On a Passage in Pope.—"P.C.S.S.," who is old-fashioned enough to admire and to study Pope, would feel greatly obliged if any of your correspondents could help him to the interpretation of the following lines, in the "Imitation" of Horace's Epistle to Augustus:—
"The Hero William, and the Martyr Charles,
One knighted Blackmore, and one pensioned Quarles,
Which made old Ben, and sturdy Dennis swear,
No Lord's Annointed, but a Russian bear!"
The passage in Horace, of which this purports to be an "Imitation," is the well-known
"Boeotum in crasso jurares äere natum,"
and it is clear enough that Pope meant to represent kings Charles and William as so devoid of the taste which should guide royal patronage, that, in selecting such objects of their favour as Blackmore and Quarles, they showed themselves to be as uncouth and unpolished as the animal to which he likens them. But the principal motive of this inquiry is to ascertain whether there exist in their writings any record of the indignation supposed to have been expressed by Jonson and Dennis at the favour shown by majesty to their less worthy rivals.
Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood.– There is a passage in Longinus (ch. xxii.), familiar perhaps to some of the readers of the "NOTES AND QUERIES," which indicates that the fact of the circulation of the blood was well established in the days of Plato. The father of critics, to exemplify, and illustrate the use and value of trope in writing, has garbled from the Timaeus, a number of sentences descriptive of the anatomy of the human body, where the circulation of the blood is pointed at in terms singularly graphic. The exact extent of professional knowledge arrived at in the time of the great philosopher is by no means clearly defined: he speaks of the fact, however, not with a view to prove what was contested or chimerical, but avails himself of it to figure out the surpassing wisdom of the gods in constructing the human frame. Perhaps some of the readers of the "NOTES," who are more thoroughly conversant with the subject, may think it worth while to inquire how much was known on that subject before Harvey wrote his Exercitationes Anatomiae. The Prooemium of that author seems hardly sufficient to satisfy the desire of every reader, who has looked with some care to the passage in Longinus to which I have taken the liberty of calling public attention.
The Meaning of "Pallace."—A lease granted by the corporation of Totness in Devon, in the year 1703, demises premises by this description: "All that cellar and the chambers over the same, and the little pallace and landing-place adjoining to the river Dart." Can your readers give an explanation of the term "pallace?"
Did Oliver Cromwell write "The New Star of the North?"—Perhaps some of your numerous correspondents, who have perused a curious letter of Count de Tessins, in Clements' Bibliothèque Curieuse, tome ix. page 331., can inform me what credit, or if any, is due to the Count's conjecture, that Oliver Cromwell was the author of the book entitled The New Star of the North, shining upon the victorious King of Sweden, &c. 4to. London, 1632.
Meaning of Savegard and Russells.—In the will of Elizabeth Coddington, lady of the manor of Ixworth, 1571, mention is made of "the red russells quilt," of "a felde bed," and of "my cloke and savegard of freseadon." I shall be obliged by any description of the garment known as the savegard, and of the russells quilt.
Pandoxare.—Having met with an old volume containing the entire household expenses, as well as in some degree a diary, kept by a country gentleman during the reigns of James II., William and Mary, and Anne, I observed that he has made use of a species of hieroglyphics, to facilitate his reference to his book, as it contained all the entries of all kinds, in chronological order. For instance, where mention is made of money spent on behalf of one person in his house, he puts at the side of the page a clay pipe, rudely drawn; an entry of the payment of wages to another servant has a jug of ale; another a quill pen; another a couple of brooms, as the housemaid; a fiddle for the dancing master for his daughter; payment made to the sexton or parish-clerk has a representation of the village church by its side, and the window-tax a small lattice-window; and on the days that they brewed, a small barrel is drawn by the side of the date. And the chief object of my letter is with respect to this last; a barrel is often drawn, and by its side the words, primò relinitus, and the date, naturally meaning the day it was tapped; and then shortly after comes another barrel, and to it is written the word Pandox., or sometimes in full Pandoxavimus; in some places at the end of the year there is a list to this effect:—
29. Mar.—Pandoxe.
6. Apr.—relinit.
28. Apr.—relinit.
3. May.—Pandoxe.
17. May.—relinit.
31. May.—relinit.
5. Iun.—Pandoxe."
and at the top of the list the figure of a barrel.
I should be glad if any of the readers of your paper could tell me the meaning of the word Pandoxare? Whatever it was, it took place about once a month.
[Ducange explains Pandoxare "Cauponum exercere, agere; cerevisiam venum exponere atque adeo conficere."]
Lord Bacon's Metrical Version of the Psalms.– In old Izaak Walton's Life of George Herbert, I find the following passage:—
"He (i.e. Lord Bacon) thought him so worthy of his friendship, that having translated many of the Prophet David's Psalms into English verse, he made George Herbert his patron by a public dedication of them to him, as the best judge of divine poetry."
Can any one of your numerous readers inform me if these "Metricals" are known?—if so it will greatly oblige
Festival of St. Michael and All Angels.—Can any of your readers inform me why double second lessons are appointed in the Book of Common Prayer for the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels? First, among the "lessons proper for Holy-days," we have, at Matins, Acts xii. to v. 20.; and at Evensong, Jude, v.6 to v.16.: and then in the Calendar, coming in ordinary course, we have, at Morning Prayer, Mark. ii.; and at evening, 1 Cor. xiv. In every other case, where the second lessons are proper, there are none appointed in the Calendar in ordinary course.
Wood-cut Likeness of Luther and Erasmus.– Perhaps you will permit me to inquire what are the earliest wood-cut likenesses of Luther and Erasmus. Am I right in supposing that the image of the great Reformer is found for the first time on the verse of the title-page of his treatise De Captivitate Babylonica Ecclesiae, 4to., s.l.v.a.; and that the wished-for representation of Erasmus may be seen in the small octavo volume, entitled Bellaria Epistolarum Erasmi Rot. et Ambrosii Pelargi vicissim missarum, Colon. 1539? Some of your readers will doubtless be acquainted with what seems to be a very accurate and complete performance, the Vita D. Martini Lutheri Nummis atque Inconibus illustrata, studio M. Christiani Juncker, 8vo., Francof. 1699. In this work (p.129.) there is an impression of a medal on which was exhibited the Imago ad vivam effigiem expressa of Erasmus, anno 1531.
Anglo-Saxon "Lay of the Phoenix."—Has any edition of the Lay of the Phoenix been published, besides the English version in the Archaeologia, vol. 30, and that which bears the date, "Copenhagen, Grundtvig, 1840, 8vo"? Can any light be thrown on the doubts respecting the era of the author of this lay? And is there any published edition of the hexameter poem by Lactantius, which is said by Stephens to have suggested the first idea of this beautiful Anglo-Saxon poem?
C. Agricola, Propugnaculum Anti-Pistorianum. —Could any of your readers direct me to an accessible library which possess a copy of Christian Agricola's Propugnaculum Anti-Pistorianum, or otherwise give me any account of that treatise?
The Liturgy Version of the Psalms.—In Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature (edition 1807), vol. i. p. 181. and vol. ii. p.316. are notices of The Bishops' Bible, where mention is made of one edition of it containing two different versions of the Psalms. The two statements, however, differ, making it doubtful of what is intended; the first speaking of one edition and the second of another.
Vol. i. p. 181. says—
"The first edition of this Bible was published in 1568. In this the new translation of the Psalms was inserted alone. In the second edition the translation of the Great Bible was added in opposite columns, and in a different character."
Vol. ii. p. 316.:—