Allen, Principal of the Chester-County Normal School, West Chester, Pa.
Philadelphia. Lippincott & Co. 4to. pp. 56. 50 cts.
Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools of Pennsylvania, for the Year ending June 3, 1861. Harrisburg. Printed for the State. 8vo. pp. 254.
The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England. Collected and Edited by James Spedding, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge; Robert Leslie Ellis, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Douglas Denon Heath, Barrister-at-Law, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol. III.
Boston. Brown & Taggard. 12mo. pp. 502. $1.50.
The Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry. By Isaac Taylor, Author of "Saturday Evening," etc., etc. With a Biographical Introduction by Wm. Adams, D.D., Pastor of the Madison-Square Presbyterian Church, N.Y. New York.
G.W. Carleton. 8vo. pp. 386.
Ethical and Physiological Inquiries, chiefly Relative to Subjects of Popular Interest. By A.H. Dana. New York. C. Scribner. 12mo. pp. 308. $1.00.
The New American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge.
Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. Volume XIV. Reed-Spire. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 8vo. pp. 850, viii. $3.00.
Tracts for Priests and People. By Various Writers. Boston. Walker, Wise, & Co. 12mo. pp. 372. $1.00.
Method of Teachers' Institutes, and the Theory of Education. By Samuel P. Bates. A.M., Deputy-Superintendent of the Common Schools of Pennsylvania, and Author of "Institute Lectures." New York. Barnes & Burr. 8vo. pp. 75. 50 cts.
As the reader of German may be curious to see a specimen of the original, we give this last passage, which contains, in a brief compass, many distinctive features of the Alemannic dialect:—
"Nei so lucg me doch, wie cha mi Meiddeli springe!
'Chunnsch mi über,' seits und lacht, 'und witt
mi, se hol mi!'
All' wil en andere Weg, und alliwil anderi
Fall mer nit sel Reiuli ab!—Do hemmer's, i sags io—
Hani's denn nit gseit? Doch gauckelet's witers
und witers,
Groblet uf alle Vieren, und stellt si wieder uf
d' Beinli,
Schlieft in d' Hürst—iez such mer's eisl—dört
güggelet's use,
Wart, i chumm! Druf rüefts mer wieder hinter
de Bäume:
'Roth wo bin i iez!'—und het si urige Phatest.
Aber wie de gosch, wirsch sichtli grösser und
Wo di liebligen Othern weiht, so färbt si der Rase
Grüener rechts und links, es stöhn in saftige
Gras und Chrüter uf, es stöhn in frischere Gstalte
Farbigi Blüemli do, und d' Immli chömmen und
'S Wasserstelzli chunnt, und lueg doch,'s Wuli
vo Todtnau!
Alles will di bschauen, und Alles will di bigrüsse,
Und di fründlig Herz git alle fründligi Rede:
'Chömmet ihr ordlige Thierli, do hender, esset
und trinket!
Witers goht mi Weg, Gsegott, ihr ordlige Thierli!'"
The Rhine.
Dengle-Geist, literally, "Whetting-Spirit." The exact meaning of dengeln is to sharpen a scythe by hammering the edge of the blade, which was practised before whetstones came in use.
According to an old legend, Fridolin (a favorite saint with the Catholic population of the Black Forest) harnessed two young heifers to a mighty fir-tree, and hauled it into the Rhine near Säckingen, thereby damming the river and forcing it to take a new course, on the other side of the town.
Dr. Thomas Brown.
I refer mainly to a Discourse by the Rev. M.D. Conway, delivered before the "Emancipation League," in Boston, in January last.
Causeries du Lundi. Par C.A. Sainte-Beuve, de l'Académie Française. Tome Quatorziéme. Paris: Garnier Frères. 12mo. pp. 480.
Les Semaines Littéraires. Troisième Série des Causeries Littéraires. Par Armand de Pontmartin. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères. 12mo. pp. 364.
Chateaubriand et son Groupe Littéraire sous l'Empire. Cours professé à Liége en 1848-1849, par C.A. Sainte-Beuve, de l'Académie Française. Paris: Garnier Frères. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 410, 457.
Histoire de la Literature Française. Par D. Nisard, de l'Académie Française, Inspecteur-Général de l'Enseignement Supérieur. Tome Quatrième, Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, Fils, et Cie. 8vo. pp. 584.