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The love of a bandit or an affair with a Gypsy

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– Let's get acquainted, nice person. They say you've filled up a lot of Dirty stuff… and finished two of his sixes at home?

– Who's talking? Egor asked calmly.

– Our ears and eyes speak, the source is true. Here they wanted to ask you, did you teach your fighter or did you go to the market to cut a pig yourself? – he coughed, but he didn't take the cigarette out of his mouth, – You see, the damned consumption, I've already leaned back for a long time from the prison, but it's a bitch paw, it's eating me.

– Yes, okay, Gray-haired, you'll live another hundred years, – the third, the most terrible, hoarsely remarked. A short fifty-year-old man, in a beautiful crimson jacket, and in his hands a black leather raincoat. But the eyes. Those eyes burned with a black fire of hatred and malice, as if you were looking into the eyes of the devil himself.

And from the outside it seemed that five men were talking to each other, peacefully discussing the weather and their sores. But only a knowledgeable person understood that after talking with these three, there were blood stains on the walls, shell casings on the floor and heavy black garbage bags.

– I only killed two, they tortured my wife and children, I buried the corpses in the forest, I did everything myself, I didn't touch Podnebesny, I know that he sent the sixers, to take tribute from me, but I don't have money. Children pay for training when they can. Our factory have been closed, everyone has been reduced, families have nothing to eat, they cannot pay for children. And I'll get a little for rent. This is my truth. And you decide whether to believe or not.

– Do you know that your Gypsy failed him?

"I don't know," Egor answered honestly.

The gypsy, who was standing behind and heard everything, came forward:

– I slaughtered a pig, a little dirty. This bitch sent scumbags to the Coach's house. And the Coach, he's for me… like a father… more… and my mother is there and my brothers.... If it weren't for the bulls, I would have crushed this bitch with my hands until his vile blue tongue fell out.

The gypsy made this speech, the longest in his entire life.

And Kolya of St. Petersburg smiled: "Well, well, it's good to shake your snot on your fist, like women blurred, let go of another tear, asshole, look what a sentimental killer, he also chose a noble goal, a mother. Straight Bruce Lee against the Japanese.

– The Japanese are stronger, – said the Gypsy.

– Talk to me, puppy. Silence, grown-up uncles says.

Kolya finished this light skirmish with the Gypsy and defused the situation a little.

The third spoke and everyone fell silent.

– Egor, you will now be Gosha Tverskoy. Drove yours forever. You will walk under me. I'm holding Moscow, my guys control all the districts, I'm responsible for the general staff. I didn't like Tolya Dirty Podnebesny for a long time. There were a lot of complaints about him. He got involved with scumbags, he left too much dirt behind. He brought down one good, honest cop, now serious people have taken up arms against our inner circle. In general, your Gypsy did us a favor. But it was also not put by the last people, so your kid can get to be dead at any time. Take care of him, if he does not get caught, he will become an important person, according to concepts.

Next, train the children. My guys will come to you in the gym, take care of them. I don't take money from you, prepare good fighters for me. They will be engaged separately.

After this terrible ninety-second came the stage of formation and ascent. Egor started taking children to competitions, then founded a couple more schools in the region. When the hall in the basement in Tver could no longer accept those who wished, Egor moved to Moscow and opened the largest Kyokushin Karate school in all of Russia. Studying with Gosha Tversky was a matter of honor for all self-respecting authorities and fighters. Gosha put his friend Vladimir to train children's groups up to 15 years old, and he studied with adults. The school was wildly popular. He honestly gave part of the money from competitions, fees and certifications to the general bandit's staff, for this there have never been inspections and authorities in his schools. All teenage children from policia families to State Duma deputies dreamed of getting into Egor Levin's fight school, but the coach immediately cut off the spoiled, arrogant and drug addicts. Some offended parents came to deal with the arrogance of the coach and why the driver brought the stoned teenager from training ahead of time, but Egor immediately showed a legal document, a contract signed by the parents that alcohol and drug intoxication were not allowed in the section. Moreover, he had such a "roof" that he would have done without documents. For the fact that now his family was safe, he paid faithfully to the main Moscow bandits. Now, when the eldest studied at an elite lyceum, the youngest went to kindergarten with an English-speaking nanny, his mother had an operation and the tumor was removed (doctors predicted at least another ten to fifteen years of life), and his wife was smart and beautiful, opened her beauty salon on Tverskaya Street, symbolic for them, and dreamed of a daughter. The family did not know that every day their father and the head of the family could not come home alive. He went to all the major showdowns, participated in shootouts and changed cars affected by bullets. His family was guarded by fighters who were trained by Egor himself. Volodya and Gypsy always took turns being next to the family and Gosha Tversky.

At gatherings, former convict authorities shunned him because he was not sitting in prison. But communicating, watching the courage of the fighter, the training of youngsters, which he was engaged in, counting the money that the fighting business brought all over Russia, even the most inveterate and frostbitten were imbued with respect for him. Gosha Tverskoy became an authority without prison, soldering and sharpening.

