pretending to go to the store, walked up to the truck and threw the phone into the back, right on the cargo bags. Then I went on foot to the Petrovka metro station. There, in the Rozetka technical hypermarket, I bought a new smartphone and a SIM card for it. Having secured myself as securely as possible, I returned home in complete peace of mind. But my portrait, copied from a micro-surveillance camera, has already been distributed to all police and checkpoints at the exit from Kyiv. I, as a criminal, began to be searched for by the relevant search services. So I stumbled upon my portrait at the tram stop, and quickly returned home, postponing the trip to Petrovka to the Rozetka hypermarket to buy a brand new laptop.

Something had to be done about the appearance. And I decided to grow a beard and mustache, changing my appearance. To do this, he built a beard and mustache from cotton wool, fitted it to his face and put on glasses. Appearance immediately turned me from a young man into an elderly man. Exactly what was required in this extraordinary case. I sat unshaven in my apartment for three days. During this time, enough garbage has accumulated, and in order to extend the time of my confinement, I began a major cleaning. After packing everything I thought was rubbish in trash bags, I nonchalantly walked out to the elevator. At the same time, the neighbor Ira also approached the elevator, she had previously been friends with my wife, when I was still not alone.

– Oh, hello Valentine, you don’t know that they decided to grow a beard?

– I’m single now, that now I’m forbidden to change my appearance, or something, I need to look for a wife for myself, here you are, for example, how do you look at it?

– Oh, no, no, I heard from Lena how you lived there with her, but not this! – the question was categorically closed by Ira, it's good that the elevator arrived on the first floor. I wished my neighbor a good day, threw two heavy bags into the trash and returned home. It remains to

wait until my gray hair grows on my head and the beard takes shape to an unrecognizable face that makes it possible to go out. And if they suddenly try to find me through the military registration and enlistment office, they probably won’t succeed, since through the efforts of the former presidents before the war, all the military registration and enlistment offices were not digitized by an electronic filing cabinet, and my photo is there thirty years ago, you can’t find me using it, and even through the passport the department will not work, since my passport photo is ten years old, so that, of course, comrades from the SBU will of course grab someone for a report, since I have a rather average appearance, there are a dime a dozen on the streets of Kiev. Sitting in the kitchen, thinking about this, I washed down my “thoughts of my horses,” as Gazmanov sings, with a fair amount of Noy cognac. And having finally calmed down, arranging his thorns in such a way as to seem not himself, he went on foot to Petrovka to an electronics store for a laptop. My path passed by a gas station, and I suddenly noticed my identikit on a pole. I carefully tried to tear off the photo, I succeeded, though part of the sheet remained there, but the photo was completely saved. I carefully folded the paper and hid it, and moved on. In the store, the seller brought me a laptop from the warehouse, set up the program, and I paid $ 600, with a light soul, I went home the same way, carefully, looking around to see if I was being followed. At home, he began to set up mail and Google in order to go through the news and reports from the front. On the Youtube website, I found a news

report that Russian paratroopers blew up the world's largest cargo plane "Mriya", but the details, such as, just before that, an almost homemade atomic bomb, which was planned to be dropped on the Kremlin, was removed from its board . Not a word was said about this, only that before the explosion of the Mriya, they removed all valuable equipment from the aircraft. The lieutenant colonel told me about the atomic bomb in a confidential conversation with me, we just observed the clouds of smoke from this explosion when we arrived in Belaya Tserkov. Then the reconnaissance detachment of paratroopers was evacuated by three helicopters, and the equipment removed from the board was taken out by a cargo helicopter MI-11. After the news, he began to look for the distinctive features of his appearance with an identikit. There was no way to find me in this image, no matter how I turned the sheet in front of my eyes, everything was in vain, there was no resemblance even close. And I realized that I was no longer in danger. And here before me it came to me that he did not take into account only one thing, that in a conversation with the lieutenant colonel he said his home address, and he wrote it down in his notebook. So you have to wait for the guests for a reason, he gave me a password and a review in case of failure. How prudently I did not tell Boris Eduardovich Sosnin my address, and he did not ask me for it. So the SBU will hold conversations with prejudice and it turns out that at the Italian Pizza company they don’t have such an employee as in the identikit portrait, and the concierge also doesn’t know who came to Boris Eduardovich, so I’ll be waiting for guests, it seems that I’m not they will find our organs, that's one hundred percent, but if the liaison turns up to Sosnin, then the traces will lead him to me. On the other hand, in order to find out the reasons for the failure of the residency, they will definitely send a more experienced intelligence officer, I think that he will be able to get away from surveillance, and over time I expected more and more guests. There was nothing left for me to do but change my appearance and, if possible, stay at home until I turn into the appearance of Robinson Crusoe, with such a disguise I certainly will not be recognized. But still, you need to go out to buy groceries, but at least to the garbage cans, throw out the garbage. In the meantime, more and more reports came from the theater of operations. Ukrainian mercenaries began to intensively fire on the unfortunate residents of Donetsk, and Russia, after the voluntary surrender of

