GEORGE KNIGHT & SONS, Foster Lane, London.
PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER.—Negative and Positive Papers of Whatman's, Turner's, Sanford's, and Canson Frères' make. Waxed-Paper for Le Gray's Process. Iodized and Sensitive Paper for every kind of Photography.
Sold by JOHN SANFORD, Photographic Stationer, Aldine Chambers, 13. Paternoster Row, London.
PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions (comprising Views in VENICE, PARIS, RUSSIA, NUBIA, &c.) may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.
Calotype, Daguerreotype, and Glass Pictures for the Stereoscope.
*** Catalogues may be had on Application.
BLAND & LONG, Opticians, Philosophical and Photographical Instrument Makers, and Operative Chemists, 153. Fleet Street.
Established 1824
FIVE BONUSES have been declared: at the last in January, 1852, the sum of 131,125l. was added to the Policies, producing a Bonus varying with the different ages from 24½ to 55 per cent. on the Premiums paid during the five years, or from 5l. to 12l. 10s. per cent. on the Sum Assured.
The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for, the ASSURED will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Office, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY OR RISK OF PARTNERSHIP.
POLICIES effected before the 30th of June next, will be entitled, at the next Division, to one year's additional share of Profits over later Assurers.
On Assurances for the whole of Life only one half of the Premiums need be paid for the first five years.
INVALID LIVES may be Assured at rates proportioned to the risk.
Claims paid thirty days after proof of death, and all Policies are Indisputable except in cases of fraud.
Tables of Rates and forms of Proposal can be obtained of any of the Society's Agents, or of
GEORGE H. PINCKARD, Resident Secretary.
99. Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.
UNITED KINGDOM LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY: established by Act of Parliament in 1834.—8. Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London.
Earl of Courtown
Earl Leven and Melville
Earl of Norbury
Earl of Stair
Viscount Falkland
Lord Elphinstone
Lord Belhaven and Stenton
Wm. Campbell, Esq., of Tillichewan
Chairman.—Charles Graham, Esq.
Deputy-Chairman.—Charles Downes, Esq.
H. Blair Avarne, Esq.
E. Lennox Boyd, Esq., F.S.A., Resident.
C. Berwick Curtis, Esq.
William Fairlie, Esq.
D. Q. Henriques, Esq.
J. G. Henriques, Esq.
F. C. Maitland, Esq.
William Railton, Esq.
F. H. Thomson, Esq.
Thomas Thorby, Esq.
Physician.—Arthur H. Hassall, Esq., M.D.,
8. Bennett Street, St. James's.
Surgeon.—F. H. Tomson, Esq., 48. Berners Street.
The Bonus added to Policies from March, 1834, to December 31, 1847, is as follows:—
Example.—At the commencement of the year 1841, a person aged thirty took out a Policy for 1000l., the annual payment for which is 24l. 1s. 8d.; in 1847 he had paid in premiums 168l. 11s. 8d.; but the profits being 2¼ per cent. per annum on the sum insured (which is 22l. 10s. per annum for each 1000l.) he had 157l. 10s. added to the Policy, almost as much as the premiums paid.
The Premiums, nevertheless, are on the most moderate scale, and only one-half need be paid for the first five years, when the Insurance is for Life. Every information will be afforded on application to the Resident Director.
PURE NERVOUS or MIND COMPLAINTS.—If the readers of Notes and Queries, who suffer from depression of spirits, confusion, headache, blushing, groundless fears, unfitness for business or society, blood to the head, failure of memory, delusions, suicidal thoughts, fear of insanity, &c., will call on, or correspond with, REV. DR. WILLIS MOSELEY, who, out of above 22,000 applicants, knows not fifty uncured who have followed his advice, he will instruct them how to get well, without a fee, and will render the same service to the friends of the insane.—At home from 11 to 3.