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The Mist and the Lightning. Part I

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They entered the restaurant through the rear exit and the owner rushed to welcome them.

"We'll be upstairs," Orel snapped. "If there is any mail, bring it later."

He quickly walked up the stairs to the room he used as his reception-room in the Lower City. Taking off his cloak, he turned to Nikto.

"Who is it that Morgan? Tell me, tell me now!"

Nikto shrugged.

"A nobody. A commoner, a warrior – but on the whole nothing special."

"I can't believe it!" Orel fell into a luxurious armchair at the head of the table. "A commoner threatens me, where is this world going to?"

Nikto laughed. Orel pointed at the place he could take.

"Orel, I want roast meat," Tol drawled whimsically.

"Then go and order it, don't you see I'm busy!" Orel shouted at him.

"All right, I'll wait."

"No, you go! Go now and order whatever you want! And pick up the mail while you're at it!"

Tol left the room hastily.

"You upset him when you killed Lamy," Nikto said. "Now he'll be trying to get you. He hates rich people and yells about it at every corner. He'll make the whole city know that the prince Arel Chig kills defenseless pregnant women."

"Oooh," Enriki moaned.

Orel passed his hands over his hair, smoothening it back.

"My poor reputation." He smiled, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "I just cut off that bitch's head by mistake. You were hanging around with her in the street, I decided she was your friend."

"She was my friend."

"I wanted to kill the Unclean!"

Nikto laughed.

"You find it funny, you're amused that a commoner puts me down! I need to kill him!"

"You can try. He's like a rat, if he hides, you won't catch him."

"Did you try?" Orel leaned forward.

"No," Nikto lit a cigarette. "Why would I?"

"He was threatening you, too."

"And a lot," Enriki added.

"Let him have his fun," Nikto said. "It works to my advantage. His tales of me scare everyone so much that I can do whatever I want in the Lower City now."

Orel laughed.

"They are really afraid of you, aren't they?"

"You can't imagine," Nikto shook his head.

"I don't find it funny at all," Lis said. "What's good in being a fright for everyone?"

"At last you've said something, Lis!" Orel exclaimed. "I thought you swallowed your tongue! No," he continued, "I'll kill that Morgan nonetheless, and you'll help me find him," he stabbed his finger at Nikto's mask.

"Hey, careful!"

"You seem happy," Lis said.

"Who's happy? I'm happy?"

"No, your horse's happy."

"Fine. I've had enough, I'm tired of all that shit." Orel put his legs onto the table as usual.

Tol entered the room.

"Roast meat is coming," he said. "And here is some mail." He put a few envelopes in front of Orel.

"Oh no, I don't want to be bothered with it," Orel moaned.

"So, what have you decided about Mor… whatever's his name?" Tol asked.

"I'll kill him next week," Orel said.

"Perfect. Why not sooner?"

"I'll let him live for a while longer."

"He'll just use that time to write a few complaints about you – to the court, all the ministers and the king himself," Nikto said.

"Do you mean it? He's writing complaints?"

"More than you can imagine."

"Oh no, I cannot bear it!" Orel pressed his palm to his chest. "Farewell, my friends! Prison is waiting for me!"

Tol laughed. Orel took his legs away from the table.

"So, where is roast meat?"
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