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A String of Pearls

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I had not gone far before I met two brethren, named respectively, Mathews and Foutze. They were somewhat startled at seeing me, and, after the first exclamation of surprise, Brother Mathews said, "Why, Brother S – , is it you? You are like one raised from the dead; for we were informed by the Indians that you were killed before last Christmas."

Both brethren shook me heartily by the hands, and thanked the Lord that I was alive.

Their supper was ready; and here I ate bread for the first time for eighteen weeks. I ate but little else, and soon found that I had taken too much, and I suffered a great deal of pain during the night as a consequence.

After this meal I ate but little bread at a time, until I could digest it without pain.

The next evening we reached the camp or winter quarters of the Saints.

The news of my arrival was soon known, and before I could get out of the wagon I was met by a number of old traveling companions, all of whom gave me a hearty welcome, and such a shaking of the hands as I never had before or since.

A number of my brethren invited me to their houses, but I preferred to go to a log house kept for Indians, until I had thoroughly washed myself and changed my clothes.

At this time I was free from all sores, except a small patch upon my right side.

Thus ended my Indian mission, which (although at times I suffered much) was to me a very interesting part of my life.

Through my experience upon that mission, I became better acquainted with the dealings of the Lord with His servants when alone. I know assuredly that He will hear and answer our prayers, at all times, and under all circumstances, if we do and ask aright.

Before I close, let me say to those who have read this reminiscence, never allow your faith to fail you, but trust in the Lord and continue to pray to Him, and He will answer you. If He should not at first, pray again, and again, and exercise faith, and I do know you will be answered and blessed of the Lord.





When on a mission to the State of Virginia, a few years since, it fell to my lot to labor in that portion of the State which had been visited some twenty-five or thirty years previous by the late President Jedediah M. Grant.

From what I could learn of him then, he certainly was a most remarkable man. He seemed to live fresh in the memories of all classes; and they never grew tired of relating to me many reminiscences connected with his fruitful labors in their midst; and I never became weary of listening to these most interesting narrations. His career there, as elsewhere, was marked with abundant evidences in proof of his claim to be "a servant of God, with a divine commission." Through the power of God existing with him, and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, he was not only prepared to propagate the principles of the gospel, as restored, but also to meet the powerful enemies of the truth that arrayed themselves against him and the Church, as they were wont to do in the early history of the work.

Thinking the young Latter-day Saints would be interested in a narration of some of these events, I will give them as they were given me, as near as I can recall them after a lapse of ten years.

In the early part of President Grant's ministry in that country, he gained quite a reputation as a ready speaker, frequently responding to invitations to preach from such subjects or texts as might be selected at the time of commencing his sermon, by those inviting him.

In time it became a matter of wonder with many as to how and when he prepared his wonderful sermons. In reply to their queries he informed them that he never prepared his sermons as other ministers did. He said, "Of course, I read and store my mind with a knowledge of gospel truths, but I never study up a sermon."

Well, they did not believe he told the truth, for, as they thought, it was impossible for a man to preach such sermons without careful preparation. So, in order to prove it, a number of persons decided to put him to the test, and asked him if he would preach at a certain time and place, and from a text selected by them. They proposed to give him the text on his arrival at the place of meeting, thus giving him no time to prepare.

To gratify them he consented.

The place selected was Jeffersonville, the seat of Tazewell County, at that time the home of the late John B. Floyd (who subsequently became secretary of war), and many other prominent men.

The room chosen was in the court house. At the hour appointed the house was packed to its utmost capacity.

Mr. Floyd and a number of lawyers and ministers were present, and occupied front seats.

Elder Grant came in, walked to the stand and opened the meeting as usual. At the close of the second hymn, a clerk, appointed for the occasion, stepped forward and handed a paper (the text) to Elder Grant.

Brother Grant unfolded the paper and found it to be blank. Without any mark of surprise, he held the paper up before the audience, and said:

"My friends, I am here to-day according to agreement, to preach from such a text as these gentlemen might select for me. I have it here in my hand. I don't wish you to become offended at me, for I am under promise to preach from the text selected; and if any one is to blame, you must blame those who selected it. I knew nothing of what text they would choose, but of all texts this is my favorite one.

"You see the paper is blank" (at the same time holding it up to view).

"You sectarians down there believe that out of nothing God created all things, and now you wish me to create a sermon from nothing, for this paper is blank.

"Now, you sectarians believe in a God that has neither body, parts nor passions. Such a God I conceive to be a perfect blank, just as you find my text is.

"You believe in a church without prophets, apostles, evangelists, etc. Such a church would be a perfect blank, as compared with the church of Christ, and this agrees with my text.

"You have located your heaven beyond the bounds of time and space. It exists nowhere, and consequently your heaven is blank, like unto my text."

Thus he went on until he had torn to pieces all the tenets of faith professed by his hearers; and then he proclaimed the principles of the gospel in great power.

He wound up by asking, "Have I stuck to the text, and does that satisfy you?"

As soon as he sat down, Mr. Floyd jumped up and said: "Mr. Grant, if you are not a lawyer, you ought to be one." Then, turning to the people, he added: "Gentlemen, you have listened to a wonderful discourse, and with amazement. Now, take a look at Mr. Grant's clothes. Look at his coat! his elbows are almost out; and his knees are almost through his pants. Let us take up a collection."

As he sat down, another eminent lawyer, Joseph Stras, Esq., still living in Jeffersonville, arose and said:

"I am good for one sleeve in a coat and one leg in a pair of pants, for Mr. Grant."

The presiding elder of the M. E. church, South, was requested to pass the hat around, but replied that he would not take up a collection for a "Mormon" preacher.

"Yes you will!" said Mr. Floyd.

"Pass it around!" said Mr. Stras, and the cry was taken up and repeated by the audience, until, for the sake of peace, the minister had to yield. He accordingly marched around with a hat in his hand, receiving contributions, which resulted in a collection sufficient to purchase a fine suit of clothes, a horse, saddle and bridle for Brother Grant, and not one contributor a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though some joined subsequently. And this from a sermon produced from a blank text.

At another time, Elder Grant was challenged by a very eminent Baptist preacher, named Baldwin, to a discussion.

Brother Grant consented.

The place chosen was the fine, large church of his proud and imperious antagonist.

Mr. Baldwin was described to me, as a man who was overbearing in his manner – a regular brow-beater.

When the time came for the discussion, the house was densely crowded.

Umpires were chosen, and everything was ready to proceed, when Brother Grant arose and said, "Mr. Baldwin, I would like to ask you a question before we proceed any further."

"Certainly so," said Baldwin.

"Who stands at the head of your church in South-West Virginia?"

Mr. Baldwin very quickly and austerely replied, "I do, sir; I do."
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