"Adah and Zillah, hear ye my voice!
Wives of Lemek, heed ye my saying!
For man do I slay, for my wound;
And child, for my bruise.
For seven-fold is Cain avenged,
And Lemek seventy-fold and seven."
Bishop Hall, in his Explication of Hard Texts, paraphrases it thus:
"And Lamech said to his wives, 'Adah and Zillah, what tell you me of any dangers and fears? Hear my voice, oh ye faint-hearted wives of Lamech, and hearken unto my speech; I pass not of the strength of my adversary: for I know my own valour and power to revenge; if any man give me but a wound or a stroke, though he be never so young and lusty, I can and will kill him dead.'"
Your correspondent H. Walter says that "every branch of Cain's family was destroyed by the Deluge." Where is the authority to be found for the tradition, quoted in an Introduction to the Books of Moses, by James Morison, p. 26., that Naameh, the daughter of Lamech the Cainite and Zillah, married Ham, the son of Noah, and thus survived the Flood?
W. Fraser.
Traitor's Ford (Vol. vii., p. 382.).—Nothing is known of any legend in connexion with the stirring events of the battle of Edgehill, or its times, and the origin of the name is a matter of speculation. One Trait had lands near this stream, and it is thought by some that, from this circumstance, it is properly Trait's Ford, corrupted into Traitor's Ford,—a locality well known to sportsmen as a favourite meet of the Warwickshire hounds.
A. B. R.
We understand the Committee appointed by the Society of Antiquaries to consider the best mode of restoring the Society to its former efficient state, have agreed upon their Report, and also to the revised laws to be recommended to the Fellows for adoption. Of the nature of alterations suggested, we know nothing; for while, on the one hand, it is stated that the Report recommends changes of a most sweeping character, on the other it is rumoured that the changes to be proposed are neither many nor important. The truth in this, as in most cases, no doubt lies midway between the two: and the Report will probably be found to breathe a spirit of conservative reform. Embracing, as the proposed changes necessarily must, points on which great difference of opinion has existed, and may continue to exist, we hope they will receive the impartial consideration of the Fellows; and that they will bear in mind, that in coming to the conclusions at which they have arrived, the Committee have had the advantage of sources of information, necessarily beyond the reach of the body generally; and that those very recommendations, which at first sight may seem most open to objection, may probably be those which their information most completely justifies.
Books Received.—Young's Night Thoughts, or Life, Death, and Immortality, revised and collated with the early Quarto Editions, with a Life of the Author by Dr. Doran. This new, handsomely printed, and carefully edited reprint of the great work of this noble and original writer, is rendered more valuable by the well-written and critical Memoir of Young, which Dr. Doran has prefixed to it.—The National Miscellany, May 1853. The first Number of a New Magazine just issued by Mr. Parker (Oxford), with every promise of realising the objects for which it has been projected, namely, "to aid the elevation of the reader's mind, to raise some glow of generous desire, some high and noble thoughts, some kindly feeling, and a warm veneration for all things that are good and true."—Cyclopædia Bibliographica, Part VIII. This most useful work is in the present Part carried from Fawcett (John) to Göthe. Every fresh issue of it affords additional evidence of the great utility which the complete work will prove to all authors, preachers, students, and literary men.
Rev. A. Dyce's Edition of Dr. Richard Bentley's Works. Vol. III. Published by Francis Macpherson, Middle Row, Holborn. 1836.
Dissertation on Isaiah XVIII., in a Letter to Edward King, Esq., by Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester (Horsley). The Quarto Edition, printed for Robson. 1779.
History of Ancient Wilts, by Sir R. C. Hoare. The last three Parts.
Ben Jonson's Works. 9 Vols. 8vo. Vols. II., III., IV. Bds.
Sir Walter Scott's Novels. 41 Vols. 8vo. The last nine Vols. Boards.
Jacob's English Peerage. Folio Edition, 1766. Vols. II., III., and IV.
Gammer Gurton's Needle.
Alison's Europe. (20 Vols.) Vols. XIII., XX.
Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Novels. Odd Vols.
The Truth Teller. A Periodical.
*** Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.
*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
Notices to Correspondents
H. C. B. No.
J. D. Lucas (Bristol). The inscription is Dutch, and means "Praise God for all things."
Walter J. Watts will find much of the literary history of the Travels of Baron Munchausen, which were written in ridicule of Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller, in our 3rd Vol., pp. 117, 305, 453.
P. P. Longfellow is an American, having been born at Portland. He is now, we believe, Professor of Modern Languages and Belles Lettres at Cambridge University, U.S.
A Briton must be aware that if we were so far to depart from our plan of avoiding religious controversy, as to insert his Query, we should be inviting endless disputes and discussions, such as our pages could not contain, or our readers endure.
C. M. I. The sides of the stage are described in Stage Directions as O. P. and P. S., i. e. Opposite Promp. (or Prompter) and Promp. Side.
General Sir Dennis Pack (Vol. vii., p. 453.).—"As the purport of the Query may be defeated by two misprints in my communication relative to this gallant soldier, may I beg of your readers for 'French rebels,' to substitute 'Irish rebels;' and for 'Ballinakell,' 'Ballinakill.' I am willing to lay the blame of these errata on my own cacography, rather than on the printer's back.
James Graves.
Photographic Correspondence. Replies to our photographic Correspondents next week.
A few complete sets of "Notes and Queries," Vols. i. to vi., price Three Guineas, may now be had; for which early application is desirable.
"Notes and Queries" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday.
PURE NERVOUS or MIND COMPLAINTS.—If the readers of Notes and Queries, who suffer from depression of spirits, confusion, headache, blushing, groundless fears, unfitness for business or society, blood to the head, failure of memory, delusions, suicidal thoughts, fear of insanity, &c., will call on, or correspond with, REV. DR. WILLIS MOSELEY, who, out of above 22,000 applicants, knows not fifty uncured who have followed his advice, he will instruct them how to get well, without a fee, and will render the same service to the friends of the insane.—At home from 11 to 3.
The SCHOOL is NOW OPEN for instruction in all branches of Photography, to Ladies and Gentlemen, on alternate days, from Eleven till Four o'clock, under the joint direction of T. A. MALONE, Esq., who has long been connected with Photography, and J. H. PEPPER, Esq., the Chemist to the Institution.
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XYLO-IODIDE OF SILVER, exclusively used at all the Photographic Establishments. The superiority of this preparation is now generally acknowledged. In all cases where a quantity is required, the two solutions may be had at wholesale price in separate bottles; in which state it may be kept for years, and exported to any climate. Full instructions for use.
Caution.—Each bottle is stamped with a red label, bearing my name,
RICHARD W. THOMAS, Chemist, 10. Pall Mall.