This curious extract I copied from the ancient cheque-book of the Chapel Royal.
Within my recollection, His Grace the Duke of Wellington (who, by the way, is an excellent musician) entered the Royal Chapel "booted and spurred," and was, of course, called upon for the fine. But His Grace calling upon the youngest chorister to repeat his GAMUT, and the "little urchin" failing, the impost was not demanded.
Mr. W.S.W. Vaux, of the department of Antiquities, British Museum, has just published a very interesting little volume under the title of Nineveh and Persepolis: an Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia, with an Account of the recent Researches in those Countries. The work is illustrated with numerous woodcuts; and the two points which Mr. Vaux has proposed to elucidate,—viz., 1. The history of Assyria and Persia, and, as connected with it, that of the Medes, the Jews, and the Chaldees, so far as it can be ascertained from the Bible, and the works of classical authors: and 2. The results of those inquiries which have been carried on for nearly three centuries by European travellers,—he has successfully accomplished, in a way to make his book a most useful introduction to the study of the larger works which have been written upon this important subject; and a valuable substitute to those who have neither the means to purchase them, nor time to devote to their perusal.
The Rev. Dr. Maitland has just published a second edition of his Eruvin, or Miscellaneous Essays on Subjects connected with the Nature, History, and Destiny of Man. The Essays are ten in number, and treat: I. On the Nature and Objects of Revelation. II. On the Impediments to the Right Understanding of Scripture. III. Man before the Fall. IV. Satan. V. The Consequences of the Fall. VI. The Fallen Angels. VII. The Millenium. VIII. The Kingdom of Messiah. IX. The Regeneration. X. The Modern Doctrine of Miracles. We mention the subjects of these papers because, although they are of a nature not to be discussed in our columns, we are sure many of our readers will be glad to know the points on which they treat.
We have received the following Catalogues:—Bibliotheca Selecta, Curiosa et Rarissima. Part First of a general Catalougue of Miscellaneous English and Foreign Books now on sale by Thomas G. Stevenson, 87. Princes Street, Edinburgh—(a Catalogue well deserving attention of our Antiquarian friends); John Miller's (43. Chandos Street) Catalogue of Books Old and New; W.S. Lincoln's (Cheltenham House, Westminster Road) Catalogue No. 56., May, 1850, of English, Foreign, Classical and Miscellaneous Literature.
Messrs. Sotheby and Co., of Wellington Street, will commence on Monday next an eight days' sale of the valuable library of the late Rev. Peter Hall, consisting of rare and early English Theology, Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities, Foreign and English Controversial Works, Classics, Biblical Criticism, &c.
(In continuation of Lists in former Nos.)
A Pamphlet ON THE LEAD AND SILVER MINES OF GOWER, published about a century since.
Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
COMPLETION OF VOLUME THE FIRST. The present Number completes the First Volume of NOTES AND QUERIES, to which a Title-page and copious Index will be printed as soon as possible: when copies of it may be had in cloth boards. In the meantime, may we beg such of our Subscribers as have not complete sets, to secure such Numbers as they may be in want of without delay.
Errata.—No. 28. p. 452., for "Bayle" read "Bale," and for "Carood" read "Câwood." No. 29. p. 467., for "dick the string" read "click," and for "bung" read "bang."
In small 8vo., price 7s. 6d.
HYMNS and POEMS for the SICK and SUFFERING. In connection with the Service for the Visitation of the Sick. Edited by the Rev. T. V. FOSBERY, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Sunningdale.
This volume contains 233 separate pieces, of which about 90 are by writers who lived prior to the eighteenth century; the rest are modern, and some of these original. Amongst the names of the writers (between 70 and 80 in number) occur those of Sir J. Beaumont, Sir T. Browne, F. Davison, Elizabeth of Bohemia, P. Fletcher, G. Herbert, Dean Hickes, Bp. Ken. Norris, Quarles Sandys, Bp. J. Taylor, Henry Vaughan, and Sir. H. Wotton; and of modern writers, Miss E.B. Barrett, the Bishop of Oxford, S.T. Coleridge, Sir R. Grant, Miss E. Taylor, W. Wordsworth, Rev. Messrs. Chandler, Keble, Lyte, Monsell, Moultrie, and Trench.
