New Orleans, April 22, 1917.
under the head lines in the Chicage Defender of Saturday April 22-17 I red how some of us that goes up north are being treated. there is a few that have gone from this city north, and came back a few weeks. some say they came back on account of being to cold "The others Say they ware to pay so much to get work etc" I would like to go north. and would rather be in some place. other then Chicago. or near Chicago. I am a union man" but dont exspect to work at union only" there is a few of us union men that are planing to go north and Kindly please write me" all so I mail you one of my union cards hoping to heare from you soon I am respectfully, Yours.
Memphis, Tenn., May 12 8 17.
Dear Sir: I am a constant reader of your paper which can be purchased here at the Panama Cafe news stand. Mr. – at present I am employed as agent for the Interstate Life and acc'd ins. Co. but on account of the race people leaving here so very fast my present job is no longer a profitable one. I have a number of young friends in your city who are advising me to come to Chicago and I have just about made up my mind to come. but before leaving here I wanted to ask Some advice from you along certain lines. I am buying property here and taking up notes each month on Same these notes now are aroun $14 per month. and with my present Salary and the unusual high price on everything I can't possibly protect myself very long against a foreclosure on above mentioned property on account of my Salary being less than $50.00 per month. Mr. – do you think I could come to your city with myself and wife rent this place out here and better my condition financially? I am strong and able to do anything kind of work so long as the Salary is O. K. I have a fair experience as a meat cutter and can furnish the best of reference from business houses one of them is Swift & Co of this city. I hope you can understand me clearly, it is my aim to make an honest living and would not dream of any other method. I am prepared to leave here at any time and must go Some place but Chicago is the place that impress me most. and having the confidence in you as a great race man I am writing you for your honest opinion concerning the facts in the matter. Many thanks for the information in today's paper under the Caption ("Know thyself") hoping this will meet with your hearty Cooperation.
P. S. What is about the average salaries paid there for unskilled laborers and what is board and room rent? if I come would it be advisable to come alone and Secure location and everything and then have my wife come later?
Jackson, Miss., May 10-17.
Kind Sir: I saw your ad., in the Chicago Defender. Where you wonted 15 or 20 good men. So I am Writing you asking you do you still wont them. Also you said that you would send transportation for them. If you still wont them I can get good steady working men that wount to work and not gambling no rounders but working men. I am working man can work at anything not a left hand man but work both right and left. So please let me hear from you at once. For I wont to work and wont to work now. So if you Can not send transportation for all send me one. Please Oblige me.
P.S. Please let me hear from you at once.
Memphis, Tenn., May 22nd, 1917.
Sir: As you will see from the above that I am working in an office somewhat similar to the one I am addressing, but that is not the purpose with which I sat out to write.
What I would like best to know is can you secure me a position there? I will not say that I am capable of doing any kind of labor as I am not. Have had an accidental injury to my right foot; hence I am incapable of running up and down stairs, but can go up and down by taking my time. I can perform janitors duties, tend bar, or grocery store, as clerk. I am also a graduate of the Law Department, Howard University, Washington, D. C. Class of '85 but this fact has not swelled my head. I am willing to do almost any thing that I can do that there is a dollar to it. I am a man of 63 years of age. Lived here all of my life, barring 5 or 6 years spent in Washington and the East. Am a christian, Bapitst by affiliation.
Have been a teacher, clerk in the government department, Law and Pension offices, for 5 years, also a watchman in the War Dept. also collector and rental agent for the late R. R. Church, Esq. Member of Canaan Baptist Church, Covington, Tenn. Now this is the indictment I plead to.
Sir, If you can place me I will be willing to pay anything in reason for the service. I have selected a place to stop with a friend of earlier days at –, whenever I can get placed there. An early reply will be appreciated by yours respectfully.
Pascoqoula, Miss., April 8 17,
Dear Sir: As you have charge of the Urban League, I want to know if the League can locate work for about 8 or 10 men. We are all middle-aged men and would like to have our faires paid and deducted from our wages.
We will work in any small town in Illinois. All of these men are property owners and have large families. We'll leave families 'till later on.
Any good you can do for us Will be highly appreciated.
P.S. Some of these men have trades and are capable of working in railroad shops.
Hamlet, N. C., May 29, 1917.
Gentlemen: I am very desirous of changing my location and am writing to know whether or not you can find a lucrative opening for me somewhere in the North.
I am 42 years old, married, wife and four children and a public school teacher and printer by profession and trade. Will accept any kind of work with living wages, on tobacco farm or factory. I am a sober, steady worker and shall endeavor to render satisfaction in any position in which I am placed.
Beaumont, Texas, July 16, 1917.
Dear Sir: I am a colored, am desiring work in New York or some of the adjoining states. I am not a skilled workman but I can do most any kind of common labor. I have spent several years in the plaining mills of the south. I know all about feeding planers and I can also keep them up very well. I have checked lumber and in fact, I can do a number of different things.
