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Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851

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Catacombs and bone-houses, 483.

Catalogues of books, their utility, 101.

Cato, on the meaning of Christ-crosse A, 330.

C. (A. U.) on Wm. Penn's family, 264.

Causton (H. K. Staple) on the meaning of "eisell," 210.

Cavalier's farewell, on the authorship, 34.

Cavendish (Lady Mary), her ancestry, 477. 509.

Cavendo on the ancestry of Lady Mary Cavendish, 477.

Cayley (G. J.) on swearing by swans, 29.

on the Welsh Shewri-while, 20.

C. (D.) on the word ramasse, 464.

–– on the plant champak, 486.

–– on sixes and sevens, 118.

C. (de D.) on "Geographers on Afric's downs," 485.

Cebes on the word prenzie, 522.

Cefn, its meaning as a prefix, 152.

Ceiling, a carved one in Dorsetshire, 424. 481.

C. (F. T.) on Sanathiel, 303.

C. (G. I.) on the mythology of the stars, 23.

C. (H.) on "The Widow of the Wood," 13.

–– on Henry VIII. and Sir Thomas Curwen, 323.

–– on the extinction of villenage, 327.

–—, lines on woman's will, 285.

–– on John Sanderson, or the cushion-dance, 286.

–– on solid-hoofed pigs, 357.

CH., on the first Earl of Shaftesbury, 186.

–– on the family of Sir George Downing, 213.

Ch. Ch. Man on colfabias, 390.

Chad's (St.) Church, Stow, 90.

Chadwick (Sir Andrew), was he knighted by Queen Anne? 141. 247.

C. (H. C.) on derivation of aver, 292.

Chaffers (W. jun.) on the baldrock, 503.

–– on four want way, 508.

Chalices of stone, 481.

Champak, what is it? 448. 486.

Chancellors, two at the same time, 257.

Chantries, suppressed, 24.

Chapel, printing-office, 7.

Charles I., his love of the fine arts, 236.

Chadwick (John Nurse) on MS. collections of Goddard's history of Lynn, 140.

–– on Sir Andrew Chadwick, 141.

–– on Norfolk folk-lore rhymes, 206.

–– on baldrocks, 435.

Charles II., was he ever in Wales? 263. 379.

Charles XII., medal struck by, 26.

Chaucer and Gray, coincidence between, 493.

–—, tomb of, 188.

–—, note on Palamon and Arcite, 131. 201. 252.

–– on an astronomical allegory in complaint of Mars and Venus, 235. 258. 306. 385.

–—, his "fifty wekes," 252.
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