Bang – Bang – Bang
Dear Editor:
I have read the August Astounding Stories and greatly enjoyed the fiction, but “The Readers’ Corner” gave me a good deal of amusement. Some of your readers take their fiction so seriously!
Take the “Brick or Two” from George L. Williams and Harry Heillisan, for instance. They want Astounding Stories filled with material from authors that appear in other magazines – because your readers “are used to the standards set by those publications,” etc. And again, “you should have some one who is well qualified to pass upon the science in the stories.” For the love of Pete, if people want scientific treatises, why don’t they buy books and magazines dealing with the subject? There are many on the market – serious and dull enough for anyone. But for our fiction magazines, let’s have it pure and unadulterated, the more improbably the better.
What possible difference does it make if, in a story, the moon has a crater every ten feet, or the black sky of outer space were blazing with moons and aurora borealises, or the sun were in a double eclipse!
We read stories to be amused, not for technical information, so we certainly don’t want “a scientific editorial in each issue by some ’eminent scientist.’”
As for a department in which readers could write their opinions of the stories and suggest improvements in the conduct of the magazine, what else is “The Readers’ Corner?”
Why not adopt a tolerant attitude, and instead of howling about petty faults and mistakes get a good laugh over them? As for telling writers and editors “how to do it,” we would only expose our ignorance and inability and make ourselves ridiculous.
If we think we could do so much better, let’s try it. Write a story ourselves or start running a magazine!
Astounding Stories is all right as is. We like it “different.” We want different authors from those of other magazines. What is the use of having various publications if they must all be conducted along identical lines?
Now for your writers: Mr. R.F. Starzl is easily the best. His story, “The Planet of Dread,” is full of thrills and imagination and clever situations that are well developed and surmounted. One thing that is rather remarkable in this class of story, the hero gets himself and his companion out of every difficulty by his own ingenuity. The story moves along with interest and thrills in every paragraph, and is really my ideal of a “super-scientific” yarn; i.e., not stuffed with tiresome technical data. Let’s have more from this interesting author. – C.E. Bush, Decatur, Ark.
Assorted Bouquets
Dear Editor:
Before commenting upon the September issue of your wonderful magazine, I would like to personally thank Mr. Bates for the kind reply to my former letter. It shows that at least one editor glanced over my literary ramblings.
Now for comments on the September issue. I placed the stories in the following order, which is based upon their merit:
“Marooned Under the Sea”; “Terrible Tentacles of L-472”; “Jetta of the Lowlands”; “The Attack from Space”; “A Problem in Communication”; “Earth the Marauder,” and “The Murder Machine.”
Your serials are the best I have ever read in any magazine; your latest one, “Jetta of the Lowlands,” promises to be an A-1 top-notcher.
Your artists, H.W. Wessolowski and J. Fleming Gould, draw the finest illustrations I have ever seen anywhere.
“The Readers’ Corner” is a fine corner which can only be improved by making it larger.
The stories scheduled for the October issue look good to me. Am glad to see that Dr. Bird is returning. Will sign off now wishing Astounding Stories all the luck it deserves. – Edwin Anderson, 1765 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, N.Y.C., N.Y.
A Request
Dear Editor:
I thought I would drop you just a line to comment on the authors now writing for “our” magazine.
Among the best are: R. F. Starzl, Edmond Hamilton, Harl Vincent, Ray Cummings and Captain S. P. Meek. However, there is one brilliant author whose fascinating stories have, to date, failed to appear in our magazine. The man I am referring to is Ed Earl Repp. Please have a story by him in our magazine as soon as possible.
I am sure other readers will agree with me when I say that Mr. Repp writes exceedingly thrilling and exciting Science Fiction tales. Let’s see many stories by him in the forthcoming issues of Astounding Stories. – Forrest J. Ackerman, 530 Staples Avenue, San Francisco, California.
Thank You, Mr. Lorenzo
Dear Editor:
Several Science Fiction magazines will have to struggle along without my patronage. Why? Because they flew (literally speaking) over my head with all kinds of science. I want some science, but mostly fiction. I couldn’t understand what they were writing about, so I lost interest. I can read a single copy of a good magazine from cover to cover in one day, but let me lose interest in it by having too much dry matter and I just don’t buy that book again.
Your magazine is the best of all Science Fiction magazines, which means that I can read and understand the tales in Astounding Stories. So you get my trade. You’re trying your best to supply me with interesting stories so if there is an occasional dry story (to me), I just remember one thing: you, as Editor, are a human being like myself; so, neither one of us being perfect, I just forgive and go on buying. – Jas Lorenzo, 644 Hanover St., San Francisco, Cal.
Dear Editor:
“Earth, the Marauder,” by Arthur J. Burks, gets four stars. It is one of the most astounding stories I have ever read. I hope you have more stories by Arthur J. Burks on schedule for early issues. “Jetta of the Lowlands,” by Ray Cummings, “Marooned Under the Sea,” by Paul Ernst (a sequel soon, I hope). “The Terrible Tentacles of L-472,” by S.P. Wright and “The Attack from Space,” by S.P. Meek (let’s have another sequel), all get three stars. I hope that S.P. Wright will write more stories of strange planets.
I think that your serials should all be book-length novels with the installments from thirty-five to fifty pages in length. Don’t publish novelettes (thirty to sixty-five pages) as serials.
In your August issue you mention that you may some day publish Astounding Stories twice a month. I would rather have you increase the price to twenty-five cents, give us as much material as Five Novels Monthly, and smooth cut edges.
Wesso’s cover illustrations are improving each month. I am glad to see more of his illustrations inside.
Since so many readers ask for reprints, why not give us an occasional one? – Jack Darrow, 4225 N. Spaulding Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
“A Flop”
Dear Editor:
I have read Astounding Stories since its first issue, and I am convinced that it is without a peer in the field of Science Fiction. This preeminence is due to the fact that the magazine regularly contains the work of the best contemporary writers of scientific fantasy, such as Cummings, Rousseau, Leinster, Burks and Hamilton.
Certain readers, unaccustomed to such rich fare, ask for stories by lesser lights. For a time these requests went unheeded; but of late it seems they are getting results – more’s the pity.
Your September issue contained a story called “A Problem in Communication” by Miles J. Breuer, M.D. Now, the good doctor may be a “wow” in other magazines, but his stuff is not up to the standard of Astounding Stories. His initial effort in this magazine was dull and uninspired. It lacked the sustained interest and gripping action of your other stories. It was, to put it bluntly, a flop.
In spite of this sad example, several readers are still clamoring for more stuff from the small-timers. If they get their way – which Allah forbid! – it will mean the downfall of Astounding Stories. Why ruin a truly great magazine by catering to a misguided minority? – George K. Addison, 94 Brandt Place, Bronx, New York.
“No Favorites”
Dear Editor:
I found your magazine on the newsstand while looking for another kind. The cover picture looked interesting so I bought Astounding Stories instead of the other. Since that moment I have been a steady reader.
I can see no way to improve your magazine unless it is to enlarge it or to publish it oftener. I am satisfied with it as it is. It is the best magazine on the newsstands now.
I have no favorites among your stories as I like them all equally well. – Robert L. King, Melbourne, Florida.
Pride of the Regiment
Dear Editor:
I have just finished reading the September issue of Astounding Stories and want to congratulate you on your staff of writers. Although this is the first copy I have read, I can assure you that it will not be the last, by any means.