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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

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Amalgamate. Mix, commingle, unite, combine, blend, compound, incorporate, join, fuse, consolidate.

Ant. Disintegrate, decompose, disperse, separate, dissipate, analyze.


Amaranthine. Of the amaranth; fadeless, imperishable, undying, immortal, perennial; purplish, amethystine.

Ant. Ephemeral, perishable, mortal, fading.


Amass. Accumulate, heap up, collect, gather, hoard, store up.

Ant. Disperse, divide, scatter, spend, squander, waste, dissipate; portion, distribute, parcel.


Amateur. Lover, votary, devotee; beginner, neophyte, novice, tyro, dilettante.


Amazement. Astonishment, bewilderment, wonder, marvel, stupefaction, confusion, perplexity, awe.

Ant. Anticipation, calmness, coolness, familiarity, preparation, stoicism, self-possession, steadiness, composure.


Amazing. Astonishing, astounding, wonderful, surprising, marvelous, prodigious, strange, miraculous, stupendous, extraordinary.

Ant. Common, familiar, trivial, commonplace, frequent, hackneyed, usual, customary.


Ambagious. Winding, devious, sinuous; tortuous, indirect, evasive, circuitous; diffuse, dull, tedious; dubious, enigmatical, vague.

Ant. Direct, straight, frank, open, simple, straightforward, plain, clear, lucid, unmistakable.


Ambassador. Minister, envoy, legate, deputy, plenipotentiary.


Ambient. Surrounding, encompassing, enfolding, circling, investing.


Ant. Penetrating, infiltrating, permeating, intervening.


Ambiguous. Doubtful, dubious, uncertain, indefinite, vague, obscure, indistinct, equivocal, enigmatical.

Ant. Obvious, plain, clear, lucid, unmistakable.


Ambition. Emulation, rivalry, aspiration, competition, opposition.

Ant. Contentment, moderation, indifference, satisfaction.


Amelioration. Amendment, improvement, promotion, bettering, elevation.

Ant. Degeneration, deterioration, injury, detriment.


Amenable. Liable, responsible, answerable, accountable; open, impressible, pliant, docile.

Ant. Obstinate, irresponsible, independent, autocratic.


Amend. Improve, mend, repair, ameliorate, reform, correct, rectify.

Ant. Harm, corrupt, spoil, debase, aggravate.


Amends. Compensation, atonement, expiation, recompense, indemnity.

Ant. Insult, injury, fault, offense.


Amenity. Softness, mildness, suavity, gentleness, refinement, amiability.

Ant. Austerity, ungraciousness, discourtesy, moroseness.


Amiable. Agreeable, gentle, good-natured, pleasing, winsome, attractive, charming, lovable.

Ant. Crusty, hateful, sullen, surly, crabbed, cruel, unlovely, gruff, disagreeable, ill-tempered.
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