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Notes and Queries, Number 190, June 18, 1853

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Walker's Particles. 8vo. old calf, 1683.

Warner's Sermons. 2 Vols. Longman, about 1818.

Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. 12mo., cloth, 1842.

Sanders' History of Shenstone in Staffordshire. J. Nichols, London. 1794. Two Copies.

Lombardi (Petri) Sententiarum, Lib. IV. Any good edition.

Herbert's Carolina Threnodia. 8vo. 1702.

Theobald's Shakspeare Restored. 4to. 1726.

Sermons by the Rev. Robert Wake, M.A. 1704, 1712, &c.

History of Ancient Wilts, by Sir R. C. Hoare. The last three Parts.

*** Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.

*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

D. A. A. will find an answer to his Query, "Was St. Patrick ever in Ireland?" in our 5th Vol. p. 561., from the pen of that accomplished scholar, the Rev. Dr. Rock.

We have to apologise to many of our Shakspearian correspondents for the delay which has taken place in the insertion of their communications. A. E. B. will perceive that we have complied with his request in substituting for immediate publication the paper he sent this week, instead of one by him which has been in type for two or three weeks.

The coincident communications from two correspondents on Falstaff's death,—Mr. Singer's valuable emendation of a passage in Romeo and Juliet,—and Mr. Blink's and Mr. Rawlinson's respective communications, shall have our earliest attention.

We are also compelled to postpone our usual replies to Photographic Querists.

Mr. Merritt's Photographic specimens are very satisfactory. There can be no doubt that, with perseverance, he will accomplish everything that can be desired in this useful and pleasing art.

"Notes and Queries" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday.

Just published, price 1s., free by Post 1s. 4d.,


Sole Agents in the United Kingdom for VOIGHTLANDER & SON'S celebrated Lenses for Portraits and Views.

General Depot for Turner's, Whatman's Canson Frères, La Croix, and other Talbotype Papers.

Pure Photographic Chemicals.

Instructions and Specimens in every Branch of the Art.

GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—Collodion (Iodized with the Ammonio-Iodide of Silver).—J. B. HOCKIN & CO., Chemists, 289. Strand, were the first in England who published the application of this agent (see Athenæum, Aug. 14th). Their Collodion (price 9d. per oz.) retains its extraordinary sensitiveness, tenacity, and colour unimpaired for months; it may be exported to any climate, and the Iodizing Compound mixed as required. J. B. HOCKIN & CO. manufacture PURE CHEMICALS and all APPARATUS with the latest Improvements adapted for all the Photographic and Daguerreotype processes. Cameras for Developing in the open Country. GLASS BATHS adapted to any Camera. Lenses from the best Makers. Waxed and Iodized Papers, &c.

PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS MANUFACTORY, Charlotte Terrace, Barnsbury Road, Islington.

T. OTTEWILL (from Horne & Co.'s) begs most respectfully to call the attention of Gentlemen, Tourists, and Photographers, to the superiority of his newly registered DOUBLE-BODIED FOLDING CAMERAS, possessing the efficiency and ready adjustment of the Sliding Camera, with the portability and convenience of the Folding Ditto.

Every description of Apparatus to order.

PHOTOGRAPHY.—HORNE & CO.'S Iodized Collodion, for obtaining Instantaneous Views, and Portraits in from three to thirty seconds, according to light.

Portraits obtained by the above, for delicacy of detail rival the choicest Daguerreotypes, specimens of which may be seen at their Establishment.

Also every description of Apparatus, Chemicals, &c. &c. used in this beautiful Art.—123. and 121. Newgate Street.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions (comprising Views in VENICE, PARIS, RUSSIA, NUBIA, &c.) may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.

Calotype, Daguerreotype, and Glass Pictures for the Stereoscope.

*** Catalogues may be had on application.

BLAND & LONG, Opticians, Philosophical and Photographical Instrument Makers, and Operative Chemists, 153. Fleet Street.

PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's and Canson Frères' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.

Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.


Established 1824

FIVE BONUSES have been declared; at the last in January, 1852, the sum of 131,125l. was added to the Policies, producing a Bonus varying with the different ages from 24½ to 55 per cent. on the Premiums paid during the five years, or from 5l. to 12l. 10s. per cent. on the Sum Assured.

The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for, the ASSURED will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY OR RISK OF PARTNERSHIP.

POLICIES effected before the 30th June next, will be entitled, at the next Division, to one year's additional share of Profits over later Assurers.

On Assurances for the whole of Life only one half of the Premiums need be paid for the first five years.

INVALID LIVES may be Assured at rates proportioned to the risk.

Claims paid thirty days after proof of death, and all Policies are Indisputable except in cases of fraud.

Tables of Rates and forms of Proposal can be obtained of any of the Society's Agents, or of

    GEORGE H. PINCKARD, Resident Secretary.

99. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.

CITY OF LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 2. Royal Exchange Buildings, London.

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