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Water-pipe coating, by Dr. Angus Smith
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BRITANNIC RESEARCHES; or, New Facts and Rectifications of Ancient British History. By the REV. BEALE POSTE, M.A. 8vo., pp. 448, with Engravings, 15s. cloth.
A GLOSSARY OF PROVINCIALISMS in Use in the County of SUSSEX. By W. DURRANT COPPER, F.A.S. 12mo., 3s. 6d. cloth.
A FEW NOTES on SHAKSPEARE; with occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Corrector in Mr. Collier's Copy of the Folio, 1632. By the REV. ALEXANDER DYCE. 8vo., 5s. cloth.
WILTSHIRE TALES, illustrative of the Dialect and Manners of the Rustic Population of that County. By JOHN YONGE AKERMAN, Esq. 12mo., 2s. 6d. cloth.
REMAINS of PAGAN SAXONDOM, principally from Tumuli in England, described and illustrated. By J. Y. AKERMAN, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. Parts I. to V., 4to., 2s. 6d. each.
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J. RUSSELL SMITH, 36. Soho Square.
Established 1839, for the Relief of its distressed Members
Patroness: Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Vice-Patronesses: Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge.
On FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1853, at the HANOVER SQUARE ROOMS, will be performed, for the Benefit of this Institution, A GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Vocal Performers—Miss Birch, Miss Dolby, Miss Pyne, Miss Helen Taylor, Mrs. Noble, and Miss Louisa Pyne. Madame F. Lablache and Madame Clara Novello. Signor Gardoni, Mr. Benson, and Signor F. Lablache. Herr Pischek and Herr Staudigl.
In the Course of the Concert, Madlle. Clauss will play one of her celebrated Pianoforte Pieces. The Members of the Harp Union, Mr. T. H. Wright, Herr Oberthür, and Mr. H. J. Trust, will perform the GRAND NATIONAL FANTASIA for THREE HARPS, composed by Oberthür, as lately played at Buckingham Palace, by command of Her Majesty.
THE BAND will be complete in every Department.—Leader, Mr. H. Blagrove. Conductor, Mr. W. Sterndale Bennett.
The Doors will open at Seven o'Clock, and the Concert will commence at Eight precisely.
Tickets, Half-a-Guinea each. Reserved Seats, One Guinea each. An Honorary Subscriber of One Guinea annually, or of Ten Guineas at One Payment (which shall be considered a Life Subscription), will be entitled to Two Tickets of Admission, or One for a Reserved Seat, to every Benefit Concert given by the Society. Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received, and Tickets delivered, by the Secretary,
MR. J. W. HOLLAND, 13. Macclesfield St., Soho; and at all the Principal Music-sellers.
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JUNE contains the following articles:—1. The Daughters of Charles I. 2. The Exiled Royal Family of England at Rome in 1736. 3. The Philopseudes of Lucian. 4. History of the Lead Hills and Gold Regions of Scotland. 5. Survey of Hedingham Castle in 1592 (with two Plates). 6. Layard's Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon (with Engravings). 7. Californian and Australian Gold. 8. Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban: Establishment of the Cloth Manufacture in England by Edward III.—St. James's Park.—The Meaning of "Romeland."—The Queen's and Prince's Wardrobes in London.—The Culture of Beet-root.—With Notes of the Month, Reviews of New Publications, Historical Chronicle, and Obituary, including Memoirs of Rear-Adm. Sir T. Fellowes, General Sir T. G. Montresor, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Walter Gilbert, the Dean of Peterborough, Professor Scholefield, James Roche, Esq., George Palmer, Esq., Andrew Lawson, Esq., W. F. Lloyd, Esq., &c. &c. Price 2s. 6d.
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1. Public Picture Galleries.
2. Poems by Alexander Smith.
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