Will you be kind enough to put me in correspondence with some one who would like to employ a good conscientious steady laborer.
I have a family and I would be glad to come north to live. So please be so kind as to do me the favor above asked. I have a little education too if it could be used to any advantage.
Hoping an early reply.
Collins, Miss., May 1st, 1917.
Dear Sir: By being a Subscriber and reader of the Chicago Defender, I read an advertisement where they are wanting and needing help. Needing Moulders and Machinist of course I do not know anything about the trade. But they Said they would pay men $2.25 begin with and Learn the trade And transportation forworded and they would deduct it Out of their wages.
I am Very Anxious to Come Up North. And I would put all of my energy and mind on my work. And try in every way to please the One for whom I am working for. They could get about five men from here. One that is a Pretty good Machinist I am Writting you as they Gave two branches for Colored and that you is the head of the – So Any favors extended towards Me will be highly Appreciated hoping to hear from you at an early Date I remain yours truly.
McDonoghvill, La., May 1—1917.
dear Mr. –: it afford me With pleasur to right to you on Some infermashian how to get me a transportation to Some town in the North as i Would like to Come out there to Live and better my condition as i am A young Man and desire to get With the good Clase of Laboring people i have not got a trade but i have Work all My time around oil Mill and Coopper Shop for the Last 8 years and i cand work at Moust enj thing if i get A Little experence.
My age is—24—years good healt good behaver goof record in the south this is all to tell now but if you would Like to no My record i caNd give it to you from my Lodge—are from my church—good by
Hattiesburg, Miss., May 27th, 1917.
Gentlemen: by reading in the defender of the position you are in for securing jobs. I thought I would write, and see if you could place me. Now my job pay me well, but as my wife and Children are anxious to come north I would try and get a job now I am a yellow Pine Lumber inspector and checker can furnish recomdation from some reliable Saw Mill Firms as there is in South Miss. As Gradeing Triming & Checking yellow pine lumber.
P. S. I know I can make good in any Lumber Yard such as checking & stowing Lumber if you Will place me write on what terms to—
Winona, Miss., 4/13/17.
In reading the defender I saw your advertising for more men I would like very much to come up their I wants to leave the South and go whear I can make a support for myself and Family. I have a wife and six children to take cair of and I would like to bee whair I could cair for Them my occupation is Carpenter but I can do most any kind of work will you furnish me a Transportation to com up thair on
Greenwood, Miss., Apr. 22nd, 17.
Sir: I noticed in the Defender about receiving some information from you about positions up there or rather work and I am very anxious to know what the chances are for business men. I am very anxious to leave the South on account of my children but mu husband doesn't seem to think that he can succeed there in business, he is a merchant and also knows the barber trade what are the chances for either? Some of our folks down here have the idea that this Northern movement means nothing to any body but those who go out and labor by the day. I am willing to work myself to get a start. Tell me what we could really do. I will do most anything to get our family out of Bam. Please let this be confidential.
Winina, Miss., Mar the 19 1917.
My dear driend: it is With murch pleaser that i rite to You to let You no i reed Your letter & Was glad to hear from you all so i excepts all you Said that you wood do for me so i am a Painter and Carter to So i am willing to learn in neything in works kind So mr. – i thank You for Your kindes for all of Your aid so i am a Barber to so i am a good farmer to al all kind So i am not Set do Wn at all so if You Can healp pleas do So So i hay niCe famely so i will tell you i am a Curch member for 38 years i and all of my famely but 3 children so i am not a de Sever So mr. – i wood ask you for if the monney So i Was so glad to get your letter dear Sit When I com up thire look for me at your offes Pleas so mr – i all waYs hold gob When i get wone So in god name pleas healp me up there and i will pay you When i com up thire mr – i Cant raise my famely hear i wanter to So this all Your friend
Knoxville, Tenn., Apr. 30, '17.
Dear Sir: I am anxious to come to Chicago. I have thirteen years experiance as janitor in large residence apartment house, am also handy with tools.
I have a wife and four children. If you can place me where I can earn a decent living for my family will appreciate it.
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 3rd, 1916.
Dear Sir: in Reading The Defender I See Where you are Disirious of Communicating With a better class of working men To supply the different trades. Please advise Some place by which I could better my condition North or East.
I would be glad To come in to a better Knowing by writting you before Starting
Jazoo City, Miss., 4/3/17.
dear sir: I owe in Con sist to write you a few lines as in the regards of my ability as I am anxus to get some work to do I have a famely to work for and I habe bin workin as helper and bon do most any Kind of work. Has been in the Bixness as MoChinest helper for 7 years and Have fally good ExpernCe in it and would like for you to Help me out if possibl to do so I Would like to work in some Shop or Millplant and I Would lik for you to send me a transpotation and I will pay out of my salry so answer soon and let me no what yo Can do for me I Will Close.
Mobile, Ala., May the 4, 1917.