RIVINGTON'S, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place.
In small 8vo., price 5s. 6d.
ERUVIN; or Miscellaneous Essays on Subjects connected with the Nature, History, and Destiny of Man. By the Rev. S.R. MAITLAND, D.D. F.R.S. & F.S.A.
RIVINGTON'S, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place;
Of whom may be had, by the same Author,
2. ESSAYS on the DARK AGES. Second Edition. 12s.
LAWYERS, SOLICITORS, PERIODICAL PUBLISHERS, and MUSIC SELLERS, &c. will find the newly-invented PAMPHLET or LETTER BINDER the most useful article yet offered to the Public for the purpose of facilitating the binding of extracting of any Letter or Pamphlet, without the possibility of deranging the consecutive order of such documents. They are equally useful as Music Binders or Portfolios, as it forms a perfect book, whether inclosing one sheet or five hundred. As a Portfolio, it is invaluable, as it precludes the possibility of the drawings being broken or in any way injured.
To be had of DE LA RUE and Co., Stationers, Bunhill Row, or of any other respectable Stationer.
Now Publishing
THE CHURCHES OF THE MIDDLE AGES. By HENRY BOWMAN and JOSEPH S. CROWTHER, Architects, Manchester. To be completed in Twenty Parts, each containing Six Plates, Imperial Folio. Issued at intervals of two months. Price per Part to Subscribers, Proofs, large paper, 10s. 6d.; Tinted, small paper. 9s.; Plain, 7s. 6d. Parts 1 to 7 are now published, and contain illustrations of Ewerby Church, Lincolnshire; Temple Balsall Chapel, Warwickshire; and Heckington church, Lincolnshire.
On the 1st of July next, the price of the work, to Subscribers whose names may be received after that date, will be raised as follows:—Proofs, tinted, large paper, per Part 12s.; tinted, small paper, 10s. 6d.; Plain 9s.
"Ewerby is a magnificent specimen of a Flowing Middle-Pointed Church. It is most perfectly measured and described; one can follow the most recondite beauties of the construction, mouldings and joints, in these Plates, almost as well as in the original structure. Such a monograph as this will be of incalculable value to the architects of our Colonies or the United States, who have no means of access to ancient churches. The Plates are on stone, done with remarkable skill and distinctness. Of Heckington we can only say that the perspective view from the south-east presents a very vision of beauty; we can hardly conceive anything more perfect. We heartily recommend this series to all who are able to patronize it."—Ecclesiologist, Oct. 1849.
London: GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.
Just published, fcp. 8vo., cloth lettered. 2s. 6d.
A GLOSSARY to the OBSOLETE and UNUSUAL WORDS and PHRASES of the HOLY SCRIPTURES. With an Introductory History of the last English Version. By J. JAMESON.
London: WERTHEIM AND MACINTOSH. 24. Paternoster Row.
Preparing for publication. In 2 vols. small 8vo.
THE FOLK-LORE of ENGLAND. By WILLIAM J. THOMS, F.S.A., Secretary of the Camden Society, Editor of "Early Prose Romances," "Lays and Legends of all Nations," &c. One object of the present work is to furnish new contributions to the History of our National Folk-Lore; and especially some of the more striking Illustrations of the subject to be found in the Writings of Jacob Grimm and other Continental Antiquaries.
Communications of inedited Legends, Notices of remarkable Customs and Popular Observances, Rhyming Charms, &c. are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully acknowledged by the Editor. They may be addressed to the care of Mr. BELL, Office of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
Now Ready, containing 149 Plates, royal 8vo. 28s.; follo, 2l. 5s. India Paper, 4l. 4s.
THE MONUMENTAL BRASSES of ENGLAND; a series of Engravings upon Wood, from every variety of these interesting and valuable Memorials, accompanied with Descriptive Notices.
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Part XII., completing the work, price 7s. 6d.; folio, 12s.; India paper, 24s.
By the same Author, royal 8vo., 15s.; large paper, 21s.
MONUMENTAL BRASSES and SLABS: an Historical and Descriptive Notice of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Middle Ages. With upwards of 200 Engravings.