Kherson, got stuck near Solidar and Bakhmut. In Ukraine, the government that came to power as a result of a bloody coup in 2014, the collective West, led by the United States, began to supply a mass flow of obsolete military equipment under the slogan “War against Russia to the last Ukrainian.” This trench warfare has reached a stalemate because most business people in Russia who have accumulated their capital are oriented towards the West, where the total capital of their private companies by the end of 2022 amounted to $ 5.5 billion, which the US successfully confiscated, under the auspices of military assistance collapsing Ukraine. Thus, the Russian capital accumulated in the West turned into a weapon against Russia itself. Thanks must be said to the United States, who seized power in Ukraine, for such gifts from the narrow-minded oligarchs who are still sitting in the State Duma, never realizing that their time has long ended, ever since the erroneous prestige in front of each other, boasting in building up the dollar supply in Western banks, changing expensive Swiss watches on their hands and suits at exorbitant prices, siphoned resources from the country, brought them to a wretched state of affairs and almost ruined the military defense industry. This is what Valentin Baran Yuryevich began to understand in the state of the international situation, a military noose tightening around the neck not only of Ukraine, but also of Russia, Western patrons of the criminal government of Nenka, in which I, Baran Yuryevich, was inspired to be born and grow up, to graduate from school and the Soviet aviation university. After scrolling through informational sites on my laptop, I decided to sort out my finances. Twenty thousand hryvnia, the security company's severance pay has already amounted to 9,000, plus six thousand US rubles, at the exchange rate, this is equal to 24 thousand hryvnia, a total of 33,000 hryvnia. If you spend on food, you can somehow live a year, and then what? I looked hard at the mirror, unshaven with gray hair, an unwashed bum was looking at me from the mirror: “No, I won’t walk like such a garbage effigy,” I thought, and I went into the bathroom. After putting himself in order and attaching glasses to his nose, the picture completely changed. An intelligent appearance with a beard neatly trimmed in an oriental style was completely different from the real me, which made me incredibly happy. I let go of my longish gray hair and in the mirror I was looked at by a man wise by life experience, not yet an old man, full of strength and health. Satisfied with myself, I looked at the clock, the hands showed ten minutes to 10. Morning time, breakfast time. He fried himself scrambled eggs with sausage and onions, and brewed coffee, set to eating. A sudden knock on the door forced them to stop eating. A man in camouflage uniform and matching headdress stood in the peephole of the door. I saw that they were looking through the peephole, took out the certificates of the captain of the armed forces of Ukraine, Rudenko Petr Afanasyevich. I opened the door and asked unfriendly:

– What do you need?

– I'm on the ad, is this apartment two hundred and seventy-five?

– Yes, Malinovsky twenty-five two hundred and seventy-five, but still, what do you need?

– I am a friend of Sibagatullin Galley Shavkatovich, you studied with him in the same group at the institute,

he recommended that he turn to you if you need to spend the night, you have a three-room apartment, he said that there was enough space for one night. – His narrowly set eyes with a slanting look lit up in a friendly smile, – My name is Ferdinand Fleur, and these certificates are so fiction.

– Yes, come in already, there was no surveillance for you? I asked apprehensively.

