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The Mist and the Lightning. Part 11

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Covered with leather clothing like with a shell, Arel moved stiffly, he was shaking. Ver covered his hair with a hood.

“Dress your second slave soon,” urged Lis. And Nikto dressed and covered his face with a black mask too. “Don’t you also want to shove anything into yourself?” Lis grimaced, seeing that completely collected Nikto and Arel differed little from each other, except for the color of their hair. “Two slaves of the Demon,” Lis said caustically.

“Lis, you are my slave too. Don’t forget it!” Nikto answered sharply.

And Lis silently grinned angrily.

“Want a bell in your nose? Fuck, you will get it instead of the throne!”

“I already somehow don’t even doubt,” Lis snapped again, “it looks like this is all you can do!”

Nikto, a moment ago so lethargic, suddenly came up sharply to Lis and grabbed him by the hair from behind, squeezing with a death grip, lifting his face up.

“Can't you see the limits, Lis?!” He hissed and threw Lis away from him with such force that he, flying half the room, slammed sideways into the wall, slid down, instinctively covering his head with his hands.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Lis hastened to say, “now I see the Demon.”

“What a fool.”


“I'll break your head off, Lis, I'll print your fucking redhead into the wall if you don't shut up.”

Lis knelt down.

“Do you want me to order Ver to piss in your mouth now for your words? And you will swallow, I swear I will train you!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, don't,” Lis was tense. “I have understood everything, I will no longer say that, please.”

“Come on,” Nikto passed him, “for the last time, Lis, I don't touch you. Remember. There won't be a second time.”

They drove to the river, and Nikto put Arel on the Unclean Power in front of him, hugging all the way. Khabir Verniy stayed behind to guard the path, and they, leaving their horses, went down through the grotto to the lake. Lis told Nikto that he had already drowned the prince.

“Do you know how his ass shrinks when he starts to choke?!” He laughed.

And in the eyes of Arel, whom Nikto freed from the mask, a sincere fear was reflected and he began to whisper:

“No, no, please…”

But, of course, his pleas, like all the previous ones before, were completely in vain. And at first they mocked him for a long time, forcing him to walk along the water's edge on all fours. Nikto drove him back and forth like a dog by the chain in his nose, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Then he blindfolded Arel with a leather bandage. And having allowed him to get up, he transferred him to the opposite bank of the creek. There they began to dip Arel into the water and fucked him in turns. While one fucked, the other kept the prince's head under the water, lowered. Several times the poor man choked, and Nikto rudely brought him to his senses, pressing on the chest with his knee. Arel vomited water and was in a semi-faint state. With threats, they forced him to try to hold his breath as long as possible. And if he began to sip water too quickly, earlier than needed, as they thought, they pulled him to the beach and kicked him a little, but perceptibly, rolling on the sand. They poked his face in the sand. Then, at last, they played enough, nearly drowning the poor prince four times. Returning to the grass, they sat down to eat. Nikto gave a piece of bread with cheese in Arel’s hand:


He watched with satisfaction as Arel awkwardly held the sandwich with his hand in a wet leather glove, how he tried to eat, how helplessly he turned his head to the voice of Nikto. Blind, wet, submissive.

“Drink some wine too,” Nikto thrust a glass into his hands, “refresh yourself.”

He finally untied the tight bandage that held Arel's head and allowed him to open his eyes. Arel blinked often, squinting, his eyes were watering from the daylight. Nikto was clearly in a blissful mood:

“Tell me, slave, what do you want to ask? Ask!”

Arel in fright almost choked on a piece of bread and barely uttered:

“Can I please give a pee?”

Nikto, smiling, nodded and, holding out his hand, opened the faucet in Arel's chastity belt.

“Just step away, over there to the bushes. But so that I can see you! He and Lis watched as Arel was awkwardly trying to cope with a small need: so that urine from the small hole in his chastity belt didn’t flow down his legs, he had to squat down.

“He can't pee standing now, Nikto, what are you doing to him?” Lis laughed. Arel returned to them, sat down without looking up.

Nikto reached out and stroked his nose ring:

“Look at me!” He ordered.

Arel immediately looked up, frightened and resigned. Nikto looked at him, not looking up, intently, while continuing to play with the ring with his fingers, then sipping it from side to side, then clicking on it:

“I allow you to cum!” Nikto suddenly said very clearly.

And Arel began to thrash, tremble, Nikto continued to firmly hold him by the ring hanging from his nose, forcing Arel slightly lifting his head up, wriggle, writhe in his hands, making whining, completely inhuman sounds. White liquid spurted from the hole in the chastity belt.

“I've never seen anything more disgusting!” Lis said, turning away.

And when Arel's body finally stopped contracting convulsively, Nikto let go of the ring, and Arel immediately fell on its side. With his gloved hands, he began to scratch the metal chastity belt, as if trying to rip it off, not realizing that this was a pointless attempt. Nikto watched as Arel, in a hopeless fit, tried to tear off his belt and leather straps, digging into the body.

“In the morning I'll give you to Ver,” he said, “it's time to heal you.”

Nikto pulled Arel to him and turned off the tap. Arel howled in frustration and pain. Nikto fastened the chain to the nose ring and pulled on it again.

“Calm down, calm down,” he ordered, “if you try to take something off, rip off or at least weaken, I will cut off your fucking hands! All the same, they are unnecessary to you.” Arel looked at him with such indescribable horror that Nikto laughed. “Calm down, I'm kidding, it amuses me how you scratch yourself and you still can't do anything. Are the straps too tight? Everything hurts, right? Ver will heal you. Because things still need to be done here!” He nodded at Lis. “There, he’s sitting, worried. So I'll release you soon.”

Arel leaned towards Nikto, trying to kiss his hands.

“Stop it already!” Lis couldn’t stand it.

“Stop standing over me like a brood hen and clucking,” Nikto said to Lis.

“We will not have time to do anything!”

“We will have time for everything.”

Towards evening, they returned to the Estate and continued.

“I'm tired, please,” Arel barely whispered, and his tear-filled eyes glittered.

“I'll let you rest, but later. I said in the morning,” Nikto answered.

“Why are you even letting him open his mouth for nothing,” said Lis. “Come on, fasten his tongue, and let him hum.” Lis grinned and snapped hard on the metal ring sticking out in the corner of Arel's lips. He twitched, clinking chains, shrank:
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