In the ninety-fourth, an attempt was made on him and his family, he took the family to the south of Russia, bought a house from the Kotenko family, met Valya's parents, Valya and helped them move to Marino district in Moscow, but they did not lose the Levin and Kotenko family ties. While Egor's family lived as hermits, Valya's parents often visited them in the summer, Egor ordered to build a guest house for Valya's family, which was cooler in terms of amenities and decoration than their own. And he said that they could come to visit at any time. Valentina quickly became friends with Vova and her namesake Valentin, who was younger. When the family was safe, Egor returned to Moscow. With his army of guys, he dealt with everyone who tried to kill his family. A few years later, he had buildings in the center of Moscow, restaurants, hotels and markets in his hands. Had given his friend and brother Volodya the entire sports business and the management of schools, Egor and his faithful shadow Gypsy began to move away from the criminal business. Egor began to legalize objects, to formalize "clean" law firms, where Ivan Ivanovich Tsygankov was the founder. The time of wringing out and lawlessness was coming to an end and Egor quickly realized that the power of papers, legal documents is more important than the power of machine guns and bombs. Egor sent his army of loyal guys to study at the best economic schools in Europe. He and the Gypsy flew all over America and Asia, of course with his family. Returning after a year of traveling, Gosha Tverskoy got a breath of fresh breath, seeing the new world with his own eyes, he realized that the future is in development, growth, knowledge. Egor invested all the money he earned in franchises of enterprises. Foreigners, seeing that an era of development was coming in Russia, willingly negotiated with him. The guys who received training headed construction companies, restaurants, hotels and key management positions. The era of fighters is over – the era of brains has begun. Egor took loans for his companies from foreign banks, shopping centers grew like mushrooms. Every self-respecting brand tried to buy a place in the mall under construction in advance.

Egor bought a mansion on Rublevka, moved his family there, but did not remove the guard for old times' sake. A person from the nineties will never trust the calm of the noughties.

– Yes, Valentina, – Egor loved the Kotenko family, in the corrupt and rotten world of overindulged millionaires, this is the only family he respected, and which categorically refused to accept his financial assistance. – Why don't you come to visit, Vovka missed you, the little too.

– Egor Ivanovich, I need your help. My sister is in trouble. A bad man offended her, and now he's trying to throw money at her.

– Valya, are you all right, are you okay?

– Yes, I am okey, everything is fine.

– Now the Gypsy will arrive, give me the address.

Chapter 10

Nina walked to the subway, dragging her feet. The life left the bright, cheerful girl, as all the air left the balloon. During this night of waiting, Nina has matured by at least ten years. Now it was not a young, gentle, light ninth-grader who looked into your eyes, but a sophisticated, experienced, adult girl who was poisoned, betrayed, abandoned, and then, she almost lost her mother through her own fault. Nina remembered this lesson for the rest of her life, crying at night in the hospital over her mother. They say that children are cruel and selfish, it's true. The older they get, the more they appreciate and understand, the more often they pay attention to how their parents are aging, how valuable it is to be around, to feel like a child while the mother and father are alive. And the parents.... parents end their lives, they begin preparing for a long and painful exam "were you a good parent for your child". And they, sparing no effort: take them to mugs, check (hammer) with lessons, help to get a diploma, worry about work, worry about family life, help with the purchase of housing, nurse grandchildren and teach how to properly educate. And this exam for parents lasts a lifetime, because they stop living for themselves and thinking about themselves. There are exceptions. But you and I don't know such people, right? (The author sneakily giggles into the iPhone screen, the author knows such people and wholeheartedly feels sorry for these unhappy, angry, lonely people).

Nina's mother was sure that she had not passed her life exam, that she had not brought up her daughter correctly, if she was still alive. Looking for Nina at night in the metro area, parks, sleeping area, Tatiana Sergeevna mentally drew the dismembered corpse of her girl at the trash, or in the river, or near the bushes. Her heart was pounding, a stone hoop was squeezing her chest, it was getting harder to breathe, and her mother wandered around until dawn and howled only one thing: Nina, Nina, my girl, Lord have mercy, for what? Now Nina was taking the exam, she must prove to her sister, her sick mother and herself that she is strong, she is brave, she is smart and she will atone for all mistakes at the cost of bravery and courage.

Gypsy, Egor's right-hand man, was so professional in his field, solving problems, that he overdid the organization of the operation according to the forces involved.

At the age of twenty-five, the Gypsy knew and was able to do much more than some forty-year-old men.

In those far terrible nineties, Egor pulled him out of the pit and practically saved him from death, and for this the Gypsy paid him with his devotion and his life. No one knew how old he really was, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. The doctor and part-time friend of Egor determined the age of the internal organs of development by fifteen to sixteen years, but no one knew how long the boy was starving and completely slowed down in development physically. Then showing his psychiatrist friend, Egor was extremely surprised by the results. Alexander Alekseevich Samokhin, a psychiatrist, observed all of Egor's fighters, then opened his practice with his help, but he did not trust anyone with admissions to competitions, issuing belts, certifications and examining all of his friend's wards.

After examining the Gypsy and talking with him, Alexander asked the boy to wait, and invited Egor to his office.

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