– What kind of surveillance, when I crossed the border from the train directly from Kherson, Lieutenant Colonel Chernov Ivan Ivanovich sent to find out why there were no reports on the

state of affairs at the headquarters of the CIA and MI-6, from Vladimirskaya, where they sit on the upper floors of their service. Interested in their plans and actions in terms of preparing operations for execution? – Taking off his jacket, said Ferdinand. I ignored his words as I offered him breakfast. The guest sat down at the table, I began to eat the traditional scrambled eggs with sausage. When fried, put in a plate with a fork on the table and poured cognac into glasses. Then he said:

– For acquaintance, and let's get to know each other better, tell me your title, position, and, in general, what do you think is necessary?

– Major of the intelligence unit of the FSB foreign intelligence under the control of the general in charge of the department.

– Wow, the direction means when the major himself was sent, experience is valued in your office, isn't it? – I poured more cognac from a new bottle, – I report! – and I told the major all the ups and downs with a visit to the resident Boris Eduardovich Sosnin.

– The resident failed, – the major said, thinking, – my task was to find out only this, but how we will conduct business further, it does not depend on me. Lieutenant Colonel Chernov handed over to you, captain, money, here twenty thousand American rubles, and ordered them to be handed over to you if there is confidence that you have not been identified and agree to work further, do you agree? Ferdinand asked with a barely perceptible smile.

– In my opinion, it is obvious that I agree! I answered firmly.

– Wait, I'll get a reward, – the major got up and went out into the corridor, taking off a camouflage bag from the hanger, he took out a solid bundle of dollars and a book about traveling to the ends of the earth, putting it on the table, adding, – for each completed task you will receive twice as much, and for this, that he managed to survive and not reveal himself, that's how much, – he put the money on the table, and two receipts, saying, – sign here, please, for the amount received and for the valuable artifact.

I put my signature in the indicated place and refilled the glasses, we drank. The major tore off my copied signature on the forged copy of the receipt:

– And one more thing, on the Runetka website, in the section Young, you will find a girl working under the nickname Your-X-Eva, she lives in the Khreschatyk hotel, hiding her a place of residence for ordinary customers, of which quite a lot comes to the site. Quite a few business travelers from the CIA and MI6 stay at this hotel. She is an excellently trained agent of ours, fluent in English and the art of seduction. Often high-ranking officials, who do not skimp on the generosity of tips, lay out, along with solid sums of money, the secrets of their missions, like those and others, so it is your task to get to know her, become a fan of her talent and receive information. This book has a cipher translator, you apply in infrared illumination the copied text of the email received from Galley Shavkatovich, and by the arrangement of the letters highlighted through a thin copy of the email, you read the message, and in reverse order you encrypt the letter to your friend, send him the information obtained by Eva. From our letters you will give the girl tasks with whom she should make contact and what information interests us in the first place. You understood, first of all, acquaintance with Eva, look, do not scare her with an excessive pressure of feelings, show, first of all, a businesslike approach to the common cause.

– What are you, a major, how can I be interested in some kind of scow who obtains information ?! – I spoke in complete bewilderment, – I'm not a pimp!

– The first thing I want to tell you is that she is a very experienced agent who has been trained since early childhood, and virtual sex does not require the presence of a model in bed, I hope

you understand everything? – Ferdinand answered in a calm voice, – Where can I lie down, I haven’t slept for almost a day, and the way back is not easy and can I take a shower?

After a shower, having laid the major in the allotted room, I again sat down at the laptop, watching reports from the front … In the morning, after preparing breakfast, I decided to invite Ferdinand to the kitchen and knocked on his room. Nobody responded. This alerted me, I opened the door and saw that the bed was neatly made, there was a note on the table: “Sorry, captain, I didn’t want to wake you up.” I left the room, puzzled, and starting to eat began to weigh the situation with the visit of the scout. The picture looked rather strange. Major, making sure that I was not a failure and that there was no evidence of Boris Eduardovich in his espionage activities, otherwise the SBU would have canceled surveillance. But, on the other hand, surveillance is necessary to identify residents of signalmen. From this it follows that a search will be carried out at his apartment, which will not give anything, since I destroyed the evidence that he gave me. And I think they'll leave him alone. What about me? And I had to wait for a secret e-mail from someone who would send a letter to me under the nickname of Galley Shavkatovich, and introduce me in detail to the work, what and how to conduct my underground activities against the regime that had seized power in Ukraine, and what to convey to Eve. I sat at the laptop until 11 o'clock and decided to take a walk around the city. It was my first exit with a new appearance, I carefully examined myself and was amazed at how a beard and long hair radically change my appearance, clicking the fingers of my right hand with satisfaction, I left the house. Having not gone even a hundred meters to the Obolon metro station, when the air raid siren suddenly howled, I had to return. Before reaching his entrance, two powerful explosions were heard one after another. I looked around the houses were intact, there were no clouds of smoke in the sky. So I will get information from the Internet. I didn't go anywhere else today. From the local report on the shelling, it turned out that a missile was shot down by an air defense system over the residential area of Troeschina. The wreckage fell on the house, injured 12 people, are being treated in the surgical department of the emergency hospital. An unexpected thought came to mind:

