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Redgauntlet: A Tale Of The Eighteenth Century

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SCARBOROUGH WARNING, the blow before the threat.

SCOWP, quaff.

SCRUB, the name of a footman in the BEAUX’ STRATAGEM (Geo.

Farquhar, 1704).

SCULDUDDERY, loose, immoral.

SEALGH, seal,

SEA-MAWS, sea-mews.

SECUNDUM ARTEM, according to the rules of his art.

SEDERUNT, a sitting of the courts.

SEMPLE, simple, not of gentle birth,

SHILPIT, weak; poor, shabby.

SHINGLES, thin boards used for roofs.

SI NON CASTE, CAUTE TAMEN, if not for virtue’s sake, yet for


SIB, kin.

SIGMA, the Greek S.

SINE DIE, without a date, indefinitely.

SIS MEMOR MEI, be mindful of me.

SKELLOCH, screech.

SKINKER, a server of liquor.

SKIRL, to scream.

SKIVIE, harebrained.

SLEEKIT, smooth.

SLOKEN, quench.


SNELL, sharp, terrible.

SNICKERS, sniggers.

SOCIETAS EST MATER DISCORDIARUM, partnership is the mother of


SOLITAIRE, an ornament for the neck.

SOLON, the law-giver of Athens.

SONSY, good-humoured, sensible.

SORT, to chastise; to manage.

SORTES VIRGILIANAE, Virgilian lots; opening the works of Virgil at

random and taking the first passage read for counsel.

SOUGH, a breath, a chant.

SOUPLE, active; supple in mind or body.

SOUTER’S CLOD, a kind of coarse black bread.

SPATTERDASHES, coverings for the legs to protect them from mud.

SPEER, ask.

SPLICE THE MAIN BRACE, have an extra allowance of spirits.

SPLORE, a frolic, quarrel.

SPRATTLE, struggle, scramble.

SPRING, a merry tune.

SPRUSH, spruce.

SPULE-BLADE, shoulder blade,

SPUNK, courage, fire: SPUNKS, matches.

STEND, take long steps.

STEWARTRY, territory in Scotland administered by a steward.

STIBBLER, a divinity student, a probationer.

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