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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I.

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2. Severity, harshness, hardness.

Acrimonious, a. [Rare.] 1. Corrosive, caustic, sharp.

2. Severe, harsh, hard, acrid, sarcastic, bitter, virulent, malignant, censorious, crabbed, snarling, snappish, testy, pettish, petulant, cross, sour, tart, splenetic, peevish, ill-tempered, ill-natured.

Acrimony, n. 1. Sharpness, corrosiveness, causticity.

2. Severity, harshness, sourness, tartness, asperity, virulence, bitterness, acerbity, rancor, venom, crabbedness, moroseness, churlishness, ill-temper, bad blood.

Acroamatic, a. Esoteric, esoterical, secret, private, acroatic.

Acroamatical, a. Esoteric, esoterical, secret, private, acroatic.

Acroatic, a. Esoteric, acroamatic.

Acrobat, n. Rope-dancer.

Acrospire, n. Shoot, sprout, plumule.

Across, prep. Athwart, over, from one side of to the other.

Act, v. n. 1. Work, move, carry any thing into effect, execute a purpose, be in action.

2. Behave, conduct one's self, demean one's self, acquit one's self.

3. Operate, have influence.

Act, v. a. 1. Do, perform, execute, carry into execution.

2. Personate, play, simulate, enact, play the part of, take the part of.

Act, n. 1. Deed (viewed as a single exertion of power), action, performance, proceeding, thing, exploit, feat, achievement, turn.

2. Statute, enactment, ordinance, edict, decree, law, bill.

3. Fact, reality, actuality, real existence.

Acting, n. 1. Deed, performance, action.

2. Personation, representation, simulation.

Action, n. 1. Activity, exercise, motion, movement, play.

2. Deed (viewed as requiring a continued exertion of power), performance, exploit, achievement, procedure, proceeding, acting, turn, act.

3. Agency, operation, force, influence, instrumentality, process.

4. Battle, engagement, conflict, contest, combat, rencontre, encounter, skirmish, brush, affair.

5. Gesticulation, gesture.

6. Subject, fable, plot, series of events.

7. (Law.) Suit, process, case, prosecution.

Actinolite, n. Strahlstein, ray-stone.

Active, a. 1. Practical, operative, living, vigorous, in action, in operation.

2. Busy, diligent, assiduous, industrious, indefatigable, unremitting, laborious, sedulous, notable, at work, hard at work, diligently employed, busily engaged.

3. Alert, nimble, agile, supple, brisk, dapper, stirring, spry, smart, quick, prompt, ready, lively, sprightly, spirited.

4. Enterprising, energetic, strong, efficient, in earnest.

5. Drastic (as medicine), powerful, efficacious.

6. (Gram.) Transitive.

Activity, n. 1. Action, exercise.

2. Alertness, agility, nimbleness, smartness, briskness, sprightliness, spryness.

3. Intensity, energy, strength, force, power, vigor.

4. Enterprise, efficiency.

Actor, n. 1. Doer, operator, agent.

2. Player, performer, comedian, tragedian, stage-player.

Actual, a. 1. Real, veritable, true, substantial, determinate, decided, categorical, positive, absolute, certain, genuine, very, not ideal, not imagined, not imaginary, not supposed or fancied, not fictitious, that exists in fact, de facto, bona fide.

2. Present, now existing, now in being.

Actually, ad. Really, truly, absolutely, positively, verily, indeed, in fact, in reality, as a matter of fact, in truth.

Actuate, v. a. Induce, impel, move, prompt, instigate, persuade, incite, act upon, prevail upon, work upon.

Act upon, 1. Influence, effect, have influence upon.

2. Induce, actuate.

Act up to. Abide by, conform to, persist in.

Acumen, n. Acuteness, shrewdness, sagacity, astuteness, sharpness, ingenuity, perspicacity, discernment, penetration, mother-wit, quick parts.

Acuminate, a. (Bot.) Sharp, acute, pointed, cuspidate, cuspidated.
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