“I’ll find some kind of series and sit, perhaps at home!”, – I ordered myself, and with this decision I started searching. Having wandered around, and not finding anything worthwhile for my mood, suppressed by the events of the unfolding war on the territory of Ukraine, I began to watch the news. But there, in addition to the heroic resistance of the Russian-speaking residents of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions to the criminal regime that came as a result of the coup, and the slowness of Russia, which led to a protracted military conflict. And a unified unity among the business elite and business circles of Russia, for which, like a sickle in their genitals, it was that the rallied Western countries, on which relations were established and the movement of capital in Western banks, with which Russia is now entering the war, were frozen . And I had a lot to think about. Thinking about how generously I was supported by the foreign intelligence service with American rubles, I was told that the dollar was no longer playing an important financial role in world banking, in which Russia was gradually moving to settlements in Russian rubles with friendly countries. And in Ukraine, the dollar becomes almost the state currency of the fifty-first US state called Yuzhno-Novoukrainka. In an extremely depressed mood, I came across informational news that another missile attack on Kyiv was expected, completely fell into a state of extreme melancholy from this …

Chapter 2

Reflecting on my lonely fate, I began to remember that it was necessary to make an acquaintance. It was easier for me to do this, since I was already like a year without a wife. She was the initiator of our separation, and the reason was that I was obsessed with creativity, at that time I was working on the book Cleopatra. I was fascinated by this topic, because the queen had an incredible power of charm, without a particularly attractive appearance. I could not imagine that the angelic beauty of a woman, combined with incredible charm, could be unsurpassed in the ability to seduce men. My ex-wife had beauty and charm, but she did not master the art of lovemaking because she was cold and not prone to the sensations of orgasm. Referring to various benefits in everything, and in everything accusing me of inability, believing that a man is to blame for the coldness of a woman, from bedding to household chores, always referring to a lack of money. And where does the money come from when, after losing my job during the collapse of the Soviet Union, I was forced to go to a security company and work as a security guard. And now, thinking about female charm, having written a book about the royal person of Egypt, and even this task, inspired me to do what I wrote about with such enthusiasm, without ever feeling this very phenomenon of the perfect art of female charm and the perfect attractive power of love caresses . In melancholy depression due to the space surrounding the war and loneliness, and finally decided to look at this Mate Hari of a modern spy tribe, a woman spy, he switched to the erotic site “Runetki”. The Google search engine gave out a whole cohort for every taste of women from young to adults. I was struck by the frank streams, and offers of virtual sex according to prices for age categories up to thirty years old, who, of course, did not consider themselves over 25. I am not a pedophile and never was, so the youngsters that flashed on the site did not interest me, either like mature women. As I was about to leave this den of debauchery, I suddenly stumbled upon the one Your-X-Eva was looking for. The girl kept her eyes on me, as I thought, but, apparently, I was not alone there, of course. Because the tokens that she collected in her office of the love pleasures of virtual sex rained down on her like from a cornucopia. Having bewitched me so that I sat from 16 o'clock to two o'clock in the morning. After blowing three air kisses in my direction, she said goodbye and closed her page. I was fascinated, to the depths of my soul and heart, and could not fall asleep for a long time, woke up at nine o'clock in the morning, realizing that I had fallen in love without a memory, and that I would wait to appear in her virtual office again and again to resolve the issue of getting to know her. So, waiting for the evening, I decided not to go anywhere today either, since there was still a supply of food and cognac. To kill time, I came across a mystical series called "Territory", released on the YouTube platform. A viscous series, with a swing at the concept of parallel worlds between the worlds, but entirely built on the superstition of provincial otherworldly fears. Having passed the rest of the time cooking potato pancakes on a gas stove, I began to wait for the electricity to turn on, which was turned off due to the program of rolling blackouts throughout Ukraine. The power was turned on at 10:00 for two minutes, and I immediately dialed Your-X-Eva. My disappointment knew no bounds. Her black and soft hair was dyed a straw shade, which reduced the appearance of the girl by an order of magnitude. But nothing can overshadow the natural features, she was still charming. She sucked on the toy, made in the shape of a raspberry-colored penis, with some satanic predilection, savoring and commenting on this culinary product so deliciously composed of raspberry sweetness. I felt a little uneasy from such sexual exploitation of this beautiful creature. I had good money, and to get tokens to establish contact with Eve, you need to have dollars on your bank card, such a transaction can only be made at a bank. And the evening,

