Hockey (Vol. i., p. 457.).—I have not observed that this has been yet noticed: if such be the case, permit me to refer to a letter of the poet Cowper, dated 5th Nov., 1785 (5th vol. Works, edit. by Southey, p. 174.) in which, alluding to that day, he says,
"The boys at Olney have likewise a very entertaining sport which commences annually upon this day; they call it hockey, and it consists in dashing each other with mud, and the windows also, so that I am forced to rise now and then and to threaten them with a horsewhip, to preserve our own."
Praed's Poetical Works (Vol. ii., p. 190.).—Your Cambridge correspondent, Mr. Cooper, will be glad to know that Praed's poems are published in a collected form; Poetical Works of Winthrop Mackworth Praed, now first collected by Rufus W. Griswold; New York, 1844. This collection contains some thirty-six pieces. The longest poems, "Lillian" and "The Troubadour," each in two cantos, display passages of great beauty and exquisite musical flow. Among the charades, five in number, "Sir Harry, he charged at Agincourt", is not to be found.
W.M. Kingsmill.
We announced, after the last Annual Meetings of the Shakspeare Society, that it had been determined to publish a complete set of the Plays of one of Shakspeare's most prolific and interesting contemporaries, Thomas Heywood; and that the first volume of such collection, containing Six Plays, was then ready. A further contribution towards this collection, containing The Royal King and Loyal Subject, which has not been reprinted since the old edition of 1637, and his very popular drama, A Woman killed with Kindness, has just been issued, with an Introduction and Notes by J. Payne Collier, Esq., the zealous and indefatigable Director of the Society, and will, we are sure, be welcomed by every lover of our early drama. The Shakspeare Society will, indeed, do good service to the cause of our early literature if it prove the means of securing us, a uniform series of the works of such of our Elizabethan dramatists as do not stand sufficiently high in the opinion of the uninitiated, to tempt the publishing world to put forth their productions in a collected form.
We have received the following Catalogues:—John Petheram's (94. High Holborn) Catalogue, Part CXV. (No. 9. for 1850), of Old and New Books; Cole's (15. Great Turnstile) List, No. XXVIII., of Useful Second-hand Books.
Diurnal Readings, 1 vol. 8vo.
Scottish Poems collected by Pinkerton, 2 vols. sm. 8vo., 1792.
Bell's Shakspeare's Plays and Poems. Vol. I.
Ivimey's History of the Baptists. Vol. II.
Edwards' Gangræna. Parts II. and III.
Asiatic Annual Register. Vol. VII. for 1805.
Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES", 186. Fleet Street.
Notices to Correspondents
Nocab is informed that the Prelate to whom he refers was created a D.D. by the late Archbishop of Canterbury. It certainly is not necessary that the recipient of such a degree should have previously taken that of M.A. or B.A.
H.I.G., Northampton. The Editor would be happy to insert the Question of this Correspondent, relating to the Epistles of St. Paul, but he apprehends that the discussion to which it would give rise would, in order to its being of any use, require more space than could be afforded, and involve a good deal of criticism and argument not suited to these columns.
A.B. (Bradpole) will find a notice of the line "Incidis in Scyllam", &c., which is taken from Gualter de Lisle's Alexandriad, in Notes and Queries, Vol. ii., p. 86.
The loan of a copy of the Teseide is freely offered to our Brighton correspondent.
To be Published by Subscription, in 3 vols. fcp. 8vo.
I. NORTHERN MYTHOLOGY, comprising the Principal Later Superstitions of Scandinavia.
II. POPULAR TRADITIONS of Scandinavia and the Netherlands. By B. Thorpe.
The work will be sent to press as soon as the number subscribed for shall be adequate to cover the cost of printing.
Names received by Messrs. R. and J.E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet-street.
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE and HISTORICAL REVIEW for AUGUST contains, among other articles,
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Michael Drayton and his "Idea's Mirrour."
Date of the erection of Chaucer's Tomb.
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Nichols and Son, 25. Parliament Street.
Of Saturday, August 31st, contains a perspective view of Mr. Paxton's design for the building as finally approved by Her Majesty's Commissioners, and now in course of erection in Hyde Park. The Athenæum of Saturday, the 7th of September, will contain a view of the south front, a view of the east front, a portion on an enlarged scale, and a ground plan.
Several journals having published views of a building which it was supposed would be the building erected, the publisher of The Athenæum considers it proper to state that the views announced above have never been seen by the public, and are totally dissimilar to those engraved in the professional journals.
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