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Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений.

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I am assured and fully believe

I am at a loss for adequate terms

I am bold to say

I am but saying

I am by no means certain

I am certain that you will give me credit

I am certainly in earnest sympathy

I am confronted by the hope

I am conscious of the fact

I am convinced by what I have seen

I am deeply imbued with the conviction

I am deeply insensible of the compliment

I am determined

I am even bold enough to hazard

I am exceeding my necessary limits

I am exceedingly glad of this opportunity

I am extremely obliged to you

I am familiar with

I am far from asserting

I am filled with admiration

I am firmly convinced

I am free to admit

I am fully convinced

I am giving voice to what you all feel

I am glad of this public opportunity

I am glad to answer to the toast

I am glad to express the belief

I am glad to notice

I am going to spare you and myself

I am grateful to you for this honor

I am greatly alarmed

I am greatly indebted to you

I am happy to be with you

I am here by the favor of your invitation

I am here the advocate of

I am here to introduce

I am in favor of

I am in sympathy with

I am inclined sometimes to believe

I am inclined to suspect

I am indebted for the honor

I am, indeed, most solicitous

I am informed

I am led on by these reflections

I am led to believe

I am mainly concerned

I am most deeply sensible of the welcome

I am most grateful for the opportunity

I am myself greatly indebted

I am nevertheless too sensible
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