which I, as obsessed with this girl, was in vain. I could only watch her show for free, and besides, I heard that she responds to guests who give her hefty tips. So, for example, for a private chat, this is a show that is not shown to the public, you need to give 350 tokens and write her a private message, which is also not shown to others who watch it. Therefore, I now waited for the morning to come in order to transfer part of the dollars to the card and then arrange a date with her in her personal account, and now I did not want to torment myself with painful sexual expectations, dreaming of a close acquaintance, I eventually went to bed. The next day, already at the bank, I deposited $500 on my dollar card account and went home with a light heart, expecting a full-fledged meeting with the priestess of love .... A lot of time has passed that I spent at the laptop, fixing my eyes on the monitor screen, harassing the girl to sexual exhaustion, generously paying for her show. When, finally, the realization came to me that it was time to start a dialogue with an attempt to invite her on a date. She answered me with sincere joy that this was not possible, since she lives in Russia, and I live in Ukraine. I made another attempt to find out her home address, which also did not lead to success, since she bluntly stated that she was afraid of being kidnapped, so she did not give her home address to anyone. I had to use a password, and I unobtrusively asked:

– Descending from the angelic heights, I'll be waiting for you on the ground at eleven o'clock, goodbye! – she changed in an instant, her face became serious and concentrated, nodding her head at me, closed the site. A nod of her head meant that she had accepted the password and would be at the appointed place at the appointed time. I appeared in the park on Vladimirskaya Hill at 10 o'clock, as I could no longer endure waiting for the meeting. I walked along the alley, along which benches were placed on both sides. Somewhere on them Looking at the damp January weather, rare elderly women and old men sat looking at the pension. In the end, I got tired of walking back and forth, and I went to a secret meeting place. A wide panorama of the Dnieper, the monument to Prince Vladimir, and the pedestrian bridge across the Dnieper leading to Trukhanov Island opened from the gazebo. Admiring the panorama spread at my feet, I dreamed about how soon I would confess to Eve in love, kiss and love her. Behind my imaginary pictures, I did not notice the passage of time.

– You, young man, promised to show me the jewelry, show me?! – I heard behind me a response to yesterday's password, shuddering in surprise. After a pause, I slowly turned to her and half rose from the bench.

– I would not sell my treasure for anything, if I had it, I would give it to you as a token of gratitude for the amazing show that you pleased me with yesterday, and made me fall in love with you so much that now I don’t know What do i do? I wailed.

– What, the kid is still not married, and you haven’t seen a woman’s pussy, or what? – she laughed sincerely, – You'd better tell me why you were sent instead of Sosnin Boris Eduardovich? – I told everything how it was, and in turn asked:

– What about the information?

– Did that information burn with a blue flame when you burned it? – with a smile, the girl answered the question with a question.

– Eva, can you repeat the information?

– Let's do it this way, I'll go with you to you, we will plunge headlong into my show especially for you, and after that I will restore everything in detail, since I agree ?!

I could not restrain myself, pressed her to me and, burning with love passion, began to kiss her so passionately that, laughing, she began to fight me off with her fists, saying:

– Leave, leave a little of your ardor for our romance, lover of girls of easy virtue, huh? – Smiling with an angelic smile, she said, – Come on, I also missed a normal healthy guy, and not those jerks who flock to me in the chat, let's go!
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